Journey Through the Marvel Universe Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 191 Everything is normal, everything is abnormal

While a new storm is gradually brewing in the streets of New York City, Sanfei is still very busy inside, and the aftermath of the Hydra incident is still spreading in circles.

It is not just SHIELD that is secretly infiltrated by Hydra. Identifying and eliminating these remaining snakeheads has become SHIELD's current top priority.

But that’s not Nick Fury’s first priority.

The director's office was dark, with only a faint light shining through the half-drawn blinds onto the floor, forming a faint ray of light. Several cold pizzas were piled on the desk, and the bright colors stood out in the dim room.

"Didi. Di. Di."

Fury was leaning in his chair, one hand lazily resting on the armrest of the chair, and the other on his head. The helmet on his head was emitting a faint blue light, and a small screen embedded in it was displaying complex data and information.

At first, everything seemed relatively calm, except for the flashing blue light on the helmet. However, as time passed, he began to feel an intense pain coming from within, like hundreds of needles pricking his brain.

Although no abnormalities were found in his memory, this may be a disguise, or a deeply implanted memory. He begins to wonder if there is some kind of distortion between his perceptions and reality, or if someone is manipulating his mind.

"I want to know the truth!" he said in a hoarse voice, even in extreme pain, he still refused to give up. Blurred images began to appear in his mind, and as the pain became more intense, those memories began to slowly become clearer.

Blood poured out of Fury's nostrils and ears, mixed with painful moans, and his whole body trembled as if he was being shocked by electricity. Despite this, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

The silence of the office was broken only by Fury's breathing and the faint sound of electronic equipment. This space is full of isolation and loneliness, as if it is a forgotten corner. Only cold technology and remaining food accompany the one-eyed man and isolate him from the outside world.

Fury rolled out of his chair and onto the floor. The moans and screams in his mouth had become indescribable, but he still climbed up with difficulty, grabbed a pen, and almost frantically wrote down the string of numbers and names.

Fury struggled to open his eyes and look around the office, now too weak to make his way to the infirmary on his own. He needs the help of someone he can trust.

Fury tried to understand the scene, but the pain made it almost impossible to concentrate. He felt that he had witnessed this scene before, but this memory was buried deep in his heart, as if out of some kind of fear, and it seemed that it was deliberately buried.

The one-eyed man took off his helmet and placed it on the table with a tired look. His eyes were blurred and empty, and there were still pizza crumbs at the corner of his mouth, making him look a little messy and sloppy.

Hearing this, the one-eyed man stretched out his hand to put on the helmet again without hesitation, and loudly ordered: "Maximum power mode!"

The results showed: everything was normal, and what was normal could no longer be normal.

The intelligent AI in the room responded in an instant: "Are you sure, Director? According to reliable data calculations, the maximum power mode of the memory extractor is very unstable. Doing so may have unpredictable effects on your physical and mental health. "

Suddenly, a string of numbers and names appeared in his mind, and he realized that these were the key. He thought desperately, trying to capture this information. The pain was still continuing, but he had to hurry up.

After a brief silence, the AI ​​responded in a voice without any emotion: "Yes, Director Fury, based on my analysis of your memory and data, there is indeed the possibility that your memory has been tampered with, but other than that, The probability is as low as "

Fury ignored the AI's warning. He needed to find the answer as soon as possible, and the memory extractor in maximum power mode might be the only way. "I'm sure! Execute my order!"

Following his order, the AI ​​stopped refuting, the helmet began to emit a more intense blue light, and the equipment hidden in the room began to hum. Fury closed his eyes and prepared for the process of memory retrieval, determined to uncover the mystery no matter the cost.

"Cancel the level 10 alert. Call Coulson and let him take me to the infirmary alone. He is the only one." Fury said weakly and tremblingly, and then fell to the ground, still holding on to his hand. Holding the blood-stained note.

His eyes instantly turned white, the corners of his mouth began to tremble, and the pain made him scream miserably. The entire room began to vibrate within sight, as if shaking with his pain. At this time, the blue light on the helmet suddenly turned into a dazzling red, like the flames of hell burning in his mind.

But 'normal' has become a sensitive word for Fury at this time. Everything that is too normal is the biggest abnormality.

His head was dizzy and his heartbeat was unusually fast. The process of retrieving memories over and over again almost tortured him until he could hardly breathe.


His hands were shaking, but this information was crucial and might be the key to solving the mystery. After barely finishing writing the numbers and names, Fury used his last strength to throw the helmet off his head with a muffled sound. , and then leaned against the wall weakly, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

A full day has passed since he stayed in the office and searched his memory repeatedly. During this day, he repeatedly recalled the time between when he was wearing diapers and when he met the man who claimed to be from the future the day before yesterday. All memories were searched several times.

His attention was drawn to the center of the room. From the corner of his eye in his memory, he could vaguely glimpse something particularly important but vague. It was eerie to be soaked in the light blue liquid.


The blue light emitted by the helmet on the table gradually became more dazzling in his eyes, as if it was warning something.

It was a dark basement with a heavy smell of dampness surrounding it. A faint light came from nowhere and fell on the ground, outlining vague shadows.

After being silent for a long time, he said: "Computer, is it possible that my memory has been tampered with?"

The moment before his consciousness gradually disappeared, he saw the closed office door open automatically, and the face-faced agent with a dangerous hairline hurriedly ran in, reaching out his hand to try to help him.

"Get rid of irrelevant personnel. Don't let anyone see what I have on my hands." After spitting out the last few words, the one-eyed man completely passed out.

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