Journey Through the Marvel Universe Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 101 Lightning Thompson (please order first)

Before he finished speaking, he saw the disguised Venom pulling the 'trigger'. However, after he moved his index finger several times, he realized that his hand was empty and he became a little confused.


The white eye sockets moved, and he subconsciously raised his head to look around. In front of him, he had a panoramic view of the golden-red Hulkbuster mecha, a space the size of half a football field, and the glass room.

This was not a war-torn battlefield. He tried to recall what had just happened, but he could only find some fragmented fragments.

A minute ago, the anti-hero team he joined: the Ring Four were suddenly attacked. Among them, the female Ghost Rider was magically exiled on the spot, and she did not know whether she was alive or dead.

Wolverine's daughter X23 was blown into a pile of rotten flesh at almost the same moment and was dying. Fortunately, she saved her life because of her self-healing factor.

Flash, who only reacted at this time, immediately ordered General Ross, who had turned into the Red Hulk, to retreat with X23, and he stayed behind to take the rear. And after that... after that? What happened next?

He couldn't help but hold his head.

"Forty years ago, there was a war." Venom's voice was low and plaintive, and it told everything.

Memories and truth are intertwined at this moment, causing Flash's thoughts to fall into chaos. He doesn't know how to face all this, nor where he should go.

As soon as the black liquid thing said a word, it turned to look at Bai Ye. It really couldn't bear to tell the truth directly, but Bai Ye shook its head and signaled it to tell the truth on its own.

However, when the genetic samples he had retained during his lifetime were re-absorbed by the venom, he was able to briefly return to the human world.

He was a star quarterback at Midtown High School, where his speed on the field earned him the lifelong nickname "Lightning." This earned him enough popularity and respect, but he was still jealous of Peter's nerdy intelligence.

The black face of "Flash" shook and his mouth opened slightly, as if he didn't know what to say.

He repeated stammeringly, with disbelief and fear in his voice. He raised his trembling hands and unconsciously touched his face and body, trying to confirm whether he was still alive.

Maybe Iron Man and the Avengers have already taken people to solve this matter? He fell into a coma and was rescued? Flash thought a little lightheartedly.

He felt as if he had fallen into a strange dream. Venom hadn't spoken to him like this for a long time. They usually communicated directly through neural links, which was more convenient.

And it seems a little strange, he can't feel his symbiote in his body.

But now he is just a shadow, an afterimage from the past.

At this moment, it seemed to have found a long-lost part of itself, becoming a flesh-and-blood individual, not just a symbiote.

The symbiote actually has some kind of hive consciousness network. The consciousness of each host will be uploaded to the cloud at some point, and due to being combined with Venom for many years, he can roam freely in it, but cannot affect any symbiote. Or the real world.

Its eyes flashed with complex emotions, as if it was trying to find the right words to express.

When Peter and Flash became classmates again at the State University of New York, they reconciled with Gwen's help and eventually became friends.

"Who are you?" Agent Venom's eyes widened instantly.

After listening to Venom's story, Flash slowly slid to the corner and trembled slightly.

Such a horrific attack was definitely not something they could solve. He wanted Red Hulk to notify the Avengers, but his consciousness fell into chaos in the next second.

He remembered several buildings collapsing around him, streets burning, and countless screams coming from around him.

To be honest, he always thought that he could make Venom a little kinder, well, probably a little bit.

Flash Thompson, Agent Venom, and Spider-Man Peter Parker were high school classmates.

He then joined the army twice. During this period, Gwen died from the Green Goblin. He took the time to attend the funeral and express sympathy for Peter. After that, he joined the army for the second time. During the war, both legs were amputated and he eventually sat down. Got into a wheelchair.

The sound of mechanical bearings operating sounded, and the Hulkbuster mecha's helmet slowly opened, revealing Bai Ye's face. He smiled at the dazed Venom agent: "Hello, Lightning."

Ironically, although public opinion hates Spider-Man, Flash has become a loyal fan of him. He even formed a Spider-Man fan club in high school and invited everyone except Peter Parker. people join.

He closed his eyes, or what he thought were his 'eyes', trying to calm the turmoil inside him.

"So, you have been eating people for the past forty years? Or possessing various monsters?" Flash looked at the Venom head that was still floating in front of him, and his words seemed to be full of disappointment.

A ball of black liquid emerged from the Venom agent's shoulder, forming a blurry face. This face seemed to have a trace of sadness, and the corners of the pale eyes were curved downward.


"Venom? What's wrong, buddy?" Flash asked suspiciously, looking at the black face in front of him.


You just know how to read, what's so great about it?

With this idea in mind, Flash Thompson bullied Peter all the time in high school.

Flash's mouth opened slightly when he heard Venom's words, but no sound came out.

Including how the heroes fell, how he survived the past forty years, and finally talked about how Bai Ye brought it here from the canyon.

After experiencing a long period of depression and rehabilitation training, he was approached by the U.S. military, which was based on waste utilization, and participated in the symbiote super soldier program, eventually becoming a unique Venom agent.

All the memories came to his mind. Flash slowly took a step forward. Seeing that the huge Hulkbuster mecha was not attacking, he asked tentatively: "Stark?"

In the darkness of the corner, he quietly looked back on his past, recalling past battles, comrades and enemies, as well as the war years that were unbearable to look back on and left him disabled.

The black liquid was slightly churning, as if there was a sadness spreading inside, but soon, it raised its eyes and looked at Flash: "You are dead."

And when James from the Daily Bugle sent reporters to interview people about why Spider-Man was annoying, Flash blasted away the reporters.

It brings back memories of Flash's past joys and sorrows. Those past relationships, dreams and hopes all come to mind.

Venom nodded slowly, its black liquid face expressionless, only its pale eyes flashing with complex emotions.

Flash's brief return brought a heavy burden to it, and the guilt after cannibalism that had not appeared for decades came back to its heart, making it realize how bad its behavior had been in the past forty years. cruel.

There is one more update, in Ma Li, in Ma Li

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