Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 792: The Last Madness of Humanity

The collapse of time caused panic to sweep the entire human world.

All human beings, faced with the state that they are gradually disappearing, collapsed. The social order that humans worked so hard to build collapsed in an instant. In everyone's heart, the other side called 'beast nature' has completely broken free from the shackles. The cage established by human factors such as knowledge, three views, and laws has completely collapsed. Furthermore, in the hearts of every human being, the dark side that has been suppressed for an unknown amount of time is completely and unscrupulously released.

Chaos arose from this, and many things that human beings only dared to imagine in the bottom of their hearts before, but did not dare to put them into action, appeared. They vented unscrupulously, vandalized, looted and burned, raped and other things that challenged the initial bottom line of human nature and the bottom line of the law, appeared one after another. No one will pay attention to them at this time, and no one will care about them anymore. All people, facing the moment when all human beings are gradually disappearing, become unscrupulous, which makes people who are familiar with each other feel terrible.

The government has lost its role at this moment, and the army and police have become decorations. What's more, these special professions with weapons are more vicious than those civilians. They put on the cloak of "civilization and order" law enforcement, and in the past relied on the government, the duties entrusted by the law, and acted a little unscrupulously. But now, the end of the world is approaching, facing the special moment when all human beings are gradually disappearing, these special people are relying on the weapons in their hands and the responsibilities that have long been removed from their shoulders. Everyone wanted to desperately vent the dissatisfaction accumulated in their hearts for a long time due to various reasons.

Placed in a certain area, such people appear to be very few, but placed in the general environment of all mankind, such a situation and the number of people become extremely large and terrifying.

Of course, the crazier ones are ordinary people, or in other words, there is a crazy beast imprisoned in the bottom of everyone's heart. In the past, this crazy beast has been restrained for various reasons. Now, at a time when civilization is collapsing and ethnic groups are disappearing, the cages that restrain the beasts are broken. The beast that was struggling to get out of trouble rushed out frantically. The dissatisfaction accumulated in the past due to various reasons, or the emotions accumulated in the process of job hunting, life, or interpersonal communication, are all magnified thousands of times under the background of the collapse of the general environment!

Especially, when the people around them are also doing this kind of violence, they panic at first, and then their hearts are replaced by excitement. Bullying is better than being bullied. All people have such a mentality. They abused everyone, abused the weak, watched others at their feet, cried bitterly and even died. Pity, completely disappeared, replaced by excitement and madness.

The ugliest side of human nature has been completely released.

Many people simply cannot imagine how the neighbors who were so polite and even helpful in the past could become so scary overnight?

However, after experiencing a round of bullying, these bullied people also released the beast in their hearts. Joining their ranks, they killed people recklessly, and some even piled heads together to make Jingguan. Burn down buildings, rob banks, and commit rape.

A series of human tragedies turned the whole world into a purgatory.

For the first time, human beings face their own ugliness and animal nature directly. As a result, nature is more shocking than frightening. More and more people were involved, and in less than an hour, nearly 100 million people died of artificial causes! Before that, there were countless suicides, and no one could face the situation that they were constantly disappearing.

Although the human government is trying its best to appease, the effect is very little, and it still had some effect at the beginning. But the government's appeasement turns out to be a complete joke when they witness cities disappearing and extinct flora and fauna reappearing. Except for the homicides in various places, there are more suicides, suicides caused by various reasons.

In just a few hours, many of the urban agglomerations that human beings are proud of disappeared. In the city itself, the situation of constant virtualization is becoming more and more serious. Even, some people have begun to disappear alive.

The ugliness and chaos of human beings also stunned a group of alien life forms living on the earth. They couldn't imagine that a few hours ago, the entire human society was in order. People do the same and different things for various reasons, but everyone has only one goal, to live a better life for themselves.

However, what happened in a few hours completely overturned his own cognition. With their way of thinking and acting, it is impossible to figure out all this. Only now do they understand, all the while feeling that they understand humans, their primordial yet limitless possibilities. However, until this moment, they clearly knew that they had never understood human beings. It is true that they are very primitive and have unlimited potential, but their tendency to self-destruct is also very serious, and even their psychology of killing their own kind is stronger than any other race.

The mechanical life form from Cybertron saw the scene of human beings killing each other right under their own eyelids, and was more insane than any other race in the universe.

Wars exist throughout the universe, and so do civil wars. However, no civilization is crazier than humans at the moment of cannibalism. They are incomparably crazy. Although they have their own factors of facing destruction, they tend to tend to various unbalanced hearts. Therefore, their madness looks to the point where aliens are also scared.

"Let us witness the last madness of mankind!"

The shackles of the Fallen King Kong have long been untied by Megatron. At this moment, these two powerful Cybertronians are quietly standing aside, admiring the chaos and madness of human beings. They did not engage in any aggressive behavior, nor did they join in, but enjoyed the chaos and madness of human beings as if they were watching a good show.

"Megatron, well done!" The Fallen King Kong has already learned the whole story of what happened from Megatron. As for the self-disappearance phenomenon of all human beings caused by the anti-deflection technology, he is very clear that it must be a good thing done by the descendants who do not know the specific time. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain clearly the state of all human beings at this moment.

Although Megatron didn't know the reason, he could roughly guess that it must be his descendants, some of the Decepticon's descendants had done an earth-shattering event. This impact and consequences are enough to completely and completely wipe out all human beings, otherwise, it is impossible to explain clearly how this big scene affecting all human beings around the world came about.

He was full of ambition at the moment, and smiled at those human beings whose bodies appeared and disappeared in his eyes. A few hours ago, he was forced to assist these humans, decipher the source of the fire, and assist them in the study of the Fallen King Kong. Present the secrets of their clan unreservedly in the eyes of human beings, and serve human beings humiliatingly.

But now, humans are disappearing, and those materials will also disappear with humans. Both the fire source and the matrix will return to Cybertron once again.

No one will remember their humiliating moment, and no one will remember that in the universe, there used to be a race of humans. Because the self-correction caused by the collapse of time will completely erase all traces of human beings in the long river of time. The relevant memories and traces will all disappear, no matter how deep and hidden the relevant memories, records and traces are hidden. All will be completely disappeared under the power of time, even memory is no exception.

Humans are about to disappear! (Tianjin Novel Network)

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