Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 788: America and the Source of Fire

"I feel that now, I am getting closer and closer to the source of fire."

This is the earth in the prehistoric era. Megatron led a group of primitive beasts, and they are doing their best to find the source of fire that fell on the earth. In Megatron's cognition, the primitive human beings had already been destroyed in the canyon by him. Because the future human beings will walk out of the canyon. But now, the canyon that breeds future humans has been destroyed by him, so humans will no longer appear. Perhaps, this is what he thinks, or it is because of other reasons.

Anyway, Megatron's eyes were diverted from the humans, and he was now looking elsewhere.

For example: the source of fire!

It has strong energy, can create life and everything, it is the treasure of Cybertron! However, due to millions of years of civil war, the fire source was lost in the vast universe. Whether it is the Autobots or the Decepticons, they have searched the galaxy to find the source of the fire, but they found nothing until they got the news of the fire source on the earth. This made the two factions on both sides ecstatic. However, at the moment they got the fire source, an accident happened.

A powerful enemy suddenly appeared, and with irresistible power, took the fire source away from them. Their powerful bodies and strength have no effect at all. Their proud technology and weapons did not turn the situation around for them. Afterwards, the two factions reached a consensus goal, but the failure of the Fallen King Kong pushed this situation to an extreme situation again.

It was in this situation that Megatron of the first generation made a living with the plan of "curve to save the country". Anti-deflection technology is also produced in this situation.

By traveling through time and space and going back in time, all dangers are wiped out at the weakest moment. In this way, to change the tragic future, Megatron of the first generation gave this belief to his descendants to complete. For this reason, the original beast team did not hesitate to violate the laws of Cybertron and stole the gold plate that recorded human data. And they stole a hyperspace spaceship, and they went back to the past time with the "noble" ideal of changing the future, so as to change their and the fate of the ethnic group.

However, accidents always occur.

The prehistoric earth was not as they imagined, allowing them to run amok unscrupulously.

The powerful crystalline energy bodies throughout the week will interfere with them and cause permanent damage to their mechanical bodies. Limiting their powerful force, at the same time, they also discovered that they were not the only outsiders on this strange planet.

It turned out that this planet had already become a testing ground for another powerful race.

Walker's proving ground!

This technological strength is not inferior to their alien race, and they use this primitive planet as their experimental base. And, they deployed weapons in outer space. That is, two moons around this protoplanet. One of them is the space weapon of Walker Starman! What they are doing here, what kind of experiments they are doing, no one knows. Although the Big Mac destroyed the alien weapons, it also triggered a quantum flow that spread to a very wide range.

The second evolution of metal variants also began.

The war is escalating again!

Afterwards, Megatron discovered the canyon where primitive humans lived, and relied on the records of the gold plate to find it. And thinking of killing the canyon and destroying the canyon, so as to completely and permanently cut off the emergence of human beings. The canyon, destroyed before their eyes, was consumed by fire. Although the stop of the dinosaur warriors gave the primitive humans time to escape, but this still can't change anything in Megatron's eyes. He is very dependent on the gold plate, relying on the content and information recorded on it. Because, the information recorded above shows that future human beings will walk out of the canyon, and now that he destroyed the canyon, it also means that human beings no longer exist.

Even if the gold plate is destroyed, it is nothing.

However, what puzzled him was that he didn't feel anything unusual. It makes him wonder if humanity is finished,

Or... This terrible idea once appeared in his mind. This made him very terrified. The information recorded in his fire seed and the figure shrouded in black robe made him extremely terrified. Not only him, even all the Cybertronians were extremely afraid of that figure. When their ancestors faced him, they were powerless in fear and could not resist at all. This kind of belief and information was also passed on to their descendants.

Therefore, Megatron is often afraid of this kind of thing, even though he seems to be very calm now, but who can know his thoughts? For this reason, he always felt that he should do something again, something on this primitive planet, so as to completely change the future. Therefore, looking for America, looking for the source of fire, is also on his plan. Because, if he can successfully find the fire source on this primitive planet and bring it back to Cybertron, it means that the future has been changed. The source of fire will remain in Cybertron, and it will not be discovered by the human country, the United States, in a few million years, and then fall into the hands of another terrifying human.

With this huge thought and plan in mind, for a long time, Megatron, in addition to continuing to compete with the giants for the balance warehouse, only ordered his subordinates to search for traces of the American continent of later generations with all their strength. Because, in the prehistoric earth period four million years ago, all the continental maps are fundamentally different from their future shapes. There are even some lands that are still on the bottom of the sea and have not even been disconnected from the mainland.

However, he was very sure that the American continent existed.

Such a huge continental plate, in the current time period, it is impossible to stay on the bottom of the sea. Then, they only need to find the American continent from the existing territory, at least the embryonic form of the later American continent. Then, finding the source of the fire that fell in Nevada is only a matter of time.

Now, Megatron felt that he was very close to the source of the fire seed! He could already feel the source of the fire seed, that different and powerful energy breath, like a lighthouse in the dark night, attracted all his eyes and attention. It seems to be the season when the flowers are in full bloom. The source of fire exudes bursts of 'sweet' breath, attracting a group of 'bees' from afar to inform these people from afar of its location and its orientation.

"Original beasts, go forward, the source of fire is coming soon!"

At this moment, Megatron couldn't hold back his emotions at all, he raised his arms and shouted. The primitive beasts responded to his slogan and leadership, followed behind him, and walked towards the target point. After they climbed several hills in a row, they saw an energy body that they had never seen with their own eyes in their whole life, but only seen in the materials.

Treasure of Cybertron!

"Fire Seed Source!!!"

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