Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 784: A history that cannot be changed no matter what

Although the dinosaur successfully defeated Megatron's plot at the cost of his own life. However, all this is far from over, this is just the beginning!

However, it was also after that time that the primitive humans who had lived in the canyon for generations migrated away from the canyon. Compared with the semi-enclosed canyon, the outside world is undoubtedly wider. Although Megatron destroyed the canyon, what should have happened will still happen, and what should not have happened will not be changed no matter how much you interfere.

For example, human beings.

In fact, Megatron's actions could not prevent the emergence of humans at all, and he alone, with his tiny powers, could not interfere with a species that was destined to emerge. Unless, he has the power to destroy everything at once, directly erasing the earth. However, in that case, certain existences will inevitably be affected.

Because of his actions, primitive humans walked out of the canyon many years earlier and came to a wider world. And because of the relationship between dinosaur warriors, primitive humans learned stone tools in advance, and imitated the scene where dinosaur warriors attacked Megatron with stone axes. Even though the stone tools are so rough, the scene that the stone tools can protect themselves and their clansmen is deeply rooted in the hearts of primitive humans. The difference has begun, and changes have also appeared.

The original ignorant and ignorant primitive human beings changed, and a seed or light called wisdom began to be born, although it was so weak and small. But in its nascent state, like a ray of light, it rises. Even though it is weak, it has unlimited potential at this moment.

Whether it was the prehistoric Earth four million years ago, or the Earth four million years later.

After the unexpected arrival of a group of outsiders, their appearance cannot leave their own traces here, instead of some established trajectory or destiny. On the contrary, because of the appearance of this group of outsiders, variables have arisen. It's as if primitive humans walked the canyon and mastered stone tools many years in advance.

At the same time, in the eyes of their descendants, that is, modern humans, the time period when primitive humans really gave birth to wisdom is an insoluble puzzle. However, no matter how they think about it, they would never think that their ancestors transformed their original ancestors because of the patronage of a group of unexpected visitors. Therefore, the germination and evolution of their wisdom is accelerated. Human beings, although so far, still have thick hair on their bodies and have not lost their bestiality. In the past, they could not be called intelligent life, they could only be regarded as beasts. However, when that thing called wisdom quietly appeared, human beings would also be born naturally, but the time and process were much earlier.

Megatron wanted to stop the emergence of human beings painstakingly. He thought that he could completely prevent the emergence of human beings by relying on the records on the gold plate. Unfortunately, he underestimated fate and overestimated himself.

Not only did human beings not disappear because of him, but human wisdom began to germinate ahead of time because of their intervention.

This move saves the accumulation of human beings who do not know how many years. Because of him and the dinosaur warriors, human wisdom began to germinate, perhaps on the original fork. The enlightenment of human wisdom may be due to the Walker people who regard this place as a testing ground, which has led to enlightenment and great strides in the development of human wisdom. However, when they, the Cybertronians from the future, came to the prehistoric earth, they replaced the interference of the mysterious existence unknown to history, and made human beings germinate wisdom in advance.

In the final analysis, it is as if modern humans cannot know the time period when their humans were born with wisdom. And for some reason, the process of primitive human beings that should have continued to accumulate for a long time was accelerated in advance. All of this cannot be shown in human DNA. Because there is no relevant 'record' or 'accumulation' in the DNA of human beings, because all these happened suddenly. History returns to its original point at this moment.

History has not changed greatly because of the intervention of one or two people.

However, Megatron didn't know all this, and he didn't know that his behavior would cause humans to appear in advance. If, when they came here, they just kept fighting with giants or doing other things, then the emergence of human beings might have different results. For example, after several million years or tens of millions of years of accumulation, wisdom will naturally be born. Then, at that time, the emergence of human beings and the birth of modern human beings will be different from before.

It's just that Megatron's cleverness was misunderstood by his cleverness. He believed too much in the power of the gold plate! He thought he could reverse the future and change everything by relying on the information and records left by the first Megatron on the gold plate. He thought that destroying the canyon and killing primitive humans by the way would prevent the emergence of humans. However, what is his personal strength in front of a planet, in front of the big universe?

The ancient power in the dark will naturally restore everything. Let time return to the right track, so that what should have appeared will appear. On the contrary, because of his arrogance and self-righteousness, the enemy he wanted to destroy appeared in advance.

However, Megatron didn't know all this, if he knew, I really don't know what kind of expression he would have.

Primitive beasts don't know all of this, and similarly, giants don't know all of this. The dinosaur warrior was sacrificed. In order to protect a group of ignorant and unarmed primitive humans, he exhausted his strength, and the fire returned to the leadership module. All doubts and distrusts about him, facing the selflessness of the dinosaur warrior, let everyone see the noble character hidden in his fire. Human beings, at the moment when the dinosaur warrior died, he believed that he saved the human race and the fate of this race that will shine brilliantly in the universe in the future. Although it failed to keep the canyon and 'rewrote' history, it was simply insignificant in front of a race that was destined to appear.

Although, according to modern human speculation, primitive humans did appear in a canyon. But how is it possible for modern humans to have the power to know what happened four million years ago? They study themselves desperately, want to crack their secrets, and pursue their origin, where they come from.

However, their method is only to know that their primitive and ancient ancestors suddenly produced wisdom within a certain period of time. However, for what reason was born wisdom, they know nothing. They also dare not imagine, though, that their own birth is intensified by an unexpected visit from a group of aliens who want to prevent their emergence and exterminate their ancient ancestors.

Perhaps, in this prehistoric earth four million years ago, which has changed and remained unchanged, this is the only truth of why the ancestors of mankind suddenly gave birth to wisdom!

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