Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 782: The Canyon in the Catastrophe

"Now, according to Jinpan's records, human beings will appear from the canyon in front of us, human beings..." He kept fiddling with his body movements, strengthening his confidence in his words and some unknown reasons, "Who is there?" Can you imagine that in this group of people who are so barbaric and have no concept of civilization, there will be an extremely terrifying person in the future?" He said: "In the future, among human beings, there will be human beings with special abilities. And one of them, his figure enveloped the earth, even...the universe!"

He looked at the canyon below and the primitive humans, "And how could they have imagined that after millions of years, their descendants would appear, a very remarkable and very frightening descendant?" ?” He looked up at the sky, “Yes, that human being is terrifying! Even our ancestors who are far stronger than us, or even ancestors from a longer period, have no ability to resist that human being. Our planet The treasures left over from ancient times were also taken away by that human being. He also enslaved us, treated us as slaves, and drove our ancestors at will." There was inevitably fear in his tone. (The hypothesis that human beings originated from Africa was self-defeating after the discovery of the ancient human "Xuchang people" in China. In the article, this hypothesis is temporarily quoted, and perhaps I can define this setting as the white and black people in my book. Ancestors. And we Chinese are self-contained. Anyway, I don’t agree with the African origin hypothesis! QTMD!)

"You seem to be terrified!" Cyclonus said with a strong sense of sarcasm. However, Megatron did not take it seriously, "Maybe it was in the past, but now..." He clenched his fists tightly, "The future will change, history will be rewritten, and after today, human beings will be completely and forever. Disappear! From now on, there will be no human beings, no!"

"And the history of Cybertron will also be rewritten. After rewriting, I, the new Megatron, will be famous throughout the universe! It is me who fulfilled the last wish of my ancestors. It is me who rewritten all of this. It is also me, History has been changed, the StarCraft war is over! The future will also change, human beings no longer exist!!!”

With the members of the Primal Beast Squad assembled, Megatron stood frantically above the valley, laughing. There was joy and relief in his laughter, but from his laughter, there was no trace of imperceptible fear!

"Everyone, my friends, companions, and subordinates." He looked at the members of the original beast team gathered around him, "You will witness history today, and you will also be thoroughly recorded in history today! Let future generations look up at our heroic deeds today, because we... have changed history!"

"Now, fire." He pointed to the canyon below, "Destroy this place, completely destroy this place, kill all humans. In the future, humans will not appear again. Hahahaha!"


"Dinosaurs called chimpanzees, dinosaurs called chimpanzees, something is wrong...Ah!"

The tarantula, who succeeded in the sneak attack, looked at the dinosaur with a smirk on his face, holding a gun in his hand,

Looking at the fallen dinosaur, "Never let your back be left to the enemy!"

"I'm a chimpanzee, what happened to the dinosaurs?"

"But, they have no brains!" The dinosaur's red eyes instantly turned green, and then two laser beams appeared from his eyes, and blasted on the rock wall behind the tarantula. The artillery fire then destroyed the rock face, and the tarantula was crushed on top of him by the collapsing stones, immobilizing him.

After the tarantula is dealt with, the dinosaurs have time to report the situation to the chimpanzee in the Issaron, "Chimp, something is wrong... Megatron, he discovered the canyon where humans live, and is attacking!"

"What!!!" The chimpanzee on the side of the Essaron obviously didn't expect this situation, since it landed here. Not only Megatron's Dark Field is trying its best to collect information on this planet, even the Essaron led by the chimpanzee is also trying its best to collect all the information here. It wasn't until recently that they were sure that this was the prehistoric Earth four million years ago. However, because no human reason was found, neither of them actually dared to be sure.

Until Megatron discovered the canyon and the human beings living in the canyon, the identity of the prehistoric earth was completely answered!

"Dinosaurs hold on, we will rush to your support in a moment!" Not only the chimpanzee, but even the other members of the Essarron also had worried expressions on their faces. They know very well what the emergence of human beings means, and they also know better what the future will look like once human beings are wiped out. Although they don't know very well, they don't think that the future is good. Therefore, although there will be both allies and hostile relationships between them and humans in the future. However, in the face of life that has nothing to do with them, they can’t bear to hurt or even put down their weapons (in the episode of White Tiger, Megatron threatened the chimpanzees and ordered them to put down their weapons and give up resistance with a few white tigers. They did so!) In the same way, facing a group of primitive humans who have no civilization but only instinct, they can't do the same thing as Megatron, let alone ignore them. Therefore, following the order of the chimpanzee, all members of the Essarron left the base and rushed towards the coordinates sent by the dinosaur.


The peaceful canyon, the canyon full of vitality, is now shrouded in death and flames. In the face of the primitive beasts who fired wildly and attacked, the human beings who were still in the primitive stage were completely powerless to resist. Although they are stronger than their own descendants, they have no effect at all in the face of metal variants and thermal weapons.

All of this is still beyond their comprehension with their current wisdom, let alone imagine and explain it all. Facing the flames and loud noises, they only had instincts, they chose to run away in fear, and chose to hide!

However, what they are facing is a group of mechanical life forms from alien planets, and their thoughts do not have too complicated emotions, nor the so-called kindness, or even pity. They are just afraid, afraid of the future human beings, perhaps a terrifying figure in the future. Now, they have come to the earth four million years ago, and the fear in their hearts has a channel to vent. I want, in this way, to vent the fear in my heart, especially what my ancestors suffered back then. Then, all of this, the anger and fear that had been brewing for four million years, were all thrown on the primitive humans in front of them.

"Hahaha, that's it, that's it, human beings no longer exist!" Megatron fired gunfire continuously, turning the peaceful canyon into a hell on earth.

"I don't think so!"

"En?" Megatron turned his head and saw the dinosaur shrouded in shadow, "Traitor, don't forget that your kindling belongs to the primordial beast. What I do today is to complete the task assigned by my ancestors .Now, I will give you another chance, come back to me, and I can let you go!"

"Perhaps you are right..."

Megatron said happily, "That's right, dinosaur..."

"But..." the latter raised his head, and his face became firmer than ever before, "A real warrior, a real warrior, should wash away the shame of his ancestors. Attack the real enemy, defeat him, and beat him upright, so as to wash away the shame of his ancestors." The shame of the ancestors. Instead of..." He looked at those primitive humans who were fleeing in embarrassment, even trembling in fear, "point the gun at a group of unarmed and unintelligent primitive humans. If you really want To wash away the shame of our ancestors, we should challenge the real enemy!"



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