Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 735: Resettlement and Status Quo

This is an extremely huge world, which is surrounded by a layer of translucent crystal walls emitting endless light, and outside this world is a primitive universe that is still in a barbaric period!

And between the world and the original universe, they are separated by a layer of colorful beams of light. This world, which looks flat, is surrounded by endless white light. In its interior, there is an infinitely wide sea, and in a corner of the sea, there are more than a dozen pieces of land of different sizes. And in each land and sea, there are countless islands of different sizes. In the future, a piece of land with an area of ​​only tens of thousands of square kilometers will come here, and will settle down here in the future.

When the island containing hundreds of thousands of lives in Narnia is safely located in a vast sea area, hundreds of thousands of Narnia lives have not yet completely woken up from the shock. They looked at this new world with each other. Although they were still in the land of Narnia at the moment, they also knew that they had come to a new world. Everything here is strange to them.

"This sea area and the surrounding islands will become your new place to live and thrive in the future!" Jiang Ning waved his hand, and a water curtain appeared out of thin air, clearly reflecting the land they were standing on and the surrounding environment in the water curtain . The eyes of the people of Narnia looked at the water curtain, and they saw islands of different sizes scattered around their land, and these islands were scattered like stars in the vast sea. Among them, some are big and some are small, but there are enough of them to survive. Moreover, they also saw that there were all kinds of fruits and grains growing gratifyingly on those islands, and an astonishing number of fish lived in those rivers and sea areas. This is a rich world, and their location is also a rich environment.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Every Narnian pays the most sublime courtesy to the King of old who has redeemed himself and accepted him. They also couldn't imagine that apart from etiquette, there was nothing else that could please the king in front of them.

Jiang Ning doesn't care about this. What he wants is to enrich his world, not only the species but also the diversification of resources. Enrich his own world and grow him at the same time, and when the world becomes stronger, he will return his long-term "investment" to bring him substantial benefits. However, there is one more problem to be solved right now.

"I need to allocate land for you. You once hated each other and fought to the death. There will be no fights at this time. But after a long time, it will inevitably not happen. Everyone came to my country by narrow escape. Therefore, I am here to redistribute your new lands!"

After hearing Jiang Ning's words, the people of Narnia expressed that they would obey his orders and would never engage in private fighting. Jiang Ning didn't say anything, and then he began to allocate land for these different ethnic groups on his own. Among them, he assigned mermaids and water goddesses to a scattered archipelago, stipulating that this is their kingdom and living place. Afterwards, he assigned the giants to a larger archipelago as their land. Afterwards, flying creatures such as griffins were allocated to a large island with a high altitude. Other lives were migrated in one after another.

Then, he threw the seeds from the world of Narnia into the sky, and with the help of the wind, these seeds fell on the vast sea of ​​the Broken Isles, and finally settled down. After doing this, Jiang Ning's figure left here. After that, the Narnia people began to survive and multiply on the land they got, and established cities and established their own country. Respect Jiang Ning as their god! And began to communicate with other races from Narnia. According to the land allocated by Jiang Ning, it became a "land given by God" in their minds, and in the days that followed, they established busy sea trade routes with each other. . Every race has developed various civilization achievements in the future history.

After Jiang Ning settled the Narnia people,

Then he left the broken archipelago sea area. Then, he came to the sea surrounded by several continents. In this sea area, there are also islands of different sizes. On one of the large islands with an area of ​​more than 200,000 square kilometers, there is a warlock country. The owner of this country is a group of warlocks. They have formed a magician council to maintain the country's operation and stable development. Under the rule of more than 500,000 human beings, and established a college to develop the warlock group, select children with warlock talents from among the common people, and train them into warlocks to strengthen their group. So that they warlocks can always control their country.

They have been scorned and treated unfairly by human nations, so when this group of warlocks got their wish, they had a country under their own control. In order to avoid this kind of unfair treatment from the warlock group again, they formulated strict policies and means to maintain their own rule, so that this country will always be in their hands. Or, this is not correct. To be precise, this country is controlled by warlocks, rather it is controlled by professionals!

Whether it is a warlock, a druid, or a witcher, they are all members of the ruler of this country. After warlocks and druids successively established academies to train their own personnel, witchers also established a new Kaer Morhen. Like warlocks and druids, they select apprentices from among the common people and bring them back to the academy to teach them. Although this country has a small population, there are still many monsters of the old world scattered and entrenched in various places in this vast sea area and scattered islands. These monsters who came here from the old world multiplied quickly in a large and vast land.

Their numbers are increasing, so that the rulers of this Warlock Kingdom have a headache every day on how to deal with these monsters. Even, the extremely fast-growing monsters once formed a wave of monsters, attacking various cities. Therefore, they maintain a standing elite army of 10,000 people all the year round, together with the cooperation of occupations and demon hunters stationed in various places, they constantly encircle and suppress these disgusting monsters. Although the situation is difficult and dangerous, this has not extinguished the fire of power desire after the professionals took power. On the contrary, this flame and desire to grasp power and be obsessed with power has become more vigorous under the impact of the tide of monsters!

However, the professionals who control the country are not always entangled with these monsters. They also developed a very developed and prosperous maritime trade. They opened up sea routes in their own sea areas, trying to communicate and trade with other continents and human countries there. They even tried to find the rumored high elf continent, communicate and trade with those apparently high-class aristocratic groups in this world, and even learn the knowledge and technology of the high elves.

However, repeated searches always failed. They didn't know the continent of the high elves, and they couldn't find it. Only the high elves came to their country for trade in their white ships, and they could not go to the land of the high elves. Because they knew that the land of the high elves was covered by an invisible barrier, and unless they removed the barrier, they would not be able to find it in their entire lives. However, the trade and communication with the high elves still allowed them to obtain a richer variety of goods from the high elves, and they continued to pursue them. And their knowledge and civilization have also developed by leaps and bounds in the communication with the high elves. Such a result is delightful!

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