Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 728: Darkness, Sun and Sea

The Green Witch is very interested in this uninvited visitor from the surface, but the shock hidden in her heart is also extremely strong. Although she also has extraordinary power, she is still unable to fly in the flesh. However, when a person who can fly with the body comes to the underground world, the Green Witch is full of vigilance towards Jiang Ning.

"I don't know how long it has been since there were no visitors from the surface. You are very welcome." The Green Witch didn't know the purpose of the mysterious visitor from the surface, but she didn't show the slightest panic on her face, instead she talked calmly.

"I heard that there is an old man sleeping in the ground, I need to know where he is."

The green witch's expression changed, she naturally knew the existence of the sleeping old man, but she was worried about what the stranger was doing to the old man. "What are you looking for this old man for?"

"You don't need to know this, you just need to tell me where he is."

The Green Witch's face was slightly angry. She ruled the underground kingdom for many years, and it was the first time someone disrespected her like this. However, she also knew that this guy from the surface was not something she could deal with. Besides, she didn't know him either. Therefore, she said: "This old man, sleeping in a mysterious place, you need to cross the dark sea, but it is not easy, because there are many powerful monsters guarding it."

After getting the information he wanted, Jiang Ning immediately flew towards the sea of ​​the underground world. From the beginning to the end, he didn't want to have any communication with this witch. If it wasn't for asking directions, he wouldn't even stay at all. I don't know what happened to the two fragments, since the two fragments merged into one, they only resonated once. And because of that resonance, he was brought to Narnia again. Apart from that, the fragments remained silent. Even after coming to this underground world, the fragments did not respond at all. No matter how Jiang Ning tried, the fragments still did not respond at all, which made him helpless.

"Damn it, this damned guy!" After Jiang Ning left, the Green Witch scolded angrily. It was the first time that the powerful queen was so ignored by others, so disrespectful. The witch in rage, cast magic, and instantly turned the guards and maids into green vines, lingering and climbing on the bricks and stones of the castle. She would not tolerate these people continuing to live so that they would watch her joke behind her back. After finishing them off, the witch in rage started her dark reign again, venting her anger on the innocent residents.

And Jiang Ning knew nothing about all this, he flew in the sky at an altitude of several thousand meters, heading straight for the sea of ​​darkness. Everything in the underground world passed quickly in his eyes, and Jiang Ning just observed it briefly, and then his speed accelerated again. And as he continued to approach the sea of ​​darkness, the surrounding light gradually dimmed, and finally turned into a pitch-black environment.

The dense darkness is like ink, like a black hole, swallowing all light. Except for the undulating sound of the sea and the occasional sea breeze with the smell of the sea, the other scenes are completely shrouded in boundless darkness. Even Jiang Ning,

Everything in sight was shrouded in darkness.

This is, the dark sea.

Jiang Ning, who was in the darkness of the sea that swallowed all the light, didn't know which direction he should fly from. This piece of sea is very vast, and the four sides are shrouded in darkness, and it is impossible to distinguish the direction. Here, too, the concept of direction seems to be lost. There is also a strange power in the pitch-black environment, which seems to be able to affect people's senses. Jiang Ning was also affected by this dark environment. He didn't know how long he had been wandering above the sea, and he relied on his sixth sense to move forward.

However, in this dead environment, apart from the slight undulation of the sea water, there is no other sound. He was completely surrounded by darkness, he didn't know his exact location at all, and there was no reference around him, even if he wanted to go back, he couldn't do it. He wanted to use the power of spells to bring him a light source, but even spells couldn't disperse the boundless darkness. Instead, the moment a little light appeared, he was immediately enveloped by boundless darkness.

But he was not discouraged, nor was he discouraged. Although he hadn't flown out of the sea until now, he still relied on his sixth sense to guide him. Although he knew that this would deviate from the established goal, but in the current environment, he had no choice.

He kept flying, trying hard to fly out of this dark sea. Even though the sea is so vast, he has been flying firmly. At this time, Jiang Ning heard other sounds in his ears, which was the only sound besides the undulating sound of the sea. Rushing, there was a flying animal flapping its wings, and Jiang Ning immediately flew towards the source of the sound. As he got closer, the voices in his ears became more and more clear, until he heard some calls.

"The sound of bats?" If there are bats, then maybe they can find the direction to leave this sea. Although he has been flying in the dark sea for a long time, this sea is like the dead sea, and there is no other sound in such a vast sea area. This was something he hadn't felt before, and now he found the bat. As he continued to approach, the sound of the bat's flapping wings became more and more clear, and he could even feel the vague shape of the bat. Perhaps it was because of his constant approach that finally aroused the vigilance of these bats, so countless bats rushed out, and they rushed towards him full of malice.

"What a huge bat!" No amount of bats could pose a threat to him. To his surprise, these bats are very huge, and they seem to have feathers on their bodies? That's right, it's the feathers. Besides, Jiang Ning can also hear that their calls are not actually bats, but are somewhat similar to bats in some places. The impact of these unknown creatures did not pose any threat to Jiang Ning. Then, a violent flame ignited on his body. The flame was so violent that countless bats were burned to death in an instant. Although the light of the fire was quickly swallowed by the darkness, it was only for a moment that Jiang Ning could clearly see these unknown creatures. They were actually birds, but they had bat wings and fangs in their mouths. .

He didn't know what the names of these creatures were. In the world of Narnia, there were too many strange and unheard of creatures. And these strange birds were frightened into panic by him, and they scrambled to fly towards one place. And Jiang Ning followed closely behind them. After passing through an extremely long corridor, light finally appeared in front of Jiang Ning's eyes. It was as if he got out of the black smoke, and then he saw a sandy beach, a gray sandy beach, a huge snake, and many lizards as huge as a dragon.

"The monsters that the witch said are probably only these guys!" A bird with bat wings, a lizard as huge as a dragon, and an equally huge snake. Jiang Ning's expression became relaxed in an instant. He had experienced the lizard as huge as a dragon before, and it was not very good. As for the snake, he still doesn't know yet, but if it is the same as the lizard, or similar, then apart from the anguish at the beginning, this journey can be said to be extremely relaxing, and even if you want to be nervous, you can't do it.

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