Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 680: Kidnapping the World

The Tang people brazenly sent troops to seize the land along the Suez Canal and the Sinai Peninsula that will be excavated and navigable in the future, as well as many islands on the Red Sea, and even the isolated island of Socotra in the eastern Horn of Africa. 【】After the subsequent negotiations and the signing of the treaty, the Tang people added another 10,000 troops, stationed in various places. At the same time, a brand new port city began to be built on the location of Port Said in later generations. At the same time, a large number of construction materials and related architects came across the sea to the land of Egypt.

No, or in other words, these lands already belong to the Tang people. The Fatimid dynasty's attitude of seeking peace and inaction has aroused internal contradictions and dissatisfaction. Facing the invasion of the country, and because part of the land was occupied by the Tang people, the territory of the Fatimid dynasty in Noda was divided into two. The two parts, the East and the West, are factually and fundamentally incompatible with government orders. From then on, if the Fatimid dynasty wanted to implement government orders to the vast eastern Middle East, they had to travel by sea. On land, because of the partition of the Tang people, the Fatima dynasty had already been dismembered, and the demise of this dynasty has officially entered the countdown stage.

The countries involved in the construction of the Suez Canal closely followed in the footsteps of the Tang Dynasty. Both the country and the local feudal lords gathered huge funds and manpower to participate in the construction of the Suez Canal. They recruited workers in the neighboring Fatimid dynasty. At the same time, engineers from the Tang Dynasty who had unique experience in building canals also came to North Africa and Egypt and began to survey the route of the canal along the road. In the end, the engineers decided to excavate the canal from three sections at the same time, one section was excavated by the Port Said area of ​​later generations, and the other section was excavated by Ismailia in the middle, connecting many large and small lakes including the Great Bitter Lake, and finally A section is built from the southern end of the Great Bitter Lake until it communicates with the Red Sea.

After the plan was finalized, the Tang State began to mobilize supplies, and at the same time called on many countries to pull all domestic criminals, slaves, etc. to Egypt to build a canal. At the same time, more than 100,000 workers were recruited from the mainland of the Fatimid Dynasty. However, they did not give any money. The Tang people and other countries were only responsible for providing food. Similarly, this is also the result of persecuting the Fatimid dynasty in the treaty. Most of the funds transported by various countries were used by the Tang people to purchase food and other items in the country on the spot, which was used to consume the old grain that had been accumulated for several years in various places, and it was also to stimulate domestic agriculture. With the highly developed overseas trade and the profiteering industry of overseas trade, the agricultural development in Tang State is becoming less and less favored by the people. Too many people choose to do business, or engage in other industries.

However, Tang, who knows that agriculture is the foundation of a country, has repeatedly tried to reverse this unfavorable situation. However, the effect is negligible. Due to the development of domestic agriculture and the increase in grain production, granaries everywhere have already been filled with grain. The price of food has also dropped again and again, and the water system in the whole Tang Dynasty is well developed. There are as many as nine large rivers with fast flow and deep water, and the various tributary rivers are even more numerous. The development of the water system also caused frequent floods throughout the Tang Kingdom at the beginning. After decades of unremitting efforts to clean up and build rivers and canals, it is now the grand scene.

However, as the Tang Dynasty turned to overseas trade, and as their supplies and commodities diversified, more and more commodities were sold overseas. Overseas goods also return to China with merchant ships one after another, coupled with the highly developed agriculture, the food is full every year. As well as the prosperity and huge profits of business, more and more people want to engage in business activities.

According to investigations by Tang people, many good farmlands in the country have long been in a state of semi-abandonment. Today, with the enthusiasm for the construction of the Suez Canal and the atmosphere that governments of various countries want to participate in the share of the profits, the emperors and ministers of the Tang Dynasty decided to purchase food and materials for the canal workers uniformly from within the country. One is to solve the old grain that has been accumulated for several years in granaries all over the country, and the other is to stimulate all walks of life in China again.

Sure enough, when this decree came out, cities and farmers everywhere cheered. Mountains of grain were taken out of the warehouses, and old grains piled up by households were also removed from the grain depots and sold to government officials responsible for purchasing. The income of farmers has been improved, and the originally sluggish agriculture has been revived again.

Without the help of cranes and a series of construction machinery, building the Suez Canal in the dark Middle Ages is undoubtedly an extremely difficult project. Basically, if you don't have 20 years, you may not be able to fix it. However, the Tang people were not depressed about this, which meant that they could continue to extort money from other countries for 20 years, and their country would continue to prosper for 20 years. I believe that after twenty years, the land, society, and national strength of the Tang people will be strengthened to an extent that is simply unimaginable.

During this period, the Tang people did not pay anything, they simply kidnapped the entire European, North African and Middle Eastern countries to pay the bill. However, they have made the biggest profits, and the governments of various countries have to pay for it for 20 years before they can see the benefits. During this period, with the continuous influx of funds every year, all walks of life in the country will achieve stable and rapid improvement. Their people will become richer, and the government's tax revenue will also increase.

With so much money that they hardly know how to spend, the Tang government can increase domestic infrastructure construction, continue to strengthen domestic rivers, and connect cities and mountain villages across the country. For the basic education of young children, support and development can also be vigorously carried out. Regardless of whether the canal is successful or not twenty years later, the people of Tang will always make money.

First, there is no need to waste money and people, second, there is no need to shed blood and sacrifice, and third, there is no need to offend countries. On the contrary, he also drew allies who voted for him. Just because of the silk trade, many countries rushed to participate in it. In this way, I can not only get real benefits, but also buy people's hearts, why not do it?

Anyway, no matter how you look at it, this is a sure-win deal.

The monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty undoubtedly burst into laughter, and the participating countries began to think carefully after the initial enthusiasm cooled down. However, the more I think about it, the more wrong it becomes. The canal is not completed successfully in a few years, but in a generation. During this period, their countries have to continue to build canals and increase funds for maintenance every year. It's okay if the time is short, but if the time is long, the problem will become bigger. Countries that regret more and more want to repent immediately, and Tang Ren's answer is also very simple. Want to go back on your word? Well, once the canal is built in the future, there will be nothing for you. Your merchant ships can't enter the canal, and likewise, you can't get a little benefit.

In the face of such answers, countries began to calm down, and they have already paid a lot of money. Once you want to withdraw, then the money is tantamount to wasting, ask the Tang people for it? They ignore you and start a war? After thinking about it carefully, the opponent is a Mediterranean dragon, and he can't beat it at all. Therefore, the governments of various countries who want to cry but have no tears can only grit their teeth and continue to stick to it. For a while, in the past twenty years, the continent of Europe has become much calmer, and few people have fought?

Because there is no money, it is used to build canals, and it is impossible to fight a war.

In this way, Tang people seem to have done a good deed! It's good that no one is fighting, everyone doesn't have to shed blood and sacrifice, and it's great to live in peace and stability. It's not good to fight a war. How distressed should a son who worked hard to raise disappear on the battlefield? It’s good not to fight, let’s do business together, well, just wait, the canal will be completed in 20 years, and everyone will become rich overnight!

During this period, I will enjoy the addiction of becoming a rich man first! .


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