Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 669: Sending Song Envoys

On the street, people come and go, the traffic is constantly flowing, and the spacious and straight avenue, pedestrians walk on it in an orderly and disorderly manner. The shops on both sides are filled with densely packed commodities. Some sell cloth, some sell cakes, there are grain and oil shops, there are restaurants and restaurants, and some shops specialize in selling overseas products.

Olive oil and wine from Europe, spices, honey, carpets, leather and other commodities from North Africa, Southeast Asia, and the South Asian subcontinent. Rich commodities, and even diversified merchants, filled the bustling streets. It makes this place have a kind of atmosphere of "all nations come to court". The Tang people in the past held their heads high, with towering crowns and big sleeves, and extraordinary appearance. Regardless of men, women, old or young, all have swords around their waists, and the martial arts style goes deep into the bones of this nation. They always abide by the "hadith" and do not forget the difficulties of pioneering in the past.

Judging from the picture alone, a strong "wind of the prosperous Tang Dynasty" blows towards the face, which makes the foreign businessmen whose ancestors have been to the prosperous Tang Dynasty feel quite emotional. The descendants of the Tang Dynasty, far away in a foreign land once again established a country and ruled over one side, no one underestimated it. Naturally, their descendants also inherited the spirit and mind of the Tang Dynasty.

People in Tang Dynasty didn't think anything of foreigners coming to their land to settle and do business. Instead, they felt that it was because of the arrival of these businessmen that they proved their own strength. Whether it is a businessman from Central Asia, or a white man on the continent of Europa, even the big cannibals who were once hostile have businessmen who have traveled thousands of miles. The goods produced on their land, and even the best war horses, were brought to the land of the Tang people for sale. There are even merchants who bring all kinds of special products from foreign lands, including livestock and wild animals, to the land of the Tang people for sale. Therefore, the impression given to the outside world here is that there are opportunities and business opportunities everywhere.

The vigorous prosperity of the sea trade has made the Tang people's economic strength and overall national strength continue to rise bit by bit every day. Their national tax is very rich, and after the rich national tax comes up, there are special caravans organized by the government to go to foreign countries to purchase grain, iron, copper and other materials. Some are stored and some are marketed.

It probably originated from the situation of being a slave in the past, not having enough food and clothing every day, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China again, the Tang people's sense of urgency is greater than ever. Even though they harvest a lot of grain every year, the government still reserves grain. It was really too much to eat, so they used it to raise livestock wantonly, everyone was full, everyone was warmed up, and everyone had meat to eat. This has already been realized long ago.

The abundance of life also made Tang people completely free from worries, so the style of literature prevailed. Especially in the past few decades, a large number of poets, writers, and calligraphers and painters have emerged among the Tang people. Their works are impassioned and full of pride. Their appearance in large numbers has driven a series of cultural industry chains, and various operas, operas, and art performances have emerged in large numbers. It enriched the spiritual entertainment of Tang people, and the whole society not only did not fall into luxury, but became more and more energetic.

Externally, they dominate one side and are rarely invincible. Internally, they are modest, courteous and polite. After nearly a hundred years of peace and development, they picked up the etiquette lost in the past, which is different from the Central Plains. This stems from the relationship between their environment and geography, and not only that, the Tang people have even organized a visiting mission to return to the Central Plains in the past few decades.

It's a pity that they didn't see the land of China once again unified, but the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms that were in chaos.

Although the people of the Tang Dynasty were disappointed by this, the Central Plains in the midst of chaos were very interested in the descendants of the Anxi Army in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Invitations were sent to the Tang Chinese missions who were stranded in the Central Plains and were extremely confused. Ask them about the situation in foreign lands, and ask about their situation in the hundreds of years since the downfall of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, etc. The people of the Tang Dynasty answered in ten to five terms. When it was said that they had been slaves for hundreds of years, every separatist monarchist was filled with indignation. But other than that, there is no other indication. And when they heard that they were rescued by a wise and powerful leader who was far away from the Qin Emperor and Hanwu, and then swept away the food, and traveled thousands of miles to build a country, everyone was very surprised. And I am extremely curious about the leader who has such courage and then defeats the backbone of the big cannibal.

As for the missionaries of the Tang Dynasty, when they talked about their founding monarch, they naturally praised them vigorously. It is as if the emperor of heaven came to the world, exiled to the world, and made the Central Plains have an extremely strong curiosity about the monarch in the Tang population. Moreover, they also maintain a considerable degree of vigilance against the Tang people, for fear that these Tang people who are exiled in foreign lands will return to the Central Plains again, and that will be another powerful enemy. Therefore, the separatist forces with a strong "shangguo sentiment" entrusted the Tang people in a big way to show their "shangguo bearing" and generously rewarded a lot of money, cloth, jade and other things to draw a clear line. People in the Tang Dynasty naturally knew very well that this tone of the Central Plains Dynasty also felt sad for the alienation of the family members in their hometown.

After staying in the Central Plains for a period of time, the Tang people's missions began to go back and forth. In the following days, the Tang people learned from the big cannibal that the Central Plains was once again unified, and a country called "Song" was established. The Tang people were naturally ecstatic about the reunification of the chaotic homeland. Therefore, with the approval of the contemporary monarch, another batch of large-scale missions was established, starting from Egypt under the control of the big cannibal, relying on the assistance of the country's wizards, Transport the ship to the Red Sea by magic. Afterwards, a huge team of envoys sailed along the Red Sea, passed the South Asian continent, crossed the Strait of Malacca, and finally landed at the southern port of China.

After disembarking, inform the local officials of your intention. When the local court officials learned that the large-scale envoys in front of them were Tang survivors who had come to the Central Plains, they were very surprised. Afterwards, a sense of superiority over the heavens and kingdoms suddenly rose, and then swelled. However, the officials were still very polite to the foreign envoys who came to visit for the first time, and informed the imperial court of the news of the Tang Chinese missions with the mentality of "eight hundred miles in a hurry". After that, the Tang people sailed along the mainland line, landed in "Suzhou", and then came to Kaifeng, the capital of the imperial court, where they were warmly welcomed by Zhao Guangyi.

The Tang people naturally didn't care about the canonization of the Central Plains Dynasty. Their strength was not bad, and they were a regional hegemony. Therefore, the Tang mission expressed warm greetings from the Tang monarch to Zhao Guangyi, congratulated them on their reunification, and handed over the letter of credence and national ceremony. The letter of credence contains the congratulations and greetings of the contemporary monarch to the court of the Central Plains. The national gift that comes with it contains the history, humanities, traditions, poetry, opera, forged weapons and armor of the Tang people who have established a country in a foreign land over the years, and many other aspects. The purpose, of course, is to show the Central Plains court that they have no intention of returning to the Central Plains to fight for dominance, and the other purpose is to show that our little life is better than yours, so there is no need to be wary of us.

The Central Plains court was full of contempt when they learned of the land they lived in at such a young age. But when they knew the national power of the Tang people, they were extremely surprised. Especially the results of the development of the Tang people, after comparison, even if they are not as good as them in some places, they far surpass them in some places. In particular, the country's armaments are very powerful, reminiscent of the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. On the other hand, there is no shortage of good horses in this country. It can be said that there are good horses everywhere. The national culture of raising livestock and war horses is as strong as eating and drinking. The cost of raising horses is very high, and it can also spy on the national strength of a country.

But for them, an island country with such a narrow land area can raise so many good horses and maintain a standing army of tens of thousands of people. This moved them very much, and when they knew that they had a population of nearly tens of millions, and everyone in the country could read and write, they were even more stunned when they read an article.

The Datong society that the sage said is nothing less than this! .


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