Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 634: Attacking Wild Hunt

Dozens of worlds were destroyed, most of which were already destroyed by Hoarfrost. The few worlds where life exists have long since lost the shadow of intelligent life. They are mostly monsters, some of which were born due to the impact of the great mutation at the beginning, and there are also some worlds where various poisons exist. There are also some worlds that are completely covered by various germs and poisons. These worlds were all destroyed under the Extinction Curse one by one, and after Jiang Ning used the Extinction Curse frequently, he couldn't be sure that the news he sent would be received by the deity truthfully. What's more, even if he received it, he couldn't find his correct position from the infinitely distant time and space.

Therefore, the message sent by the Extinction Curse is just to let the deity know that he is looking for him, and at the same time ask him for help. And he also believes that the deity will carry out the plan in this respect truthfully. And he will continue to carry out his return plan. However, now his condition is very bad, it can be said that he is exhausted. Although the Extinction Curse has been improved many times, no matter how it was modified at the beginning, with Jiang Ning's own background, it is still impossible to improve such a powerful and terrifying spell as the Extinction Curse into what he expected in his mind.

The consumption of this terrifying spell is as powerful as ever. What's more, Jiang Ning used it dozens of times in succession, even as an immortal high elf, he couldn't bear the consumption. He became very weak, and even the inextinguishable fire in his soul seemed to have dimmed a lot. His figure disappeared into the void of the universe and returned to the different space where the holy tree was located. Afterwards, exhausted, he fell into a deep sleep peacefully on the branches of the holy tree.

The exhausted Jiang Ning didn't even have time to explain everything, and fell into a deep sleep after entering the sacred tree space. The sacred tree, which had already been deeply spiritual, dropped a leaf on his body, and immediately, a soft light filled with endless vitality shone on his body. His tired expression gradually eased under the comfort of this light, and his tired body was also relaxed. For the first time, he put down all his burdens and guards in front of the holy tree, ignored everything outside, ignored so many calculations, and fell into a deep sleep go.

In the outside world, the high elves have long been frightened by the successive destructive auras that appeared before. People in the country are in panic, and everyone doesn't know what to do. The breath of the end is approaching everyone's heads. Every elf crushed couldn't breathe. What's more, this aura of destruction appeared frequently dozens of times. At this moment, even a knowledgeable sage couldn't think of words to describe the great terror that destroyed everything and annihilated everything.

All the high elves turned their eyes to the highest palace in the city, they desperately hoped to see that figure appear, appease them, and continue to protect them.

Members of the noble regency council gathered in the council hall for a meeting to discuss.

"Your Majesty doesn't know where he went. People are panicking now. The aura of destruction that appeared one after another just now is like the doomsday. We don't know what happened. Now, Your Majesty is gone again. What do you think should we do?" Hassan was anxious. No end, the vast sea-like breath seems to be a great terror when the end is approaching. Not only ordinary people, but even wizards with powerful mana are trembling with fear under this breath, completely losing the peace of the past and calm.

Facing Hassan's inquiry, for a moment, everyone had no idea what to do. Therefore, any thinking and calculation, under the shroud of that destructive force, seemed so pale and powerless.

Everyone didn't know how to answer Hassan's question.

"I seem to see that His Majesty went down to the location of the sacred tree." Someone came back to his senses and remembered seeing Jiang Ning going to the direction of the sacred tree. This news gave the confused people a strong booster.

"Then let's go to the holy tree. No matter what the aura was just now, we have to find a regulation." Under the leadership of Hassan, the members of the noble regent walked towards the holy tree.

However, before they walked out of the palace, they both stayed in place.

"That was the news from the Holy Tree just now!" Someone asked uncertainly. Hassan didn't speak, but looked at the holy tree. The holy tree sent them a message just now, telling them that Jiang Ning was sleeping because of fatigue. At the same time, he also told them the reason for the destructive forces that appeared one after another just now.

Hassan, who was obviously relieved, said relaxedly and in awe, "It turns out that the aura that destroyed everything just now was just the aura leaked by His Majesty when he cast spells in the outer space!"

"It's really hard to imagine what kind of spell can be so powerful!"

Hassan said: "Now is not the time to talk about this, let's appease the panic-stricken clansmen as soon as possible!" After he ordered, the nobles and officials went down to appease the clansmen.

And in another world, Eredin also formally took over all the rights and responsibilities of Aen Ayr, and became the de facto king of Aen Ayr. After the death of King Oberon and Avalakh's departure from Ain-Air, Eredin can be said to have monopolized power. Relying on the allegiance of his loyal Red Knight, and with the assistance of Gail, who has a strong influence on Aen Ayer, Eredin officially took over everything in Aen Ayr. At the same time, the arrest operation against Xili has officially started!

"Aridin, do we really want to hand over the ancient blood to the high elves?" Gail, the strategist of Aridin, looked aside at the ship of doom, Nigelfar, who could bring great fear to the world. , he seemed to be testing Aridin, but he didn't seem to be.

Eredin looked at Gale slightly sideways, and asked him, "Unless, you can find a way out for us Aen Ayr again!" Give Aen-Air a profound and unforgettable warning. The artillery fire on the White Ship Fleet easily destroyed half of Tiernaria, and the deterrent effect it played was very significant.

In response to the fluctuations caused by Ciri's travel through time and space, Eredin specially went to hunt Ciri across time and space, and wanted to hand it over to the high elves in exchange for the safety of the group.

"The blood of the ancients belongs to Aenel and belongs to our power. The high elves covet this power, which shows that they are afraid of us rising again!" The one who said this was one of Eredin's advisors, Karanxi Er, he is the strongest navigator trained by Avalak. Responsible for identifying the correct direction when traveling through time and space. However, his biggest problem was impatience and risk-taking, so Avalakh once hesitated to use him again. However, because of Avalak's hesitation, Caranthir chose to vote for Eredin and became the most important member of the Wild Hunt.

Both Eredin and Gail knew about Caranthir's problems, so they ignored him. Gail tentatively suggested to Eredin, "Otherwise, bring Avalak back and see if he can do anything. ?”

"Avalak?" Eredin shook her head and clearly refused. "The high elves are very powerful. I believe you saw that very clearly that day. Now, the ruins of Tirnalia have not been cleaned up. Even if Avalak comes back, so what? The high elves obviously have a one-time Is it wise to destroy our strength and confront this powerful enemy? Because no one can bear the price!"

"In short, no matter what, it is impossible for me to watch things belonging to my race fall into the hands of foreigners. Back then, Laura Doron was deceived by humans, and the blood of my race was actually circulated among dirty humans. Now, there is another family coveting the blood and power of our family! I cannot tolerate the blood belonging to Aen Ayer being once again touched by a foreign race. Therefore, it is better to welcome Avalak back. It is best if you can think of other ways! If you can’t , then we can only watch the blood of the ancients fall into the hands of foreigners, and we personally sent this shame!"

Eredin was silent for a while, and finally he walked towards the doomsday ship Nigelfar. At this time, his voice also came faintly, "I will leave this matter to you, Gail."

Gail didn't seem to believe it. After a while, he nodded heavily. "For, Aen-Air!"

"For, Aen-Air!"

Immediately, the ship of doom, Nigelfar, set sail for a distant alien world!

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