Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 610: Carrion Demon and Griffin Beast

"Alas, the damned war has started again." Looking at the corpses all over the ground, the shattered weapons, the damaged banners, and the embers of the firewood, Vesemir couldn't help but sigh.

Since the murder of Laura Doron and Craignan, the conflict between humans and elves has once again broken out. The death of the two of them is just the fuse of the conflicts between humans and elves. The real reason is that the various differences and contradictions between humans and elves have accumulated over a long period of time, and both of them are on the verge of breaking out. Therefore, the death of the Craignans only officially detonated the powder keg that was about to ignite.

"Where there are people, it is always inevitable to face the threat of war and death. This is an iron rule that has survived since ancient times!" Jiang Ning sat on the back of Irfas indifferently, his eyes were calm and calm. watching it all. Even if there were elves and half-elves with their blood in these corpses, he was not moved.

Vesemir glanced at him, and said helplessly, "I really don't know when the war will be avoided." He was wandering in delusions, as if he was looking forward to a peaceful era without war.

"Are you looking forward to such a world?"

Vesemir nodded, "Although I am a demon hunter, no matter how many wars happen, it will not affect me. However, I still hope that there will be no more wars in this land."

"Then you may be disappointed."

Vesemir looked at him puzzled, Jiang Ning glanced at him, and then said: "Land and resources cannot afford too much population. When the population grows to a certain level, the birth of resources is far from keeping up with the population." The pace of growth. Then, war came into being. Whether it is to consume the population through war, or for new land and resources, sometimes even the head of a country is difficult to control. Moreover, this time the war is a war against Africa. The challenge of the human race!" He looked to the other side of the horizon, "The land in the north is occupied by humans, and the valley land in the elf mountains is occupied by the high elves and their descendants half-elves." He pointed to the south with one hand, "And the south The vast land that exists is occupied by the Ainshidi elves."

"The human population is growing very fast, and they are very dependent on the land. Their desire for land is also extremely greedy. Even in the wilderness, there are still large areas of barren land. However, they will still go to war after their vitality is restored. , Looting more land." He looked towards the north indifferently, "The death of Laura Doron and his wife is just an opportunity. The fundamental reason is that the conflict between humans and elves has not been able to vent for a long time. Therefore, both elves and humans want to make an end." He said: "Humans covet the land occupied by elves, and elves are also dissatisfied with the long-term persecution of humans and the occupied land. This time, with the help of Laura The murder of Duolun and his wife gave the conflicts between the two clans an opportunity and an excuse to vent."

After hearing this, Vesemir was slightly stunned for a moment, then sighed and said, "So, I don't have the talent for politics." He looked at the corpses in this place, speechless, and said after a while, "Although I can't change anything, But we won't let their corpses be eaten by disgusting monsters!" After speaking, he got off his horse, and with a sharp sword in his hand, he went up to meet him.

Jiang Ning turned his gaze to the central area where the corpses were strewn all over the place. Following Vesemir's back, a group of ferocious and disgusting carrion demons with pustules were attracted by countless dead bodies. This was not over yet, another loud eagle cry sounded in the sky, and then a huge griffin beast was seen flying towards it. On the other side, Vesemir had already faced the group of rotting demons. The moment he approached, he stretched his right hand forward, flexed his index finger, and then a cluster of flames as fine as sparks spewed out from his palm. . Exactly, the Sign of Igni. He used the continuous flames in his palms to push back the rotting monsters that surrounded them, and the splashing sparks ignited the greasy body of the rotting monsters, and they screamed in a panic,

The sharp and ugly palms kept trying to extinguish the burning flames on his body. At this moment, Vesemir had already charged forward, he slashed left and right, and quickly chopped down the two rotting ogres, but right after, the body of the rotting ogres rapidly swelled like an inflated balloon. Vesemir's complexion changed, and immediately, he quickly released another seal. His five fingers spread out in front of his chest, his thumb and little finger were bent, and an orange-yellow energy barrier firmly protected him. This was the seal of Quin.

And at this time, the two rotting demons that rapidly inflated like inflated balloons exploded with a bang, and the scattered flesh and blood mixed with the impact force scattered all around. However, Vesemir was safe and sound under the protection of Quen's seal, but at this time, several other rotting demons had already surrounded him. To make matters worse, the griffin flew towards Vesemir with its sharp beak wide open, howling.

Vesemir's complexion changed drastically, he quickly rolled to the side to avoid it, and at the same time used the Alder Sign at an extremely fast speed, knocking back the surrounding carrion demons. Immediately afterwards, he heard a painful wail from the Griffin beast, and then a heavy landing sound. He turned his head to look, and found that the griffin beast had already fallen to the ground, and there was an arrow stuck in the center of its head, which was still trembling.

"Thanks, brother!" Vesemir yelled, then turned his head again, and continued to deal with the carrion demons that surrounded him again. Jiang Ning, who was sitting on the back of Ilphas in the distance, nodded slightly in the face of Vesemir's thanks, and then hung the bow in his hand on Ilphas again, and then calmly looked at Wei Wei who was dealing with the rotting demon. Samir.

Not long after, Vesemir slowly walked over, and the carrion demons who coveted the corpses on the battlefield all died under Vesemir's sword. He walked all the way, shaking off the pieces of flesh and blood that stuck to the sword body, and kept cursing, "These damned monsters not only look ugly, but their blood also smells dirty and stinky." He said. Looking at his sword with distress, he tore off a piece of cloth from a corpse and wiped off the blood on the sword. Then, he walked to his horse, took out a bottle of medicine and cotton balls from the backpack on the horse's back, and complained to Jiang Ning, while picking up a cotton ball with tweezers that was contaminated with the medicine, and wiped his sword.

"The blood on the carrion demon is not only dirty and smelly, but also corrodes weapons." He looked at his sword distressedly, "Although my sword can restrain them, but their blood will be stained for a long time, it will also corrode weapons." Cause damage to my sword. This sword is not cheap!"

Jiang Ning was speechless, "It's not so much that you feel sorry for the sword, it's better to say that you feel sorry for the money." Jiang Ning had seen and understood the sword in Vesemir's hand. The swords of the demon hunters are made of the best metal and forging techniques combined with alchemy and enchantment, especially the silver swords they use to slay monsters, which are more expensive than the steel swords that slay humans. However, it is not so easily damaged.

"You didn't know just now, help me." Vesemir complained.

"I've already solved the biggest trouble for you!" After he finished speaking, he stretched out his claws, and the arrow stuck in the head of the griffin began to tremble violently. Afterwards, the arrow flew towards Jiang Ning. He stretched out his grasp and put the arrow back into the quiver.

"This is really convenient!" Facing Jiang Ning's questioning eyes, Vesemir explained: "I mean, after the arrow is used up, you don't have to pick it up by yourself, and you don't have to worry about maintenance. Look, it's still the same. It's the same as the new one, without any damage or blood." He took out the arrow from Jiang Ning's quiver, carefully observed it, and then praised.

"It's just a tiny skill, and besides..." Jiang Ning took the arrow from Vesemir, "The forging process of high elves is different from that of humans."

Vesemir jokingly said: "I really hope that you can help me forge a sword." He was joking, but Jiang Ning said: "If there is a chance, I will."

Vesemir was very happy, the two of them said something, and then Vesemir looked at the corpses on the ground and sighed, "Let's go!" After that, he got on his horse, but Jiang Ning didn't arrive. Vesemir looked at him, but Jiang Ning ignored him. A strong white light shone from his body and Ilfas's body, and then the soil rolled and buried the corpses everywhere, and then the endless grass and flowers were like magic, never ending. As long as there is, spread out on this piece of land that was once a battlefield. The endless blood and gunpowder of war had all disappeared, and Vesemir stared blankly at this land filled with greenery and fragrance of flowers, almost like a miracle.

"Let's go!"

After finishing all this, Jiang Ning greeted Vesemir. Afterwards, Ilfas walked forward slowly with four hoofs, and Vesemir followed closely, turning his head to look at the land full of greenery and flowers as he walked. The two, one in front and one behind, walked towards the distance against the setting sun.

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