Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 593: Arriving in the New World

With the passage of time, the human beings who visited the new world earlier, with the progress of their civilization and the improvement of their own productivity, their population is also increasing day by day. m.. The power is also growing stronger day by day, and the conflict with the ruler of the mainland, Ain Sidi, is also slowly arousing.

After hundreds of years of steady development, human power has grown to the point where it threatens elves. They obtained civilization from the elves, learned and used the inventions from the elves, learned forging from the dwarves, and identified various metal minerals. And, gradually transform what I learned from the second clan into my own achievements. Human civilization has been progressed and developed, productivity has been improved, and the population is also increasing sharply year by year.

Finally, the conflict happened, and the contradiction was aroused.

Humans and elves are at war, and their army is often several times that of elves. Although the overall strength is not as good as the elves, but with the vast population, they can often hit the elves with several times the casualties. After being exhausted and unable to fight any more, human beings once again huddled up and licked their wounds, silently dormant and waiting for the arrival of new opportunities. At the same time, their war with the elves also expanded their living space and scope of activities. Gradually rise out of a small piece of land, and then gradually occupy the surrounding land, whether it is plains or river valleys and hills, are gradually occupied by humans and colonized and multiplied.

Although the Ain Sidi elves are stronger than humans, both their civilization and the individual combat effectiveness of their soldiers are stronger than human soldiers. It is often possible to hit a few with one, but the reproduction of the elves is not easy. Their conception time is very short, and the population growth and reproduction are very slow. Although it is very capable of fighting and defeating human attacks many times, it is far inferior to human beings in terms of manpower supplementation. Even though they have severely injured human beings several times, they are still unable to continue the war! Their population has been consumed a lot, and they don't have enough troops to hold a stalemate with humans for a long-term war. They can only helplessly watch as time goes by, human vitality is gradually recovering, and their population is once again stronger than it was during the war. Then, what awaited them was another war waged by humans again!

In the war with humans, the elves had an absolute advantage at the beginning, and their own advantages gradually disappeared. Even though they are powerful, productive and civilization as a whole, they are stronger than humans. However, in the face of endless human sea tactics and a population that can live longer than rabbits. Even if they can fight better than wolves, they are destined to lose their advantage little by little in front of the vast ocean of human beings.

The population of elves is gradually disappearing, and it takes a long time for newborns to grow, and their conception period is very short, making it difficult to conceive successfully. In this way, the territory of the elves is constantly shrinking. On the contrary, the territory and sphere of influence of human beings are just like their population, which is constantly becoming stronger. In the end, in the north of the continent, there stood three powerful kingdoms. They were the first human leaders to land. After hundreds of years of reproduction, and after the war with the elves, their territory and influence have been expanded. Their kingdom was once powerful, capturing the territories and cities of the elves, cleaning up the elves wantonly, destroying beautiful palaces and rural gardens. The advanced civilization and system established by the elves once suffered the torment of war and human destruction, and then humans rebuilt cities belonging to humans on the ruins of elves' palaces and city ruins. Such as Vizima and Oxenfurt, the famous human cities in later generations were all built in the ruins of elf cities.

The power and base of the elves gradually shrank in the frequent wars with humans. The vast northern land was captured by humans one by one or the elves voluntarily gave up the vast northern land. They began to retreat to the south, into the mountains and forests, silently licking their wounds. However, although their life span is three times that of human beings, and their civilization system and productivity are stronger than human beings, they still cannot survive the long-term war with human beings.

See an opportunity for victory.

After humans captured a vast territory, they began to migrate to settle and reproduce there. They also need time to digest the newly acquired land, and at the same time they are actively preparing for war in the dark! For a time, the war between humans and elves began to stop spontaneously, and it was rare for the entire north and south to coexist peacefully. The flames of war in this land disappeared for a short time, and the short-lived peace began to come again!

Just as the two sides agreed, in the extremely high and distant sky, a gorgeous and distorted portal opened. Immediately afterwards, a huge white ship flew out from there. It became tattered from top to bottom, and the white canvas was full of holes. The flying flag hanging on the top of the tommast has also become extremely tattered, but it is still facing the wind and fluttering proudly.

On the deck, tall and fair elves in incomparably gorgeous costumes are silently observing this new world. Similarly, on both sides of the ship, dozens of tall elves were also standing silently observing here.

"This is not our home!" Alharat frowned, looking at this new and strange world, his heart was full of resentment and helplessness. The energy of the white boat has long been exhausted, and it is impossible to open the portal again. The communication equipment used to contact the homeland has long been destroyed, and they cannot return to that beautiful homeland until it is repaired.

"This is a new world!" The elf wizard Esfate said silently. "It's so far away from our home, we're completely lost now, we can't find our way home, this place is so strange, it's not within our sphere of influence, and it's not in the route to be explored. What will the portal be? Where we sent it, we don't know. Fortunately, there are active elements here, although it is 'thin', it is hoped that we can find resources to make energy."

He looked back at the white boat under his feet, seeing its tattered appearance, and couldn't help but return to the scene when he entered the portal! When the high elves stepped into the portal full of joy and returned home, the portal was opened due to lack of energy. But the interior was not stable, and they were forced to leave less than halfway home, and came to the new world. Fortunately, they encountered bad natural weather and unknown riots, and when they were out of danger, the beautiful and elegant white boat had already become dilapidated.

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