Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 585: Transformation of Ayn El

Tirnalia, the former capital of the Ain El elves, was destroyed by the expeditionary fleet of the high elves, and the remaining Ain El elves rebuilt the city from the ruins. It's just that their entire ethnic group and the world they live in are subject to the control and control of the high elves. They are naturally unwilling to be controlled by other races, and they are also races that have blood feuds with themselves. Although they are both elves, the Ain El elves have already understood that they are different from the group of races who call themselves high elves. The only thing in common is that their race is called elves, but they are different. Just like human beings, they share a large ethnic group, which is then subdivided into many ethnic groups.

However, although they share the title of elves. However, the contradictions between them are deep, and the homeland of Ain El is destroyed by the white ship fleet driven by the high elves. Although it was rebuilt on the ruins, Ain Ayr was once again ruled like a slave. There are many Ain El elves and humans, digging or collecting various resources in mines and vast lands. The contradictions and hatred in Ain Ayer's hearts had also accumulated deeper and deeper.

It's just that they are not yet the opponents of the high elves, so they accumulate this hatred in their hearts. Moreover, their king died at the hands of Jiang Ning. This incident was also witnessed by the original Ain El Elf, but Jiang Ning never took it seriously. He is also very aware of the hatred and anger in the hearts of the Ain El elves, but right now he doesn't care at all. Enslaving countless races is nothing to the high elves. All they need are resources, resources from other worlds. And they need people to dig and collect these resources for them, so slavery also begins.

Once the time is right, even if these hundreds of worlds are completely abandoned, it doesn't matter.

And after the death of the king of the Ain El Elf family, almost none of the remaining royal families were adults. Therefore, the aristocrats of the Ain-Eir tribe led the alliance and temporarily regency. At the same time, the scholars and mages in the Ain El Elf family also began to secretly study everything about the high elves. Especially the elemental cannon back then was the target of their key research. They unanimously affirmed that as long as they have the elemental cannon in the hands of the high elves, then they will succeed in getting rid of slavery and striving for independence.

Before that, some preparations and even planning in advance should also be carried out in advance. For this reason, the Aen El elves thought of their offshoot kin, the Ain Sidi elves.

Since the two elves separated from each other that day, the Ain El elves arrived in the world where they currently live, and massacred and enslaved the aboriginal humans, gaining control of the entire world. Afterwards, in a rather long history, the elves of Ain El began a long journey of conquest. Driving the flying black ship, relying on his talent to easily travel through space, he conquered one world after another. And they plundered the population as slaves, and let the aborigines of various worlds do some heavy coolie work for them.

With the continuous conquest of different worlds one after another, the spirit of the Ain El elves gradually climbed to the top. Every time they go to a new world, they will definitely leave an extremely strong influence there. They built towers in every world,

As coordinates and communication towers. He plundered countless people and brought his own world to become slaves. The Ain El tribe is domineering, and their powerful racial talent has caused humans and dwarves to be no match for them at all.

Until, they came to a new world again, and the Ain El tribe encountered their first defeat in their lives! And this failure has become the most complete failure of their family's life.

The complacent Ain El Elf, driving a pitch-black ship, crossed the world and started the journey of conquest again. As they travel through the world, they discover a new world. This world is very unique, its appearance is wrapped in a layer of white and soft endless light. Independent of many worlds, this new world is filled with a strong vitality and exuberant 'power of chaos'. They are very curious about this new world. As they approached, all the Ain Els who were on the expedition discovered that the whole world was actually a huge tree. They have traveled through many worlds, and this is the first time they have seen such a special world, which arouses their desire to conquer.

The curious Ain Elf led the fleet to invade there immediately. When they came to the new world, they immediately fell in love with it. And immediately launched a war of conquest, the first contact with clinker was a complete failure. It was also because of this contact that they knew that there was a third elf clan besides Ain El and Ain Sidi. The newly discovered elves look very different from them, their personalities, including talents, etc. are different from them, and this elves named Iswell are extremely powerful. The weapon that released the powerful energy defeated them in an instant, and then chased them into their world, completely destroyed their capital, and occupied their world, the colonial ruler here. And through contact with Iswell, Ayn Eyre also learned a lot of new knowledge and vocabulary, including the word colonization.

Apart from these, what interests them even more is everything about the Eastville group. Although, Yswell demeaned them as lower elves. However, learning from the strong is the same no matter where you are. While enduring the slavery, Ein Eyre kept in touch with this high elves, learned everything about them, and understood their culture and history. By studying these, they clearly understand the huge gap between each other. And they vowed to change everything and get rid of the fate of enslavement. Also because of their elf title, they have access to a lot of knowledge. The sages, mages, and even smart children in the Ain El tribe are constantly learning the knowledge from the high elves. Although, what they learn is only very superficial knowledge. However, various subjects and knowledge still open their eyes. And they also learned how powerful the race that enslaved them was through continuous learning and understanding. Although the idea of ​​getting rid of slavery and fighting for independence and freedom is very slim, but these have strengthened their belief in each other.

Not to be enslaved, not to know what a great temptation is to be independent and free! Without understanding the enemy, it is impossible to clearly know how powerful they are. Similarly, if you don't open your eyes to see the world, you won't understand the vastness of the world. Although there is still a heavy mountain on their shoulders among the two, but this mountain has tempered their will and ideals, and they can get rid of the fate of being enslaved!

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