Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 571: Convergence of Celestial spheres

In the following time, the Isver elves spent two hundred years, which was extremely long compared to humans; for them, these two hundred years were nothing at all. If the only change in the entire high elf society is that it seems a little busier than it was two hundred years ago. After all, the elves have too much to learn, and the entire ethnic group practices elite education. Especially for those extremely gifted children, the inclined resources and the time and energy to be devoted are obviously more than ordinary clansmen. Although, the whole family, regardless of men, women, old or young, more or less know some simple spells.

Even so, not all clans have the potential to become wizards. This meaning specifically refers to those wizards who can reach a certain level and hope to go further. Based on the accumulation of their ethnic group for thousands of years, they have only cultivated hundreds of worthy wizards. Among the 300,000 clansmen, only hundreds of wizards have been searched, and these wizards have grown to a certain level after thousands of years of study and practice. The development of various disciplines and the supplementation and improvement of some talented wizards have enriched the background of Iswell elf wizards. These disciplines and knowledge are divided into detailed branches by them. Then, the wizards of the younger generation can advance and sublimate from these branches, and there are more paths and directions to choose from.

They can clearly feel the progress in all aspects. It can almost be said that the days change year by year. Towards a better, higher, and more unknown realm. They have traveled all over the country, and now they are exploring the vast ocean. In the sea, the resources contained are also unmatched by land.

They built white ships for navigation, explored the ocean, explored resources or explored various creatures in the ocean.

Although, the whole world has only one continent. However, through the eruption of submarine volcanoes and the movement of the world itself, many new islands and island chains are still formed in the vast sea. These broken and scattered islands are distributed in the vast sea. The elves drew relevant sea charts and recorded the conditions of each island, and even on some deserted islands, the elves also sowed the seeds of life.

Although they are lonely, they are not willing to be mediocre.

Even though they are the only ones in the world, except for a few Ents, there are no humans, dwarves and other races. They occupy a world that, though small, is like heaven under their rule.

The elves explored the world seriously and recorded some of its mysteries. They need to maintain enough understanding of their own world, even the empty ocean is no exception. Such days and lives pass by day by day. The elves built a white ship for sailing the sea, and they were inspired by the birds and wanted to build a white ship for sailing the sky. For this reason, the enthusiastic elves began to study this super technology. Ships are easy, the only thing that makes them feel tricky is energy and power.

This kind of behavior seems a bit unprofessional, but Jiang Ning thinks of weapons that can be used in air combat in the future. He has raised a large number of scientific masters in the main world, and the warships used to navigate the universe can already be mass-produced. However, an elf reincarnated from his soul has no relevant scientific background. He also only knows very little knowledge, but cannot support the birth of technological civilization. Moreover, the supernatural occult elves are very gifted with this kind of talent. If this kind of white ship that can sail in the sky is built in the future, it may not be impossible to use it to navigate the universe when it develops to a certain level.

Moreover, the spirit of invention and creation of the clansmen is worthy of affirmation and encouragement. It cannot be suppressed. Once suppressed, it is very likely that their future inventions and creations will stagnate. Moreover, this kind of research and creation does not conflict with the grand plan of their family. Moreover, the people in charge of the big plan have their own specialized talents, and who can clearly know whether these seemingly playful inventions and creations will help their group's big plan in the future?


The support and encouragement from the government inspires these young people who are motivated to invent and create. The official encouragement and support also boosted the emotions of these young people. In addition, the whole family was also affected, and Jiang Ning gave them a certain degree of support and encouragement. Including some knowledge and resources, give them appropriate. He is looking forward to the birth of more amazing characters in the future ethnic group. If they can create powerful items like the Silmarillion like Ferno did back then, it will also strengthen the heritage of the ethnic group in a disguised form to some extent. And geniuses like Ferno are what their entire group desperately needs at present.

The entire Iswell elves, their social atmosphere, developed in a state full of passion. If the hidden crisis is eliminated, then such a social order will undoubtedly make them stronger in a short period of time. Afterwards, the order from Jiang Ning himself was conveyed. In the decree, he clearly supported the inventions and creations of the tribe. This was not a blank check or a verbal promise. Rather, it is a reward that can be seen and touched. Money, knowledge, and some related resources will be used to subsidize potential inventions and creations. He needs the ethnic group to maintain this kind of benign creativity in order to allow civilization to develop rapidly. After all, the situation they faced was unlike any civilization in history, and they had nothing in common.

The pressure he faced alone was stronger than that of all his clansmen. Until, a sudden hope appeared.

On this day, all the elves are doing all kinds of production work as in the past, those who should learn continue to learn, those who do work work, and those who work in agriculture work in agriculture. Everything is like yesterday, repeating boring but extremely meaningful work and things. However, the world navigating in the vast universe suddenly crossed a passage, and then appeared in a new place. The world seems to have crossed a wormhole, or a huge portal created by nature, and came to a completely strange cosmic space. The golden eyes that monitor the dynamics and trends of the world in the universe, the eyes transformed by Jiang Ning's will, completely did not expect this situation and situation to appear. Things happened suddenly, and then, when Jiang Ning fully reacted, the world had already come to a new galaxy.

The golden eyes see through the world and look towards the vast universe. Where the world currently stands is an extremely beautiful and massive galaxy. He can clearly see stars, planets and many planets not far away. These planets are very close to them, very close to their world. So much so that his willed eyes can clearly see the dynamics of the planet, such as changes in clouds, and even the blue ocean. This means that there is life in this galaxy. Then, something happened that shocked and delighted him even more. Many planets are drawn by an invisible force, as if they are going to gather together. Even the world with them is the same, there seems to be an inexplicable force pulling it, and it seems to be affected by the force generated between the planets. In the end, thousands of planets were taken to a vast area, and they were assigned new orbits. The wandering world also gained orbit. This made Jiang Ning extremely happy, and then a grand celestial vision appeared, and in the sky of each planet or world, the huge outlines of neighboring planets could be clearly seen.

In the lonely and wandering world, looking towards the sky from the inside, it is also clear that the outline of a huge planet overlaps with its own world. These planets slowly passed each other. Although they did not collide, an invisible invisible channel was created between the planets. At the same time, in some places, vortex twisted portals appeared, through which creatures from other worlds quietly entered another world.

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