Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 567: The Sacred Tree That Inherits Heaven and Earth

More than a hundred powerful wizards and him, the legendary elf king, gathered together to do something, if it were changed to Middle Earth. The power they bring together, the subversive power of their possessor, and what is possible. Now, what they are going to do now can be called a feat that has never been done before or since. The Valar belonged to the gods in Arda, and in Middle-earth. Therefore, the results made by the gods are to a certain extent non-reproducible results, but now the entire Iswell elves have to do something that is also called non-replicable, that is, to recreate the sun and the moon. As the only living home and the only world, it provides a stable light source for all things, allowing the world to have a distinct day and night. Instead of being like now, there is only day and no night.

In Arda, in Middle-earth, in the ancient age of the Two Trees. The status of the Twin Sacred Trees is transcendent. They provide light and energy for the whole world and all things. With the death of the Twin Sacred Trees, their only remaining flowers and fruits turned into the moon and the sun respectively to continue to provide stable energy for the world and for the growth of all living beings. It's just that Vera and Willi didn't know at the time that the Twin Sacred Trees once bred a seed together, which represented the seed of hope and light. At the beginning, Jiang Ning did not choose to tell this matter. He chose to conceal it. Another reason is that the fate of the Two Sacred Trees in Middle-earth has been decided. Their death is a predestined matter. In Arda, they will no longer be seen in Middle-earth. Although, their fruits and flowers turned into the sun and the moon. However, who would still remember the Twin Sacred Trees that provided light to all things in the world in ancient times? Who still remembers the two giant lamps that once illuminated the world a long time ago?

Therefore, even if the seeds of the Double Sacred Tree were handed over to Vera and Wei Li by Jiang Ning, the Double Sacred Tree would still not be reborn again. Their destiny in Middle-earth is done, and the era of the Two Trees is closed. Even if the last seed they conceived together was given to Vera, they would not take root again. Middle Earth has long since lost the soil and water that can provide them with continued survival.

However, in the new world and the new land, the living soil and space belonging to the Twin Sacred Trees reappeared. In Middle-earth, their established destiny has been established, and they cannot change it. But here, in this new, lonely world adrift in the universe. The destiny that belongs to the Twin Sacred Trees takes root again and starts again.

One by one, complex and profound mantras are spoken at a special language frequency, guiding all active elements in the void. These active elements produce different effects under the special and strange frequency of the mantra. The alien space in the dark seems to be opened by an invisible key, the void is trembling, and the active elements are jumping for joy. These cute little guys full of charming colors began to gather together and sing happily. Immediately afterwards, four portals of different colors first revealed a point, and then the point began to expand. Immediately afterwards, four small light spots of different colors gradually opened up, and then four special doors slowly opened.

As the four special portals slowly opened, four torrents of different colors rushed out. The fire element is as red as blood, the earth element is virtuous, the wind element gathers and disperses invisible, and the water element is the source of life. The torrents of the four major elements descended through four special element passages. Seeing this, Jiang Ning and the wizards present were overjoyed. Immediately afterwards, special spells were chanted again from their mouths. This spell is even weirder and more obscure than the previous spells that opened and brought the four elements down. Under the effect of the spell, in the void, there seemed to be a pair of invisible big hands smoothing the four elements, allowing them to descend slowly according to a specific route and track.

These elements were attracted, and then an endless torrent of elements descended, and they continuously poured into a gold and silver seed in the center of the base. As they poured in continuously, the gold and silver strange seeds shone with four colors of light one after another. Then the four colors of light gathered at the corner of the seed,

Vigorous vitality, endless vitality slowly wakes up from the inside of the seed as the four elements descend one after another.

Such visions are going on and on and on. A long time has passed, and the wizards who maintain the channels of the four elements have been exhausted. They kept drinking the pre-prepared potions to replenish their energy and mana. And the speed at which the seeds absorbed the four elements was getting faster and faster, but it never stopped, nor did they sprout. If it weren't for the majestic vitality, Jiang Ning and the other wizards thought their plan had completely failed.

However, as the vitality inside the seed continued to increase, this majestic and exuberant vitality became more and more intense. Finally, a touch of greenness mixed with gold and silver colors appeared, followed by an incomparably immature sprout slowly breaking through the shackles of the seeds. And as he continued to absorb the four elements, his growth rate became faster and faster, and finally his figure suddenly appeared in the outside world. He is constantly absorbing the four elements, using all his strength to absorb the four elements.

And Jiang Ning and more than a hundred wizards also walked out of the experimental tower together, and sat down cross-legged on an extremely empty land behind the palace. Immediately afterwards, he chanted the mantra again to help the young shoot absorb the power of the four elements. With the help of external forces, the tiny buds bloom with amazing strength and exuberant vitality. He instinctively flew to Jiangning and the others, and took root in that empty land. The seemingly immature shoots are incomparably tough, piercing into the ground with ease. And, as he took root in the soil, his young stature skyrocketed in an instant. And soon it grew into a towering tree!

His roots continued to extend underground, and his body became extremely thick. The canopy of the tree continued to extend towards the sky, covering half of the city broadly. Immediately afterwards, the golden and silver tree burst into endless soft light, illuminating the whole world in an instant. And his roots continue to extend underground, deep into another strange space, and integrate with the origin of the world. His combination with the source produced a wonderful reaction. The whole world has become more alive, rich in a vocabulary called spirituality. He began to absorb everything in the universe, absorbing the beneficial nutrients in the universe. Feedback to the world in which he is rooted while replenishing himself. The soil becomes extremely fertile, the water becomes clear and sweet, and the air becomes extremely fresh. All the elves and beings felt the difference, but it was impossible to say clearly.

The thin film that provided the source of light for the whole world gradually withdrew its light, and its light was compressed to a minimum. It resists all dangers in the universe, but the power belonging to the holy tree is also within this film, extending a barrier again as a second guarantee. As he gradually takes control of the entire world, as he is in harmony with the source, it brings a virtuous circle to the entire world. The body of the sacred tree skyrocketed in an instant, covering the whole world, but in the next moment his body that covered the world disappeared in an instant. There is only one giant tree that covers half of the city, but his real body has already been hidden in another space interlayer of the world. What remains in the outside world is just the appearance!

It seems that after the death of the Silver Sacred Tree Telperion and the Golden Sacred Tree Laurelin, they also left their only descendants with vigilance. As a result, after the new sacred tree grew, he chose to hide his own body for the first time, although he did not have too much wisdom. But it has the instinct to avoid disasters, leaving an untouchable body to provide light outside. But the real body has been hidden in the alien space.

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