Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 565: Helpless reform

These elves from different worlds, the world they live in now is undoubtedly very special compared to other worlds. Its existence and status have many coincidence factors. These coincidences and factors come together for various reasons, thus forming a unique planet-like world. However, its state is still different from the real living planet. It is only similar to a planet in appearance, but in fact, it is different from a real living planet in every aspect.

It has been in a state of "wandering" in the universe, its destination is unknown, it has no established orbit, and it has never been captured by the gravity of any galaxy or star. He has been constantly drifting in the vast and boundless space of the universe, heading for unknown places. Another point is that its light comes from itself, the outermost special barrier, which is similar to the crystal wall but different from the crystal wall. It not only blocks all kinds of threats from the universe, but also absorbs dangerous rays in the universe and converts them into light sources that can provide the necessary energy for life. The growth of all things and the light and heat absorbed by life itself are all emitted by this special world. However, its crisis situation is not small. If it encounters a cosmic disaster, it will be difficult to ensure real safety.

Therefore, the most urgent need at present is to obtain a stable orbit and a star on which to live. Otherwise, they can only continue to drift in the endless void of the universe.

Jiang Ning keeps worrying about this matter every day, but such a matter and the special situation cannot be solved by worrying. It requires some specific factors and a long and long time, even then there is no guarantee that the final situation will be the same as what I imagined in advance. The power required to propel a planet is incalculable. They do research from scratch, and they don't know how long it will take to do it. Moreover, an ethnic group cannot concentrate on studying this kind of knowledge, and it also needs many other subsidiary knowledge. Therefore, the only task of the entire ethnic group at present is to continuously strive for reproduction and continue to study various subjects on the basis of population. This time, Jiang Ning didn't keep his secrets anymore, he wrote down a lot of knowledge one after another and piled them in the library. There are more than one hundred wizards in the clan, they not only have to learn all kinds of knowledge, but also take on the role of teaching, teaching the children in the clan who have wizard talents.

This kind of top-secret information in the core plan has always been highly classified. The crisis of survival has not been leaked out, and it has not been known by too many clansmen. Even if they knew it, it would not help the matter, and it would have no effect at all. Although the living space has become larger, the population of the ethnic group is still small, and the city of Weslier can fully accommodate more than hundreds of thousands of people. Therefore, the Eswell elves did not go out to build a city, and Jiang Ning currently has no plans in this regard.

Fortunately, the original land of the delta, together with a part of the Misty Mountain Range, was torn apart by a mighty force. The elements and minerals belonging to the middle earth were taken away, and many animals and plants living in the vast forests and plains and mountains were also taken away. After experiencing the grand scene of creation, the seeds of these plants were blown everywhere with the wind, took root on the ground, and gradually multiplied into forests. With the expansion of the forest, the animals gradually migrated to the outside world. Coupled with the gradual abundance of food, the number of animals is increasing day by day. Moreover, even that part of the treant was wrapped in the original vast power and separated from the middle-earth world.

This makes the Eswell elves not alone, at least they still have intelligent life that can communicate. Unlike now, the whole world is one family, and there are no other intelligent life apart from this. Therefore, after the initial short-term chaos, the Eswell elves resumed normal production and work and rest life. The order of social operations has also been restored one by one. At the same time, Jiang Ning continues to send people to explore various minerals on the vast land. He needs to know exactly what resources are rich in the land he currently lives on.

And whether these resources are more or less, this is what they want to know urgently, because all production and life cannot do without the support of various resources. What's more, the grand plans in their hearts also need the support of various resources.

And time is slowly passing by like this. It is worth mentioning that their immortality still exists, and the inextinguishable fire contained in their souls is the key to their eternal life. This made Jiang Ning very relieved, and he put down a heavy burden in his heart. Moreover, the current homeland is filled with endless active elements, which gradually causes wonderful changes in the whole world. At the beginning, part of the origin of the world that wrapped and protected them dissipated, part turned into a barrier and changed the pattern and shape of existence, and part sank into a strange underground space. In short, although the state of this world is strange, it has the same characteristics as other living planets.

Because it monopolizes the entire world, the names of the world and the continent are naturally given the name of the race, that is, Eswell!

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

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----This is a gorgeous dividing line---


With the passage of time, the artisans and prospectors of the Iswell elves have explored many minerals, although they still have not explored the entire land of these mineral resources, only a small part has been explored. However, the results of the exploration also made the entire ethnic group cheer continuously. It turns out that the resources they currently have are simply too plentiful. Unbelievably rich! All kinds of metal minerals, common and rare metal minerals are very rich, such as gold, silver, copper, iron and tin, etc., are even more abundant to the point of finger. In many places, there are such open-pit mines. As for some hidden underground mines, they have not yet been explored. However, this is enough to support them to build their homeland better. With the order signed by Jiang Ning, the Iswell elves began to organize manual mining of various minerals and smelting.

The social order is also being further improved, and the ethnic groups in the past still belong to the stage of exploiting other ethnic groups. But now, because of the loneliness of the ethnic group, this model can only be changed. Their production began to be settled in gold and silver, and through the formulation of monetary policy, the vitality of the entire ethnic group was constantly stimulated. Although they are immortal, if such stimulating actions are not taken. Then, the entire ethnic group will gradually become corrupt and degenerate over a long period of time. For this reason, Jiang Ning ordered the artisans in the ethnic group to study various new things that can enhance the living standards of the ethnic group, and then through the emergence of these new things, stimulate the consumption level of the ethnic group and change their concepts. In turn, they will work vigorously, earn money and spend it again.

Only when the society is full of enterprising vitality can this civilization and race continue to move forward. What Jiang Ning is worried about is that the almost immortal characteristics of the ethnic group will make them gradually slack and lazy. Because, he needs to formulate a strict social operation order to ensure the healthy development of the entire ethnic group. Thus, the various classes began to be further perfected. There is a gap between people, a gap in status and life. Although everyone has the characteristic of immortality, the social situation and the gap in life still make them different. Then, those elves who want to pursue a higher level of living standards can only continue to work hard to make their lives better or obtain a corresponding status. That's because Jiang Ning not only perfected the various classes, but also formulated strict laws. What kind of social status can enjoy what kind of life, what kind of clothing can be worn, and the specifications of houses are all strictly divided. .

This kind of reform, in every country and civilization on the earth, everyone is familiar with this set of rules and understands such rules. However, when he promulgated such reforms, he still received a lot of complaints. Jiang Ning had prepared for this in advance, but the people who knew everything about the serious crisis facing the ethnic group and their homeland approved of this reform very much. They understand that such reforms will benefit the ethnic group from moving forward. Especially when the current crisis faced by the ethnic group is not suitable for the entire ethnic group to know, such reforms are even more important.

Speaking of it, it's really a bit ironic. The establishment of social order from ancient times to the present, the only object of service is a small group of people on the pyramid. But now, his reform is a decree issued for the continued development of the ethnic group and the crisis it faces. He once thought with self-deprecation that he was probably the only one who behaved like him from ancient times to the present. However, such a move is very necessary. Their almost immortality has not dissipated, and because of the relationship of the immortal fire, true equality between human beings has been achieved. However, it is this equality that hinders the continued development of the entire ethnic group. Moreover, the current home environment where they live is too comfortable. Those wild beasts could not pose the slightest threat to the high elves. Therefore, Jiang Ning once wondered whether he should try to create some other lives to increase the danger of the world.

Otherwise, once it continues like this, it won't be long before the fighting power of the ethnic group will drop. In the past, when they were in Middle-earth, because of the threat of the enemy, the fighting power of the ethnic group has always been maintained at a very high level. Today, looking around the entire living and multiplying world, there are no such threats. There are no people in the wilderness, and there are no large beasts. Now, everyone travels almost without a sword. If this continues, it won't be long before the combat effectiveness of the ethnic group will definitely decline.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the combat effectiveness of the ethnic group, or to maintain a certain combat capability of the ethnic group. Then, he must also provide a certain degree of danger for the entire homeland. Moreover, elves will not get sick, and ordinary viruses cannot erode the immune system of high elves. Then, he also needs to bring disasters and illnesses to the new world, and maintain the development and progress of the ethnic group in all aspects, as well as the research and development of related disciplines.

Jiang Ning feels that he is currently shouldering the responsibility of the savior on the one hand, and the responsibility of Pandora on the other hand, that is, bringing disasters, diseases, and many sufferings to the world.

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