Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 561: The Black Torrent Sweeping Everything

The coalition forces of elves, humans and dwarves contained Sauron's further offensive. Although, because of the Lord of the Rings, a group of nine most powerful humans of the time were corrupted. So that Sauron obtained the power of human beings, and because of the relationship between the Supreme Lord of the Rings, Sauron's power has been greatly enhanced. However, the arrival of Númenor's reinforcements broke the myth of Sauron's invincibility. Changing from the previous desperate situation, the Middle-earth race rekindled their confidence in victory. But, that's all.


In Mordor, in the endless underground of the Ash Mountains, the caves extending in all directions have already become a breeding ground for alien breeding. There are countless aliens here, they parasitize humans and dwarves, but they do not parasitize elves. Because the master who created them is an elf in this world, and he can't tolerate elves being parasitized by aliens.

When Sauron came here, he saw endless hatching hotbeds and endless alien eggs.

"When is the timing you mentioned?" Sauron said dissatisfiedly: "How many aliens are there? Could it be that after such a long time, they are still not ready?"

Jiang Ning just glanced at him slightly, then spoke. "Now the time has come, and I'm tired of this endless game." Sauron was extremely happy when he said this.

"Let's go, alien army!"

Following his will, the army of aliens living in the caves of Mordor continuously responded to his call with neighing. Then, a dense and endless army of aliens emerged from various crypts. They pass through the crypts extending in all directions, leading to all parts of Middle-earth, and drilled from various places. Then, with an indomitable and unstoppable power, it swept in all directions.

Sauron also activated the Doomsday Volcano again, spewing out endless black smoke and poisonous gas, serving as a barrier for the army. The endless army of orcs in Mordor poured out. Sauron personally commanded the endless army of orcs and the army of aliens who followed them, and began the battle to push Middle-earth across. Faced with Sauron's new round of offensive, it naturally aroused the vigilance and response of the three tribes. However, flesh and blood are completely powerless against the terrifying and efficient alien.

They were defeated irresistibly in the endless torrent of the alien army. But all the places where the battles were fought were soaked in endless blood, scarlet. On the battlefield, limbs and flesh are everywhere, endless blood and dead bodies, attracting countless scavengers, ghouls and other things to come out to look for food.


Valinor, Vilamanwe is located on the top of Tenicatier, looking at Middle-earth suddenly, and said with great fear: "It's over, it's over, the big black snake has finally appeared..." He made a prophecy , "The dreadful black terror swept everything, and Middle-earth fell before it, and Arda fell into endless chaos."

Then Manwë summoned the Valar to a council in Ithiroha. And, organize the army to enter Middle Earth as quickly as possible. They have to make efforts to prevent the turmoil that can almost destroy the world. The birth and appearance of aliens has already disturbed the world. However, in the strange space outside the foreign land, the war between the two universes has already entered a stalemate stage.

In Middle Earth, the coalition forces formed by the three races could hardly stop the endless torrent of aliens for a moment. In front of the aliens, they retreated unstoppably, killing countless people. Many towns, villages, and great cities fell. Some humans and dwarves were captured by aliens, and then hatched and cultivated more alien troops. Immediately afterwards, the aliens attacked extremely quickly. Although they had no eyes, they could perceive everything keenly. All life died under the fangs and claws of the aliens. The palace of Mandos has long been filled with the dead. Even, it becomes crowded.

The corruption of the situation is extremely serious, far beyond Vera's imagination and everyone's imagination. The horror of the alien, initially revealed, terrified everyone.

They come from the east,

Sweep towards the west. The territories of humans, dwarves, and elves quickly fell in front of the aliens. Without the slightest blocking force, the three clans were in despair. At this time, although Vera's arrival temporarily stopped the situation. However, among the countless torrents that followed, it was difficult for the Villars to stop all of this. The reproductive efficiency of aliens is too strong, not only that, the scope of alien parasitism is not limited to humans and dwarves.

Birds flying in the sky, beasts on the ground and creatures in the sea. All were parasitized by aliens, and then developed and evolved an endless army of aliens. Afterwards, these aliens swept over everything again. Middle-earth, East, West, South, and North attacked from all directions, and Middle-earth was completely fallen in a short period of time. The desperate three clans followed Villa and retreated into Valinor, where they once again organized a defense line. The magical island full of mist was the first barrier, and the Valar connected it and built a line of defense on it. Stop the alien invasion.

At this time, Jiang Ning had also quietly entered Weslier.

When his figure appeared, the Iswell elves cheered continuously. The people witnessed the arrival of the monarch with their own eyes, which greatly boosted the morale of all of them. Although the alien invasion ravaged Middle-earth, it did not enter the territory of the Iswell elves. Now, this phenomenon is presented in front of everyone, and naturally let the Villas know everything.

They never expected that Yiningville, corrupted by Morgoth, would be even more terrifying than Morgoth in the past. Compared with him, the dark and evil creatures created by Morgoth are completely harmless children. After the truth came to light, the Villas were filled with remorse, and at the same time felt extremely terrified of all this. Their fears come true, and it's only a matter of time.

After Jiang Ning returned to Weslier, he summoned his people and announced the order to evacuate. At the same time, he also began to identify the tribe. For the people who are still the same, no matter what he becomes, they remain extremely loyal to him. Jiang Ning will naturally reuse them in the future. As for some elves who questioned and could not guarantee their loyalty to him, he expelled them all. More than two thousand years have passed, and the population of Iswell elves has reached nearly 200,000. Apart from the tens of thousands of elves who doubted him and could not guarantee their loyalty, he still has hundreds of thousands of clan members. After expelling the traitors, Jiang Ning immediately summoned the wizards of the clan and carried out a large-scale operation around the entire territory. He and the wizards in the clan drew a huge map for the territory, and quietly waited for the work of relocation and evacuation!

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