Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 557: The Great Darkness Sweeping Everything

The fall of Eregion had a profound impact on Middle-earth, and its rapid fall was shocking, and panic followed. Although after the first era passed, almost all the Noldor who remained in Middle-earth withdrew. However, there are still a large number of Noldor elves who choose to stay. Thousands of years have passed, and the population of the elves has also grown very fast. After all, no matter how low the ability to reproduce is, thousands of years have passed, and time has accumulated a large number of people. Therefore, Eregion's power is definitely not weak. But its rapid fall is all the more shocking because of that.

Thousands of years have passed, could it be that the remnants of the first era have become so powerful? And Sauron, who followed Morgoth back then, has become so powerful? Attacking a powerful elf country can actually destroy it in a short period of time. This strength is extremely terrifying, and now everyone in Middle-earth is in danger, and several elf kingdoms have begun to connect with each other and strengthen their ties. At the same time, everyone almost unanimously recruited troops to prepare for war.

Gilgalad of the Linton Kingdom, Celeborn, Galadriel, Cirdanza, the Lord of the Gray Harbor, Wesliel, and the Silvan elves who settled in the big forest, their rule The one who was the Sindar Elf Orofer gathered a group of immigrants from Doriath and migrated to the big forest with his son Thranduil. Amon Lanke happened to be interdependent with Weslier, to which the Elves of Ysver belonged. After all, they belong to the same clan, and to Olofer, these same clans are still a family even though they have changed their clan names. It was better to live by the neighbor of a family than with a crowd of the Noldor, for their crimes were many.

Though the Noldor fell to the kingdom of Doriath, all the Sindar who survived hated them. However, they have nothing to do now. Because the group of people who did evil at the beginning had died long ago, and Ferno's descendants were almost extinct, except for Jill Gallard. Most of the Noldor elves who participated in the battle died in battle, or they saved their lives and returned to Valinor. The rest of those staying in Middle-earth were mostly civilians who were not involved in the attack on Doriath. Therefore, Olofer and the others could not avenge their revenge. However, lacking a sense of security, they chose to be neighbors with their powerful kinsmen, to trade with the Eswell elves, to promote exchanges with each other, and so on. After all, they lived in the Blessed Land for hundreds of years, and this is the only ethnic group in Middle-earth whose entire clan is high elves. The most important thing is that this ethnic group is very strong, and did not lose much in the war of the First Era. Now, after thousands of years have passed, their strength has accumulated even stronger. Regardless of whether the Eswell elves participate in the communication among the elves or not, even if they don't say a word, no one ignores their existence.

Although their current state is a bit strange, it is equivalent to "closed the country". Although the aristocratic council, which is temporarily regent, manages the entire huge country, they hardly ask anything about Middle-earth. Just hide away and live in the beautiful Delta Land. However, the current situation is different from the past, and Olofer plans to go to Wesley himself to discuss major issues with the noble council.

He took a hundred elf cavalry, and under their escort, he left Amon Lank and went to Weslier. It was also a long time since he came to this elven country that had already become extremely beautiful. At first glance, a majestic giant city spanned both sides of the river, occupying a large area of ​​land. Outside the city walls, there are well-planned cultivated land and beautiful country manors. They are extremely rich, and the population does not grow explosively like humans. Residents thus had not only an estate in the country, but also a property in the city. What Olofer saw along the way was all neatly cultivated land and manors located in it, magnificent and tall city walls, densely packed bed crossbows, catapults and other offensive and defensive weapons. Inside the city, minarets stand at intervals, and large catapults are installed at the highest point.

These steeples are either libraries, or government buildings, or wizards' magical towers.

The knowledge that Jiang Ning spread at the beginning, after thousands of years of long years, the gifted elves of Iswell have already made considerable progress and perfection on the basis, and their strength is also increasing day by day. At the same time, the power of the entire ethnic group has become stronger, and its background is extremely profound. They even created a system associated with wizards, allowing the tower to be connected in series with the entire city to protect the entire city. These are very huge progress, and very effective.

In addition, they have made many, many improvements. Basically, they are the result of innovation and innovation from the various knowledge left by Jiang Ning at the beginning, which is in line with the esoteric knowledge of the elves.

With emotion in his heart, Olofer walked into the city with his cavalry. When he passed the huge city gate that was nearly twenty-five meters high, he looked up slightly, no matter how many times he passed through here, he would subconsciously feel his own insignificance. Only after passing through the outer city and entering the inner city can one understand how profound this change is.

If any buildings in the outer city are for military considerations, then the scene of the inner city is completely a bustling big city. Every day, the city comes to trade with merchants of many races. In order to be able to trade with the elves for a long time, they have exhausted countless thoughts, and only then have they obtained a relatively short-term residence right. After all, the Iswil elves are notorious for their xenophobia. However, even so, there are still countless businessmen of all races who have sharpened their heads and want to come in.

They sell everything, and they ship everything here except slaves. All kinds of food, iron ore, copper ore, gold and silver jewelry and so on. Almost everything will be continuously transported here by businessmen of all ethnic groups. They conduct transactions in designated trading venues. In addition, they cannot enter residential areas and government offices, let alone military areas. Such harsh conditions still make people flock in an endless stream.

Olofer was only a little envious in his heart, and then they entered the magnificent steeple palace under the leadership of the guards. The offices and meetings of the regent noble councils are located in a side hall of the imperial palace. When Olofer came here, the members of the Regency Council in charge of the country had already arrived, and they expressed a kind and friendly welcome to the arrival of the same race. This made Olofer feel a warm family atmosphere here.

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