Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 544: The End of the High Elves Era


In Valinor, even though the Two Sacred Trees are dead, this land of immortality is still illuminated by divine light. This has been the case since the era of the Two Sacred Trees. Although the Two Sacred Trees are dead now, the fruits and flowers they left behind have turned into the sun and the moon in the divine power of Vera. The brilliance of the sun and the moon still shines on the world of Arda. Similarly, Valinor is still as holy as he was in the past, and continues to protect the good.

In Naishiroha, the Holy Circle of Judgment, circled the thrones of the Valar. Their gazes were focused on the western land. In their eyes, they saw the war-torn western continent, the unscrupulous destruction and ravages of orcs, and the endless wailing of the kind people living there.

Every Vera or Vili's eyes contained endless grief and anger. They looked at each other in silence, but each could clearly understand the meaning in each other's eyes. Thus, the Valar started to act. They mobilized the good people living in Valinor and organized a large-scale army. Among them are the Beast Legion, the Treant Legion and the army composed of high elves. Among them, there are the Vanyar elves led by Ingwey, the Noldor elves who have never left Valinor, the Isver elves, and a small number of Teleri elves. But most of the Elves did not follow the Valar to the East. Because they couldn't forget the genocide that happened in Okuolongdi. It's just that they provided Vera with a white ship to help Vera's army cross the sea to the east.

Very few records survive of the march of the Valar to the north of Middle-earth, for none of them later lived in Middle-earth and passed on the story to posterity. In short, the host of the Valar left the West at last, and returned to Valinor again. However, the sound of the horns they challenged and the appearance of their neat armor, bright armor, and angry horses in fresh clothes are remembered by time and forever by history.

Little did Morgoth foresee that the Valamun would come across the sea to attack him. The rapid sinking of the West under his feet raised his power and pride to a whole new level. He is defiant and looks down on anyone, even if he has only his soul left. But, with his host at his side, he asked himself what new heights he had risen to be King of Arda. However, Vera's sudden march still made him at a loss, and the fear and awe of Vera still remained deep in his soul. Immediately, he felt ashamed of this again. He thought that his current strength should be only stronger than Vera's. Therefore, Morgoth was extremely angry at Vera's initiative. He gathered all the troops under his command, the Balrog, the dragon, the orc and his newly created ogre, and they all gathered in the north. He wants to fight the Valar with the huge army he has accumulated for hundreds of years.

The army between them is extremely large in number. When these armies were placed in the north, facing the almost endless army for a while, the vast northern land seemed to become crowded in an instant. Their armies faced each other hundreds of miles apart, with the banners of Valinor fluttering in the wind, and the banners of Morgoth on the opposite side. At the same time, Morgoth, who was hiding in the bottom of Angband, once again activated the Iron Mountain Range, spewing out endless black smoke and poisonous gas, completely covering the fighting sky. and his armies,

Provides a safe environment, after all they are light-hating dark creatures. Among them, his newly created ogre will turn into a stone statue when it sees light.

There was a confrontation between them for a while, and then a world-shattering battle suddenly began. The endless armies on both sides launched a charge, and at the point of the soldiers, there were limbs and pieces of flesh, corpses lying across the field, and blood flowing into rivers. However, under the leadership of Valinor, Valinor's army exerted unimaginable strength, and they defeated Morgoth's army like a bamboo. His Balrog Legion died astonishingly, only two or three of them escaped from the battlefield, hiding and sleeping in the endless, unreachable underground. The fire dragons and cold dragons (both are evil dragons) flying high in the sky were shot into sieves by Oromy and the archers in the army, only a few of them flapped their wings and left in the sky, and the rest turned into cold corpses from the sky. The sky fell. And the endless army of half-orcs was quickly extinguished as if they had encountered a raging straw, or they were wiped out like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. The remaining elves and humans in the west, the dwarves began to join the Vala's army spontaneously, and they fought side by side with the Valar to eliminate the executioners who stained the blood of their relatives and destroyed their farmland and homes.

Morgoth at last began to fear when he saw his hosts destroyed and his power scattered. However, he didn't have the courage to fight at all, not to mention he lost his only physical body and couldn't go out to fight. He could only hide in the stronghold of Angband, shivering like a quail in the dark crypt.

After Valar's army defeated Morgoth's army, they began a never-ending hunt, killing all evil creatures they encountered. Morgoth's centuries-accumulated advantages and armies were no different from mud in the attack of the Valar. The speed of their rout was so amazing that they collapsed quickly before Morgoth could react at all. Countless half-orcs were wiped out, and the few remaining half-orcs scattered into the vast middle-earth. They reappeared in the future and continued to do evil.

When the sun rose and the host of the Valar prevailed, nearly all the dragons were slain; and all the caverns of Morgoth were broken up, and the mighty Valar descended to the depths of the earth. The terrified Morgoth fled to the deepest part of the mine, and hid in the deepest hole begging for peace and mercy. But this time, the Valar saw through his disgusting evil tricks, not to mention that he also made Yiningville, which was the most beloved of the Valar among the elves, fall into darkness. Therefore, Vera was not moved at all. Looking at his soul sphere emitting endless evil and black light, they took out Angenor forged by Auri again, and then threw it to Morgoth. The latter, when he saw the iron chains that bound him, wanted to struggle desperately, but endlessly, he was bound again.

The evil forces in Angband in the north disappeared. Although the Valar captured Morgoth, they did not find the Silmaril. But it was learned later that the Silmarillion was in Doriath. However, the battle between the Vala army and the Morgoth army overwhelmed the entire western land. This piece of land had already suffered huge damage in the previous decisive battle between Oromy and Yiningville. Now, being ravaged again, the western land finally couldn't bear the heavy damage. The land in the north collapsed on a large scale, and the seawater poured into countless cracks crazily. At the same time, in other places in the western land, scenes of tragic natural disasters also occurred. The Valar then summoned the Elves to return to Valinor, but Maedhros and his brothers refused to return to Valinor. The oath still pressed them, and even they themselves felt the loathing, but they could not forget the Silmaril and the oath they had sworn to it. The constraint of this oath eventually led to the subsequent kin killing.

However, although they finally got back the Silmarillion, the holy power on the Silmarillion burned their palms and made him miserable. The Silmarillion shall not be defiled by the wicked, and all evil people shall be punished by the Silmarillion. Maedhros finally understood this. In despair and pain, he jumped down the cracks in the ground and fell into the endless lava, and the Silmaril in his hand also fell into the center of the earth. But Maglor, too, was no longer recognized by the Silmarillion, like his elder brother, because of all the evils they had done. Finally, he threw the Silmarillion into the sea.

And the last Silmaril was thrown into the sea by Elwin, a descendant of Beren and Lucien, after the sons of Fernor slaughtered Doriath and the mouth of Sirion. Ulmo commanded it to lift up, and became a star in the sky. In this way, the three Silmarils all found their homes, one in the sky, one in the center of the earth, and one in the sea.

At this point, the evil done by Morgoth came to an end. He was thrown into the void by the Valar and imprisoned forever. The era of the high elves also came to an end, and the sinking of the western land prompted some high elves who were unwilling to return to Valinor to move eastward, and the same was true for humans and dwarves.

The end of the first era, the end of the era of the high elves; at the same time, in a certain cave in the eastern land, a pair of eyes that had been closed for a long time opened suddenly, and the scarlet eyes illuminated the world in an instant!

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