Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 521: Turning the Situation

After successfully driving the half-orc army to the north, Jiang Ning, Maedhros, Fingon, and the elf kings successfully met in the Ardgaran Plain. Afterwards, the remaining tens of thousands of troops made corrections in the Ardjalan Plain and waited for the arrival of supplies and personnel from the base camp. It has to be said that the elves living in Gondolin and Dorthonion, as well as humans, are the fastest. Far beyond Doriath, Nargothrond and other elf kingdoms. Their arrival not only brought 5,000 fresh troops, but also brought a large amount of supplies, not only food and clothing, but also medicinal herbs and various military supplies.

Afterwards, the exhausted army started repairing with their backs against the mountains and facing the plain of Adgaran. Those who were injured were healed, and those who were seriously injured returned to the rear for repairs. They formed a long line of defense along the vast Ardgaran Plain, and built fortifications on the spot by mining rocks. By this arduous struggle it became clear to all that they had underestimated the cunning of Morgoth. He also underestimated the number of orcs, and even underestimated the existence of dragons and Balrogs.

Now, taking advantage of the gathering of tens of thousands of horses and the prestige of a great victory, Morgoth dared not go south for a while. Started to repair quickly, and at the same time relied on the endless mountains to build a solid fortress group. They had made up their minds and would never let Morgothnan take the next step. They had to build a line of defense that was even tighter than the previous Angband siege, and block this dark monster in the north.

They take advantage of the precious opportunity to repair, and Morgoth will not let go of this powerful opportunity. He summoned and gathered his orc legions, and at the same time called back the scattered dragons and balrogs. What's more, in the underground caves of Angband, a new round of cultivation has begun.

The initial success of the crowd tactics made him understand that his army of half-orcs was still useful in dealing with a race like the high elves who had a hard time procreating. Even if a hundred orcs were exchanged for the life of an elf soldier, Morgoth felt that he had made a profit. Therefore, he seized the only "weakness" of the elves and began to cultivate and create his half-orc army! Even if they are not the opponents of the elves, they will die on the battlefield, and Morgoth will not care at all. To him, these are just dispensable cannon fodder and rubbish, as long as it can consume the population of elves, he doesn't care how much they die. As for the dwarves and the second race of humans, they were completely ignored by Morgoth.

From the beginning to the end, Morgoth only regards the elves as his great enemies, and he doesn't care about the dwarves and humans at all. Although the reproductive ability of the second clan is also very strong, even so, the population of the second clan cannot compare with the elves in terms of talent. Every adult elf, with his combat ability, must be able to easily defeat more humans or dwarves than him with one enemy. This is the advantage of the elves. Similarly, the ability of the elves to reproduce the population is too low, which makes every member of the elves very precious. Therefore, in a large-scale battle, the loss of population is unbearable for the elves.

And Morgoth is currently playing with this idea. Using endless crowd tactics, the elf was completely worn down, and after a duel with Fingolfin, one of his feet was injured and became lame. Now Morgoth will not leave Angband again. In particular, on the plains of Ardgalan, there was another elf that made him dread. The elf who could easily injure him when he still had most of his strength was the first elf besides Vera that made him feel dreadful and afraid.

Although under his command, he defeated the army of Commander Fingolfin, but then the situation was reversed. As a result, Jiang Ning, who had integrated the forces of several ethnic groups, began to deploy defenses on the Adjalan Plain and set up a defense line. The stance he put on was to completely block him in Angband. This made Morgoth very frightened. He was afraid that the powerful elves would repeat the situation under the city of Angband hundreds of years ago. Back then, the elves had insufficient troops to attack Angband, but the repeated bombing by hundreds of trebuchets made Morgoth tremble with fear every day.

Today, the strength of the elves has greatly increased, and they have also brought dwarves, allies of the second race of humans. Compared with hundreds of years ago, their strength has increased several times? Facing such a crisis, how dare Morgoth be easily involved like last time?

Now, he has the same idea and plan as the elves, that is, hurry up to integrate the army under his command, and then create and breed more half-orcs. Meanwhile, in the depths of the crypts of Angband, hastened to forge weapons and armor to arm his host. And Sauron was also severely punished by Morgoth. The swearing before the departure resulted in a disastrous defeat. Not only that, but also the two most powerful thugs, the Dragon and the Balrog, suffered heavy losses. This made Morgoth extremely annoyed, so he punished Sauron severely, and put down harsh words to him, and if there was a failure, he would directly kill him.

This made Sauron tremble with fear, and at the same time, the hatred for Jiang Ning and the hatred for the elves in his heart became second only to Morgoth.

Meanwhile, on the plains of Ardgaran. After several months, troops and supplies from the base camp in the rear arrived in the Adgaran area in a steady stream. The arrival of this group of fresh troops made the number of troops of the three-clan coalition exceed 80,000 in an instant. Moreover, the several months of training have also made the injured soldiers recover a lot. They only need to recover for a period of time before they can fight on the battlefield again.

The arrival of an army of more than 80,000 people has greatly increased the strength of the coalition forces of the three races, but the consumption of various materials is also astonishing. Every month, there will be a steady stream of food from the south to the front line. At the same time, artisans from several elf kingdoms, dwarves, and artisans from the second race of humans also come to the Ardgaran Plain.

Together with the army, they will build an unbreakable "Great Wall" to defend against Morgoth's attempt to go south. At the same time, the gravel and soil excavated every day also filled the Serihe Swamp. Today, this vast swamp has become a plain. Its existence at the beginning played a very effective role in hindering the half-orcs' footsteps. However, the current Serihe Swamp has become a stumbling block hindering the elves. Therefore, after some thought, Jiang Ning decisively asked people to fill up the swamp.

At the same time, large blocks of stone and soil were jointly built by the craftsmen of the three tribes to build a line of defense and a strong fortress. These fortresses stood at the most critical passages, firmly protecting the southward passages. At the same time, in the rear, several elf kingdoms also began large-scale road construction. Build several "countries" together with several elf kingdoms and a "highway" for transporting materials. Otherwise, transporting various materials under the existing conditions will cause huge losses.

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