Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 519: Desperate Belief Part II


With a loud shout, elves, humans and dwarves quickly arranged a dense phalanx. The shields stood up, the spears stood upright, and the archers behind them began to bend their bows and set arrows, aiming at the array of orcs. In the mountains, the heavy trebuchets have long been abandoned by them and destroyed by them. They only kept the powerful bed crossbow and other large weapons against dragons, which also slowed down their speed. Even so, they will never choose to abandon the bed crossbow again. Once the sharp weapon against the dragon is gone, facing the dragon falling from the sky, the bows and arrows in their hands will not be able to penetrate the dragon's scales at all. But the flames spewed by the evil dragon can easily burn them to death.


The archers behind the spear and shield phalanx, as the order was issued, immediately frightened the rain of arrows one after another. The shower of covering shots knocked down a large number of orcs. But, immediately after, it seemed that endless orcs were rushing over. Driven by Morgoth, they were not afraid of death at all, nor did they dare to run back. Therefore, the orcs at this moment are not afraid of casualties at all. For, in their eyes, the terror of Morgoth was far more terrible than death.

The fearlessness of the orcs also shocked Finrod and the others! Immediately, there was determination in the eyes, and the tight gun shield phalanx arranged in a row shrank again, and the short dwarf shuttled through the phalanx. Although humans are not as tall as the elves, they still stand with the elves with their shields and spears. Build an almost impenetrable wall for the archers behind them who are constantly shooting arrows to kill the enemy.

As the orcs got closer, the coalition forces of the three clans also entered the range of the opponent's archers. With an order, the half-orc archers also began to bend their bows and set arrows, shooting at the elves. Similarly, a large number of half-orcs accelerated towards the gun-shield front by taking advantage of the gap time of firepower suppression. They tried to break down the opponent's defensive wall in one go.


Finrod's expression changed drastically. Under his order, the archers bowed their bows and set arrows again. However, facing the half-orcs like locust arrow rain, the archers suffered heavy losses. At this time, some seriously injured soldiers struggled to get out of the tent. Picking up his shield, he gritted his teeth and walked to the archer's position. Immediately, they held up their shields for the archers to block the rain of arrows from the orcs!


Finrod and the others looked at these soldiers who were determined to die, their eyes were moist. He raised his hand, trying to persuade them to go back, but in the end he couldn't speak. At this moment, everyone understands one thing, no matter what they do, the end is death. Morgoth will not let them go, whether they show up or not, they will die in the end! Then, why not protect your comrades and support them as much as possible so that you can kill as many orcs as possible.

"If I don't die today, I will definitely avenge my comrades who died at the hands of Morgoth!!!"

At the same time, the army led by Jiang Ning was passing through the mountains after he defeated Sauron. So he sent a messenger to inform Maedhros in the east, and at the same time, he also asked Thorondor, the king of the eagles, to let him deliver his news to Maedhros and them, to inform them of his victory and what he was about to do now. . Ask Maedhros and the others to establish a solid line of defense in the east, and at the same time send people to the elf kingdoms in the rear, seeking reinforcements and various material support. This point, Maedhros and Elu Thingol had sent to inform him as early as his order was conveyed. There is no news yet, but it is certain that once the news reaches the elves, they will prepare all kinds of supplies and troops to the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Not only that, Jiang Ning also asked Thorondo to pass his news back to Wesleyl, and asked the noble regency council to send another 3,000 expeditionary troops to join the western battlefield. Therefore, Morgoth's military strength was seriously underestimated, resulting in the number of their races plus humans and dwarves, which was far from being able to fight against Morgoth. In this case,

Especially after the division of troops, it is even more obvious. If the number of troops on the east and west routes was 10,000 or 7,000 to 8,000 more, then they would not suffer such heavy losses when facing the orcs.

High elves can fight ten orcs with one. However, they were besieged by several times the number of enemies on the battlefield, and almost all the high elves who died in battle died under the siege of several times the number of half-orcs. This is the inevitable result of their insufficient troops. Even if a single soldier can fight, he will be helpless in the face of a group of fearless half-orcs who are fighting with their lives.

After seeing Fingolfin's body, Jiang Ning ordered the army under his command to speed up and approach Finrod and the others. He is well aware of the seriousness of the matter at present, if the army led by Finrod and the others is completely wiped out. Then, the elves' entire strategic plan to counterattack Angband will be completely disintegrated. Therefore, at that time, there will be obvious holes in their strategy, and the huge army from Angband will go south unimpeded. Even if they block other directions, Morgoth will come south from other places. Once that time comes, facing the army of half-orcs like sea water, they have no choice but to seek help from Vera, and they can kill all these half-orcs.

Therefore, no matter how anxious Jiang Ning was in his heart, he didn't dare to show the slightest bit on his face. He knew very well that the eyes of many soldiers were focused on him. Once he showed bad emotions, it might affect the next battle. Although they were hurrying, walking among the mountains still slowed down the marching speed of the army too much. What's more, they carry a large number of heavy weapons with the army. Seeing the speed of the team slow down again and again, Jiang Ning secretly gritted his teeth and decided to give it a go. Under his order, large and heavy weapons such as trebuchets were hidden in the mountains, and the rest of the troops carrying bed crossbows and greatly reduced weight quickly went to support Finrod and the others.

The army, which has lost half its weight, has indeed increased its marching speed greatly. They headed towards the Dorthonian area along the road covered with countless corpses.

And at Finrod's place, at this moment, they have already started a handover with the half-orcs again. Although they formed a dense defensive shield wall, the number of orcs far surpassed them. In addition, the evil dragons that swooped in and harassed them from time to time had an extremely serious impact on their formation and formation. ..

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