At the time when the West Route Army had completely failed and the East Route Army barely maintained its established defense line, Jiang Ning was still unaware of Fingolfin's death and the failure of the West Route Army. The central army under his command is pressing down on Sauron's army. Under his leading attack, Sauron's army, suppressed by his attack, could not move, and retreated all the time. Even under the obstruction of powerful creatures including dragons and balrogs, they still couldn't stop his footsteps.

The Excalibur Kunguhar in his hand, the Lord of the Rings on his index finger, and the endless holy power contained in the Silmarillion have unimaginable restraint power against the owners of these evil and dark creatures. In the radiance from the Two Sacred Trees, whether it was the most common half-orc, or a dragon and a Balrog, they were all oppressed by the radiance of the Two Sacred Trees.

This also made the offensive of the central army led by Jiang Ning extremely smooth. They formed a tight battle formation and added dense arrows and barrages to cover the attack. The half-orc left a pile of corpses and kept retreating. Jiang Ning led 4,000 elite cavalrymen under his command to rush into the densely packed battle formation of orcs, hacking and killing them, leaving corpses all over the place. At the same time, the army formation in the rear also advanced in an extremely tight formation. With the spears and swords in their hands, they mercilessly slaughtered and killed, leaving corpses all over the place.

Sauron sat high on the top of the mountain, watching the army under his command not retreating again and again, but the opponent was constantly advancing. Sauron's face was extremely ugly, as black as the bottom of a pot. He kept ordering the troops under his command to attack, but Jiang Ning's existence was like an insurmountable mountain in front of the orc army. Even if Sauron tried his best, it was difficult to waver in the slightest. The evil dragons flying and circling in the sky didn't dare to fly low at all, they just kept circling in the air, they were scared. Rao is that the evil dragon has a lot of wisdom, but at this moment they are also afraid of the black arrow that can kill them and the terrifying figure riding on the stag below.

"Sauron, did your master Morgoth let you come here, did he abandon you? Why didn't Morgoth come to me in person? Instead, he sent you, the defeated general!" Jiang Ning watched as he sat on the top of the mountain commanding the army. Sauron couldn't help shouting loudly, his words made Sauron tremble with anger. Several times, he put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, wishing to fight him immediately with a murderous aura. However, Sauron still suppressed his impulse and the anger in his heart.

"You'd better worry about yourself, Yiningville." Sauron said, "My master has already gone out to Fingolfin himself. I think your friends and clansmen are almost dead." Then he said viciously. : "It won't be long before the whole of the West and Middle-earth will completely surrender to the great Morgoth, and you children of Iluvatar will also be completely extinct!"

"Okay, I'll wait for Morgoth!" Jiang Ning would not be angry at all, and when he said this, he shot and killed a dragon again. The tall body of the evil dragon fell straight from the sky, killing a large number of orcs. At this time, Jiang Ning put down his strong bow calmly, and continued to pull out Kunguhar to kill the enemy with all his strength.

"Damn it!!!" Sauron was furious. He regarded Jiang Ning's actions as a provocative act. He frantically ordered his army to besiege and kill him at all costs. However, at this moment, an army of more than 20,000 people, whom Jiang Ning has always regarded as the rear and backing, also came up. They cooperated with each other seamlessly. Killing half-orcs in a narrow area is like cutting melons and vegetables. , unstoppable. Under his leadership, they broke out of the crowded canyon and finally entered the plain of Ardgalan.

Then, the cavalry

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

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----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

It's starting to show off!

With Jiang Ning taking the lead and personally leading the formation, they pierced through the orc formation with unstoppable power.

Immediately afterwards, the dense rain of arrows began to play, and as a large area of ​​torrential blows covered, the half-orcs suffered heavy losses. At this moment, no matter what order Sauron gave, it would be difficult to stop the defeat of the orcs. They were completely defeated and terrified by him. In their hearts, this is not an equal war at all, but a massacre without resistance. No matter who it is, facing that figure, that elf, can't stop his footsteps!

Then came the great defeat, and the Orcs fled for their lives, regardless of Sauron's orders.

And Jiang Ning would not give up this opportunity at all. Under his leadership, the entire army began to charge. The weapons in their hands are various, and the races are also divided into elves, humans and dwarves, but at this moment, they are united together, and the situation is smooth. The fighting power that erupted was incomparably astonishing. They chased after the half-orcs and cut them down continuously. Dirty half-orc blood made the earth sticky! Immediately, the cavalry led by Jiang Ning rushed in quickly, and under their crazy slashing arrows, the casualties of the orcs expanded again. Immediately, the army led by Sauron also quickly fled towards the north!

"Yiningville!" Sauron roared unwillingly, instantly pulled out the battle sword from his waist, and slashed to death the half-orc standing beside him. Afterwards, his figure was far away from here, straddling the back of the dragon and fled quickly back to Angband. Because, he knew that he had failed. After one failure, the army that was several times larger than the enemy still had not completed the task assigned by Morgoth. Sauron didn't know what punishment from Morgoth was waiting for him when he returned.

However, no matter what kind of punishment, just thinking about it, he was scared out of his wits.

When the pursuit was over, Jiang Ning began to check the loss of his army. About 500 of the 4,000 cavalry in the headquarters he personally brought were killed, and the rest were all wounded. And the army of more than 20,000 people who have been fighting against the enemy has also lost five or six thousand people. In this battle, although they killed several times as many orcs as they did, they still lost a lot. In his heart, no matter how many vulgar things like half-orcs die, they cannot be compared with his people.

At this time, about 500 people were lost, which made him extremely heartbroken. These are the people who are loyal to him. He has devoted countless resources, precious time and teachings to them, in order to become the most powerful race under his command in the future. Right now, no matter how much the loss is, it is unacceptable for him.

At the moment when he was heartbroken, a resounding cry of an eagle sounded in the sky. He looked up and saw Thorondo, the king of eagles, flying with wings. Under his claws, holding a figure, Jiang Ning's pupils shrank suddenly, and a bad thought arose in his heart. When Thorondo landed, everyone, including Jiang Ning, knew one thing. Fingolfin, the commander of the West Route Army, died in battle, and his body was brought by Thorondo! The barracks, which had been filled with the joy of victory, was instantly filled with sadness.

"Hurry up, gather the whole army and meet the West Route Army!" Jiang Ning's complexion changed drastically at this moment, and he shouted the assembly order. Under his order, the army who had just rested for a short time got up again and packed everything up. Then, under his leadership, they set off straight for the Swamp of Serech. And in that direction there was the host of Lord Morgoth, and they were crossing the Marshes, and following Finrod's footsteps into the Mountains of Terror. Here, stand two kingdoms, Gondolin and Dorthonion!

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