Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 444: Kingdom of the Gods

"The Kingdom of God?" Cory Busso was slightly taken aback, then smiled. "Is it the Kingdom of God? It's a very appropriate description." Her words made Jiang Ning puzzled, "Why, there are other terms or explanations for this kind of "kingdom"?"

Cory Busso thought for a while, and said with a smile, "How should I explain it to you?" She tilted her head, and then said, "This kind of "country" is not like the vocabulary you just described. Compared with the "country", it is very simple. It can only be regarded as a special space or something, but it is different from the divided space, and it fits the rules under the structure of a god."

Jiang Ning frowned and thought, and said uncertainly: "Are you talking about the domain?"

"Field?" Cory Busso was slightly stunned, and then the benefits exclusive to the gods made her understand the description and meaning of this word in an instant. "That's right, it's similar to what you think, indeed."

She further explained, "It's just that this kind of field is a little more detailed than what this word expresses." Jiang Ning asked her back, "For example..."

"For example, in this domain, the gods are the absolute controllers, but they are not completely in control." Cole Busso raised a finger, "Because, the domain still fits the rules of the outside world. It is still within the world. However, it exists independently, but this kind of existence is very weak and cannot be completely separated from the influence of the world, and it is still within the system or rules of the world." She shook her index finger lightly, "That is to say, this kind of domain protects the gods and isolates everything. Neither natural disasters nor man-made disasters can affect it. It can prevent some powerful wizards from prying, it can also block all mundane things, and even hide them." A spy from the gods."

Jiang Ning's eyes lit up, "That means..."

Cory Busso laughed, "In other words, this god is currently too weak to rely on the domain he constructed to block my perception of him."

"Can you deal with him?" Jiang Ning asked her.

Colibuso thought for a while, "It's difficult. It's not easy to deal with a god without incident, even if it's a god who is about to fall into a deep sleep."

Jiang Ning immediately said: "You mean, this god will wake up again!" Although it was a question, Jiang Ning answered very positively.

"That's right!" Cory Busso nodded, "Any existence, even if it is sleeping deeply, will be awakened immediately when it encounters a life-threatening situation."

"Especially for wizards and gods with extraordinary power, this amazing feeling will be even stronger." Colibuso said with a serious face: "So, when we attack his body,

The gods will surely wake up. Faced with the death of a god, it may be difficult for the two of us to escape unscathed. "

"Are you worried that I will die?"

Cory Busso stroked his cheek, fascinated, "Yes, my dear. Although we have been together for a short time, I have already fallen in love with you deeply. Whether it is your ability or your The performance on the bed fascinated me." She stroked Jiang Ning's body with both hands, "So, I am very worried that something bad will happen to you."

Jiang Ning pretended to be helpless and replied, "I shouldn't be so unlucky!"

Cory Busso's answer was very serious, "Everything is just in case, in case this happens. It will be difficult for me to protect you, if you die." She pondered slightly, "I will do my best to protect your soul, and then think A way to revive you."

"You should have faith in me."

"So do I, dear."

Jiang Ning: "..."

The two were talking and discussing things. Cory Busso was very worried about Jiang Ning's safety. However, Jiang Ning had other thoughts in his mind. This time was very dangerous, so he had to make some preparations.

Thinking of this, he caressed the artifact in front of his chest without showing any traces, his eyes that radiated golden and green light opened and closed slightly, and then closed tightly. In just a moment, even Cory Busso didn't notice.

Soon, the two entered the depths of the rain forest and stopped in a dense forest.

Jiang Ning looked at the dense forest in front of him and felt slightly, but to his disappointment, he couldn't perceive what was in front of him at all. Even, the information fed back to him, the perceived situation is exactly the same as what he saw in front of him, there is nothing else.

The artifact on his chest shone slightly, carefully analyzing what was in front of him, and the result made Jiang Ning very satisfied. In front of the open space in front of him, there is a barrier or enchantment that is invisible to the naked eye and cannot be touched.

It is such a thin barrier that blocks the prying eyes of outsiders, and also escapes the impact of all natural and man-made disasters.

He knew that within this enchantment was the sleeping place of the American pagan god.

"Behind this enchantment is the sleeping place of pagan gods!" Cory Busso's expression became extremely serious, "Are you ready?"

Jiang Ning took a deep breath, "Of course, let's start!" Finally, it was time to face the mighty power of the gods. Even the weakest god is an incomparably powerful existence, and it is also a god!

Cory Busso took a step forward, humming a strange language, and constantly waving paintings in the void with both hands. Runes appeared one after another, and then disappeared. As her body glowed with azure blue light, a translucent sphere exuding endless light and spells suddenly appeared in the dense rainforest.

Numerous runes and incomprehensible characters continuously appeared on the sphere, making regular rhythms around the sphere. Constantly rotating around the sphere, emitting bursts of inexplicable light.

Cory Busso's humming sound gradually increased, and at the same time, the azure blue light shining on her body also intensified step by step. In the golden eyes, a majestic sea scene emerged, followed by a high-pitched chant, and a sharp blue light gathered in her hands. Throw it towards the translucent sphere in front of you, and with a soft sound, the sphere densely covered with seams instantly bursts through a hole that is as tall as a person.

Cory Busso panted slightly, looked at Jiang Ning, "Let's go!"

"Are you all right, dear."

Cory Busso shook her head slightly, "It's okay, it's just a little exhausted." After finishing speaking, he walked in first. As for the artifact on Jiang Ning's chest, his closed eyes slightly opened, and a golden-green intersecting light flashed across him. Immediately, Jiang Ning also stepped in together.

When he walked into the sphere, the scene in front of him changed.

First, there are endless plains and forests, followed by continuous rain. Everywhere in this space, it is raining finely and densely.

All kinds of frogs, snakes, and animals that like this kind of rain are happily jumping and moving in the plains, dense forests, and ponds. Moreover, there are some primitive huts built by indigenous people, where some food, vegetables and fruits are grown.

"These humans..."

Cory Busso explained to him, "These are believers of pagan gods, and they are pious believers. After death, they entered the kingdom of pagan gods and enjoyed the same eternal life as gods. There is no disease, no war, no pain ...for eternity!"

At the moment she spoke, some indigenous humans had already looked over, and these humans were obviously surprised by their appearance. Then, when they came to the open space of the settlement, they rang a big bell made of obsidian. The sound of clanging, from near to far, spread to far, far away.

Afterwards, countless poisonous snakes and poisonous things crawled out of the dense forest, and countless indigenous humans rushed out with various weapons. In the sky, some indigenous humans with faint light on their bodies flew over. They wore metal armor and held metal weapons in their hands. They had feathers of various colors on their heads, and their faces were almost covered in oil paint.

"This is the guardian of the pagan gods, kill them all."

The expression on Cory Busso's face seemed indifferent, and then she waved her hand lightly, and a slender leather whip was held in her hand. With a sharp swing, there was a crisp explosion sound, and all the natives who were drawn by her would have their limbs torn apart and died in an instant.

And Jiang Ning took out the trident, the blue light lit up, and then tried to control the endless rain. However, I don't know if it's because of being shielded by the kingdom of gods, the trident, which is omnipotent in the outside world, can't show much power here. Jiang Ning could only wield the trident and slash and kill the group of natives.

At the same time, powerful spells continuously bombarded the native warriors and various forests and scenery. And Cory Busso also condensed water weapons with waves of hands, and slaughtered the guardians of this group of gods. And, together with Jiang Ning, they kept moving towards the center.

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