Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 365: The Sun Golden Sutra Rediscovered


The endless sea of ​​sand, there is no water source, no vegetation, and only a few poisonous substances that have adapted to the desert climate are active in this dead place. This place is now covered by a vast oasis... Now, the oasis has disappeared, and this place has once again been reduced to a land of death.


Tens of thousands of construction teams gathered in this sacred desert.

Drinking water has cost a huge price, and it has been transported here from the outside world one after another. The food and drink of tens of thousands of people is an astronomical figure. Moreover, it is still in the poor and barren desert.

"It used to be a vast oasis, and now it's become a desert again."

Hall pointed to the huge desert, looked at the sand marks in the desert, and seemed to be able to vaguely see traces of the original oasis.

However, this oasis transformed by the divine power of Anubis, the god of death, has long since sunk into the vast sea of ​​sand along with Emperor Scorpion.

"Order, keep digging! No matter how much money you spend, or what the price is, you must find the Sun Golden Sutra!" Hall ordered, with a raging flame burning in his eyes, called fighting spirit and...



"Hey, get to work, you bloody pariahs!"

As the order was issued, the soldiers and supervisors with live ammunition kept urging these workers.

Although they are facing the scorching sun and doing heavy physical work, everyone is very tired, just to earn a little bit of wages. However, no one wants to resist.

Although the land of Egypt is vast, most of it is surrounded by thick desert.

Only on both sides of the Nile River, there are oases and farmland, but the population is very large. Most Egyptians still live in hardship, but there is no way! The narrow land and the crops produced are doomed to soaring prices and difficult life.


"Get up, you damned fellow, lowly pariah, don't try to be lazy!"

The venomous sun, harsh environment, and heavy physical activity, finally some people can't stand such an environment. There were bursts of blackness in front of my eyes, and I fell on the desert.

But the overseer doesn't care about that,

The people who pay your wages don't care about this. No matter how much labor you put in, they always think that your work is still not enough, and they still think you are lazy.

"Sir, he passed out, let him rest for a while and give him some water to drink!"


The supervisor was slightly taken aback, then sneered again and again: "Want to drink water? It's very simple!"


The begging worker didn't know why, but he really thought that the supervisor wanted to drink water for the fallen colleague and kept thanking him.

Unexpectedly, the supervisor walked up to the unconscious worker with a smirk, and then untied his trouser belt, splashing, and the yellowish urine with a strong smell was poured on the unconscious worker's head.


The overseers who watched the excitement around saw it and laughed.


"These guys took us to this ghostly place to squeeze the sand. Not only did they not feed us, but the water also restricted us. Now they keep humiliating us... they don't treat us as human beings at all!"

"I've had enough of this insult!"


The supervisor looked at the restless workers with a sneer, clicked, and loaded the submachine gun in his hand: "What? Do you want to riot? Okay, come up if you are brave enough!"

Click! Click! Click!

Seeing this, the surrounding supervisors and soldiers loaded the guns in their hands one after another, and looked at the workers around them with unfriendly eyes, and the atmosphere of killing was pervasive for a while.


"Master Hall!"

Hall, who was dressed in a traditional ancient Egyptian dress, came over. The work has not been completed yet, and this group of workers is still valuable, so they can't give it away casually. The purpose of their coming here is always the Sun Golden Scripture buried in the yellow sand, rather than coming to this desert to slaughter these workers.

"Don't forget our purpose, we are not here to kill people."

With a gloomy face, Hall taught the group of supervisors and soldiers a lesson. The supervisors responded submissively, and then he looked at the workers: "Okay, everyone, rest for half an hour, and we will provide you with sufficient water and food! I hope that after everyone's rest, You can work hard, whoever does a good job, I will give him an extra 100 Tums when the salary is settled!"

"Thank you very much, Mr. Hall!"

"Thank you, sir!"


Even if the workers know that one of them is making a bad face and the other is a bad face, they still have to thank them. This society is so fucked up that makes people speechless. But there is no way, it is all for life. Moreover, Hall did not promise verbally, at least they can get enough rest and sufficient food and water supply.

"After the rest period is over, organize everyone to work, soldier!"

"Yes, sir!"

Hall glanced at the supervisor again, and glanced at his genitals: "Treat them with kindness, and this situation is not allowed to happen again! And... For God's sake, you should lift your pants, worrying about the sun god He Russ burned your cock!"

"Ah, yes, sir!"

"Ha ha!"

Seeing him frantically pulling up his trousers, the workers and soldiers around him burst out laughing.

After such an episode, the atmosphere on the construction site eased up a lot. After the workers got enough rest and sufficient water supply, everyone's morale was high and they started to work in full swing.

Hall watched this scene and nodded secretly! Blindly high pressure cannot bring efficiency; proper relaxation and encouragement can instead activate the enthusiasm of these workers.

Although everyone understands it, it is undeniable that when you are in one of the roles, then even if you clearly know the purpose of doing so. Then something deep inside you, and undeniably, will be moved.

From day to night, the original sacred desert of Amshah is dotted with potholes of various sizes and depths. The pyramid that was dusty underground at the beginning also kept revealing itself.

This is the oasis and residence specially built for Anubis, the god of death, to accommodate his pet, Emperor Scorpion.


The portal leading to the interior of the pyramid hidden in the yellow sand was gradually dug through, and a large number of workers entered the interior of the pyramid. Constantly clean up the entire pyramid, and at the same time look for the scriptures left in the pyramid.


"Found it, found it!"

"found it!"

Huge cheers resounded throughout the desert camp, and Hall was quietly eating dinner in the tent; after hearing the cheers, he hurriedly stood up, and walked quickly to the outside of the tent, the torches were lit, surrounding the entire huge construction site, forming a huge long dragon.

"Master Hall, here you are!"

Hall took the box from the soldier, endured the excitement and returned to the tent, opened the wooden box and lifted the linen, revealing the golden material: "Sun Golden Sutra!"

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