Subdued Vasago and gave him the status of a military adviser.

Although among the devils, Vasago is not the only one who can see through the future, but Vasago's ability still amazes Jiang Ning! The opponent has been sealed for so long, and his strength is almost exhausted.

However, even so, with the remaining sliver of strength, they can see that the fate of their seventy-two princes and nobles in the future will be worrying. Based on this, it is all right to spare his life.

After all, Vasago's ability is very useful, and some of his future events and situations can alleviate a lot of trouble.


Vasago's eyes cannot see anything, but although his eyes cannot see objects, he can see the future with these eyes. Moreover, the future can also be seen through different dimensions.

With him, let's just say that now, finding the sealed devil is much easier.

Moreover, after Vasago saw the sealed bottle of Barr and Agares, his attitude changed again. Although he had a premonition of the miserable future of these companions, Vasago had no intention of thinking about them. Devils are all selfish, even if they come from the same place, devils don't pay attention to local plots!

Moreover, even in hell, their seventy-two princes and nobles are full of contradictions.

With the title of nobility, there is naturally a corresponding territory and army.

Moreover, the resources in hell are scarce, and the amount of resources they enjoy is limited. Between each other, they constantly intrigue and even kill each other all day long.

If they were not summoned by Solomon by chance and came to the human world, I am afraid that they are still fighting each other in hell and fighting constantly!

This is why, knowing that they would lose their freedom, they came to the world without hesitation. Really, the environment in hell is too bad, and the resources are too barren.

Compared with that terrible environment, the world is simply paradise.

Here there is a sunny sky, vast land, rich vegetation, and abundant resources. Most importantly, there are many, many, many of this kind of life.


"Heaven and earth really leave all the most beautiful things to the world!"

Vasago stood behind Jiang Ning,

Looking at the vast and prosperous human world below, he sucked in the breath of the human world almost greedily. The expression on his face was full of fascination.

Since he was following Jiang Ning, his original terrifying face was naturally undesirable. Not only is it easy to shock mortals, Jiang Ning will also turn off his appetite when he sees that appearance.

"The days to come will be very long, Vasago!"

Jiang Ning said something lightly, and the latter responded immediately: "It will be my lifelong honor to choose to follow you, my master!"

The elf couldn't understand Vasago's face and mocked him.

"Vasago, you are still the same, you haven't changed at all. When you followed King Solomon, you had the same face. Now that you have surrendered to the master, you are still the same, nothing new."

"Giant, the devil also respects the strong!" Facing the ridicule, Vasago did not show any weakness: "You are the same! Solomon has passed away, he is just a mortal, but in the master, I see the glory of the king of hell! "

The elf satirized him: "Hmph, the ruler of hell?" Looking at Jiang Ning, seeing that he was not dissatisfied, the elf became bolder: "Master's future achievements must be gods! Do you still want master to fall into hell?"

"The lord of hell, the supreme being in charge of the great hell!" Vasago glanced at the elf: "Giant, with your eyes, you can't understand the meaning anyway."

The elf was furious, pointing at Vasago and yelling at him.


The two immediately shut up and bowed their waists humbly.

He glanced at them lightly: "If you want to argue, save it for later! The seal of Samikina is here!"

Vasago and the elf immediately looked down, and what they saw was...

The towering Mount Vesuvius!

Mount Vesuvius is not as high as Mount Etna in terms of altitude, its height is only 1281 meters. However, it is known as the most dangerous volcano in Europe in later generations.

A violent eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79 destroyed the ancient city of Pompeii, which was home to more than 20,000 people at the time. It was not until the middle of the 18th century that archaeologists excavated the ancient city of Pompeii from the volcanic ash several meters thick. The ancient buildings and corpses with different postures are well preserved, and the ancient city of Pompeii has also become a famous tourist destination in Italy.

It is located on the shores of the Gulf of Naples in the Campania plain. Almost all of its western mountain bases are in the bay. Not only that, but every time it erupts, its height will change. In other words, it will increase slowly.

In later generations, within 200 kilometers of Mount Vesuvius, it was a red danger zone. However, the local residents are also masters of death. From the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain, 18 towns, large and small, surrounded the volcano, and the buildings continued to cross towards the dangerous zone. In later generations, there are a total of 600,000 people living under Mount Vesuvius. If the volcano erupts again, those towns will only repeat the old events of Pompeii again.


However, Mount Vesuvius at this moment is very calm. At this moment, it is in a peaceful dormant state, and I don't know how long it will wait for the next eruption.

The frequent and active volcano eruptions here are naturally related to the seal left by Solomon. And not surprisingly, there must be a mistake in the seal left by Solomon.

The flying carpet descended slowly and entered the interior of the volcano.

Ignoring all the scenes inside the volcano, Jiang Ning didn't care if he saw too much. Unlike the first time, when I entered the interior of the volcano, I was very curious about everything. Now, Jiang Ning has become numb to this, and has a little guess about King Solomon's sealing method. The place where the opponent seals is a place that ordinary people cannot enter, which to some extent eliminates the possibility of the seal being opened. However, he couldn't see that the seal would change with time and the environment.


After finding the location of the seal and opening the gap in the seal, Jiang Ning and his party entered the sealed space. Also on an altar, I saw a sealed magic bottle full of cracks.

"Master, Samikina's situation is very wrong!"

Jiang Ning nodded clearly, and compared the changes on the seal and the bottle, Jiang Ning knew the answer. Due to unknown reasons, the seal changed, and then this change was passed on to Samikina. From his body, power was drawn, and he was sealed with Samkina's own power.

Did King Solomon do this on purpose, or was it caused by some unknown reason? Jiang Ning doesn't know, and doesn't plan to find out the answer.

For him, finding Samikina accomplished his purpose.

As for other things, there is no need to understand them at all.

Although, Samikina is in a very bad state now. Almost on the verge of death, even Jiang Ning and the others were unable to respond in any way.

"It seems that Samikina is seriously injured!" Vasago sighed, constantly congratulating himself on his good luck, although he was still half dead. But at least, he is still alive, unlike Samkina, who is almost on the verge of death.

"As long as you're alive, nothing else matters!"

For the devil, Jiang Ning neither likes nor hates it. In his mind, this is just a valuable thing that can bring him a little bit of fun or research value, other than that, it has no other use.

Breaking the seal left by Solomon, carrying the book of wisdom, it is not difficult to break the seal from this book. He took away Samikina's magic bottle with ease, then left here, and rushed to the next sealing location.

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