Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 312: A Corrupt Life

After getting his own things, Jiang Ning left the trading company and returned to the chariot and horse dealership to retrieve the war horse he had stored there. After that, he got on his horse and rushed towards the west district of the business district, the famous brothel district.

Although the city of Toril is small, this is determined by its geographical location.

In this city, it is no exaggeration to say that every inch of land is expensive.

The family that manages this city is called the Medworth family. It is said that the ancestors of this family valued Toril's geographical location at the beginning. Therefore, with the family, serfs and soldiers, they came to a wild land with nothing. A city was established here, and after several generations of management, coupled with excellent traffic arteries and large-scale expulsion of monsters, the caravan finally revitalized the entire city.

Even so, the poor geographical factors determine the size of the city. For this reason, the Med Woolwright family was very troubled. It is said that they spent a huge price and invited wizards from the Wizards Association to help them build a suitable land with large-scale spells. Moreover, the master who is best at urban planning among the human and elf races was invited to personally plan the layout of the entire city. Moreover, using its unique geographical location, a large number of aristocratic districts, wealthy districts and commercial districts were established on some hilly land with slightly higher slopes. With some attractive gimmicks, the city of Toril was finally established. Gained the reputation of the city of trade.

This shows how many outstanding talents there are in this family.

Not any family can have outstanding family talents for several generations! However, the Med Woolwright family has broken this convention. The family has had excellent heirs from generation to generation, and it has continued until now, making the entire family stronger and stronger. It is said that in many matters, even the imperial family cannot ignore the influence of this family.

There are even rumors that the empire is about to allow the Medworth family to establish a principality! However, the outside world does not know whether this rumor is true or not.

However, only relying on these rumors, we can also know how powerful the family's influence and background are.


The west area of ​​the business district is the famous selling gold cave, where gambling halls, brothels, hotels and bathhouses gather. And the most famous one is the brothel located here, gathering beauties from all over the world, beauties from all over the world, and the amount of money they accept every day is a huge astronomical figure.

Similarly, the living materials absorbed here every day are also massive and astronomical.

It is said that there used to be a small street vendor. Because of luck, the vegetables and fruits grown by his family were affirmed by the West District. Every family ordered vegetables and fruits from him, which made him rich overnight. From a miserable farmer, he became a top figure in Toril! Of course, whether this legend is true or not remains to be verified, but with this, we can clearly see how amazing the West District's ability to handle money is!

Because the professionals are constantly fighting various monsters every day, and there are too many negative emotions accumulated in their hearts, coupled with the relationship of swallowing potions.

As a result, almost every professional has a very strong desire.

In addition, they have been struggling to death for a long time, so finding prostitutes is one of the only ways for them to vent the negative emotions accumulated in their hearts.

There are also quite a few professionals who vent the negative emotions accumulated in their hearts, not just looking for prostitutes. In fact, quite a few professionals can be seen in casinos, bars, and tobacco halls.

Although the cataclysmic changes brought great changes to the world, such as the serious threat to the living environment, the great changes also brought rare species to the world.

People's spiritual entertainment has been enriched a lot. There are too many strange things for people to relieve their loneliness.


House of Iris is a famous brothel in the West District!

The overall layout of the building is grand,

There are a variety of entertainment facilities in it, and it is a comprehensive brothel that integrates adult theaters, casinos, tobacco halls, and hotels.

Not to mention, there are beauties from all races gathered here. Whether it is humans or other races, there are many gathered here. Moreover, there are elves in it...


"Oh, this handsome demon hunter is here! Please come in!" As soon as he stepped into the gate of the brothel, he was spotted by the old bustard.

In fact, she will treat every client who comes to her place to have a good time. However, she only likes foreigners and hospitality professionals. Outsiders are easy to fool, professionals are often generous, and don't care about money at all. Therefore, almost every professional has nothing to do with being poor. They are very rich, but they are also very poor.

The reason for being rich is that as long as they kill monsters, they can exchange for Tiffany on the whole continent. Poverty is because, except for a few professions, these professionals do not fight monsters frequently, and professionals like Jiang Ning, who are half warriors and half wizards, often can't save money at all. They will buy what they need as soon as they get the money. Then, before the mission starts, he will go to a bar, casino, smokehouse or brothel for a good corruption.

Because they know very well that if they go out to fight monsters, they may not come back alive safely. Therefore, enjoyment in time is almost the life criterion of every professional.

"Is there any lady you like?" the old bustard asked.

Jiang Ning looked around, the prostitutes who were active in the hall, although they were also very beautiful. But he, who has been in it all year round, knows clearly that the real top-notch goods are hidden by the old bustard in front of him.

"I don't like these people in the hall, I want the best food!" After finishing speaking, he threw a bag of gold coins to her, there were about twenty of them!

The smile on the old bustard's face was like a flower, and the foundation she applied was falling down layer by layer: "My lord is an old hand, let me tell you earlier! These vulgar fans are not worthy of honorable professionals! You and I'll come!" Jiang Ning arrogantly followed behind the old bustard, his occupation and status made him not care about most of the nobles, let alone an old bustard?

In fact, apart from the royal family and big nobles like dukes, marquises, and earls, other aristocratic professionals don't have to care at all. In fact, no one provokes professionals. There are endless monsters in the wild. Thousands of years have passed since the birth of professionals. The non-stop strangulation of various races is still inexhaustible, so the existence of professionals can effectively eliminate these monsters.

Therefore, it is the default behavior of the world to give the 'Guardian God' certain privileges and status.

And the professionals are also very knowledgeable, but they don't get involved in politics too much, and they don't cause trouble for no reason. However, if someone caused trouble and caused trouble to the professionals, even if they were killed, it was unlikely that anyone would come forward. Although the professionals rely on the secular dynasty, the professionals are also independent. Various professionals gathered together to form several powerful alliances. The existence of these organizations guaranteed the interests and status of the professionals. Therefore, even the ruler has to do something and weigh it.

In short, professionals and secular dynasties are interdependent and cooperate with each other. No one is going to break this balance, because everyone knows who the common enemy is!


"How about it, Mr. Professional? These are the best delicacies!" The old bustard smiled like a flower, and specially emphasized the word "delicious". In this kind of romantic place, there is no need to pay attention to ethics! Everyone knows that there are very few hypocrites for the purpose of coming here. Except for the girls who sell their first nights, the clients are a bit particular, and the rest of the time, they don't take this into consideration.

"En, it's okay!" Ever since he was taken by his master to prostitute at the age of thirteen, many years later, he is also a veteran among them. Naturally, it's not the first time for a first-time brother to come into contact with Fengyue, so Jiang Ning's eyes are fiery at the sensitive parts of these charming beauties.

"It's just the three of them!" Jiang Ning ordered a human beauty and two elf beauties, and then he told the old bustard beside him: "Prepare me food and bath water, I want to take a bath!"

"Hey, that's fine. Just wait!" After the old bustard finished speaking, she walked out with her fat buttocks twisted.

Every time he came to this kind of place, Jiang Ning would have a big meal accompanied by the beauties, and then he would take a nice bath. Let these charming beauties serve me, and then...

It didn't take long for the food to be delivered first, and Jiang Ning Da Ma sat on the chair with a golden knife. Sitting beside him were three beauties who were all charming and charming, holding one in each hand, enjoying the feeding of the beauties. After the meal, under the service of the three beauties, Jiang Ning let them take off their robes and leather armor, revealing their strong and fair skin and scars everywhere. Then, naked, he took the three beauties into the bathroom !


As soon as he came into contact with the hot water, Jiang Ning hummed comfortably, and the beautiful woman beside him dived into the water just in time, and came between his thighs...

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