Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 283: Memories of Christina

My name is Christina; of course, I have another name, Jiang Mengmeng. According to the customs of the tribe, this is my main name.

It's just that, living in this land surrounded by alien races, the tribesmen have been more or less affected after more than ten years. Most of them have barbaric names. I don't understand such a result. As long as I can remember, my country has been a powerful, rich and civilized country. Our craftsmanship, culture and art are the best in the world. No other country can compare with us.

I have seen many students of other races, regardless of all kinds of difficulties and dangers, come to my country to study and do business despite the long journey. It makes me very, very proud.

But it is such a powerful, rich and civilized country, why learn the barbarian name?

I don't understand it, or even accept it.

Later, I got the result from a minister. He said that this is a change in the country, so that we will not appear too different in an environment surrounded by barbarians. I don't understand such a statement, we are so powerful, so rich and prosperous, the entire country has an elite army of 30,000, and an elite navy of thousands of people, dominating the entire Mediterranean. The barbarians around us should be afraid of us, why should we have such worries?

The minister couldn't answer my doubts, he said let me ask my father, that is, my father and king.

Speaking of my father, I felt a sense of admiration and admiration in my heart. He is God, the only god living in this world!

There are tens of millions of people who believe in my father, and this number is still expanding. The whole country prospered exceptionally under his father's governance, except for the population problem, which took time and my father couldn't solve it. It is said that my clan had a population of just over 300,000 at the beginning, but over the past ten years, the population has doubled to nearly two million. It is said that when this figure was announced, it frightened the whole of Europe.

Why they are afraid, I can roughly guess the reason.

They are afraid of us invading their land, but it seems that father is not interested in their land. Because, he said that we already have enough land and do not need foreign aggression and expansion.

Yes, our current land is enough.

The Tyrrhenian Sea, no, it should be called the Sea of ​​St. Tranquility today, and the word Ning in the name is my father's name. This is also the only sea area named after his father in the entire country. In addition, there is actually no building in the country named after his father.

why is that? Could this be the white-eyed wolf that my father used to say?

When I mentioned this to my father, instead of being happy, my father reprimanded me severely. And, give me a good pass to preach, hum!

Uh, back to business!

Within the waters of the Sea of ​​St. Tranquility, there are three large islands, which are our basic base. In addition, the Naples region next door, no, it should be called Xihuazhou, which is also our land. Moreover, there is the largest population besides Tangzhou on the main island, about 500,000 people!

Although the country is scattered, the cohesion of the whole country is amazing.

All are under the leadership of one banner. That is the badge of our family, but also the symbol of the whole country, the badge of the eye of truth!

This is my father's mark, and it is also the symbol of my home and my kingdom.

Wherever the banner of the Eye of Truth is planted, no barbarian dares to covet and spy on our land. They are afraid, afraid of the mighty power of our country, and afraid of my father.

Wizard King! ! !

His power is very strong, so strong that no one dares to mention his name.

How my father's strength is, I don't know. But from some stories and paintings,

Learned the powerful and invincible power of his father.

He is so powerful that he can easily fill swamps, level hills and mountains and create rivers.

The original river on Tangzhou Island was short but fast-flowing. But then the father channeled the underground water veins and recreated the nine great rivers that passed through the surface and flowed across the island.

Living anywhere on the island is not afraid of water shortage. Agricultural irrigation has also been developed very well, and our granaries are overflowing every year.

As a result, our people are annoyed every day that the food can't be eaten up, so they can only feed it to livestock. Of course, the livestock are fed old grain.

Even so, I still saw satisfaction and happiness from the expressions of the clansmen. This can be seen from the envoys and merchants from the European continent across the sea. They are very envious of our wealth, but there is also greed in their eyes.

What my father said was indeed true. The essence of these people is wolves.

When they are weak, they will clench their tails and wag their tails like dogs. And when they are strong, they will grin their teeth and rush at you fiercely. Although this kind of thing has not happened to us yet, it is because our country is very powerful, and it is because we have the Wizard King! ! !

But even so, this kind of gaze made me secretly vigilant in my heart. My younger brother, his name is Algert, and his other name is Jiang Gan. Gan means heaven, and from his name, we can see the expectations his father placed on him. I hope he will become another piece of heaven for the country, the heaven of the people!

Although this boy looks very attractive to girls, he is not cute at all. He is very fart and has a bad temper, but his status is very high in Europe. Once, he sneaked out of the house and wandered the streets. Those European businessmen and their servants knelt on the ground and kowtowed after seeing their younger brother! Like, worshiping the gods! Since then, this kid has become even more proud, really hateful!


Having said all that, I seem to be missing something? Why do I talk about my country, my people, my brother and my father? Where is mother? Where is my mother?

At this time, I felt a special memory emerge in my mind. It seemed to break through a barrier, a shackle, and brought me... a brand new memory.

No, it's not brand new, but a memory that I already had... yes, a memory about my mother.


Her name was Elizabeth, and she was a witch. Moreover, she is a witch who is highly accomplished in divination and prophecy. It is said that her powerful and invincible father once asked her specifically for a certain matter. It was during this process of asking for advice that the two fell in love... Uh, according to my mother, it was because she did something immoral to my father that they got together. What is this immoral behavior?

My mother is very gentle and very beautiful. I remember when I was young, she always took me and my brother to play around, never gave us some annoying learning tasks, and she treated us very well compared to my father. I'm not saying my father is bad, but he always likes to teach people anything, including learning magic and swordsmanship! God, I'm a lady, why do I need to learn the swordsmanship of fighting and killing?

But every time I complained, my father suppressed it forcefully, and my mother always looked at us with a smile when she saw it. Never helping, never persuading, just smiling like that.

Moreover, the relationship between the two of them is very good, they always hug and kiss like no one else, and don't care about me and my brother at all. Really... But I actually envy their feelings, I will have such feelings in the future, will I be like my parents? I have no idea!


At some point, my mother disappeared from my memory, very abruptly, where did she... go?

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