Well, I remember that the first chapter of this book was uploaded on March 1, 2017, and it has been 60 days since it was written today. It should be 61 days, but there was a period of time in the middle. I had a fever and stopped for a day.

I still remember that after the uploaded chapters were reviewed and approved, there were less than 10 favorites. One of the collections is my own. Not even a recommendation ticket. The recommendation votes one after another were still cast by myself. (Vote for yourself for a week in a row!)

Thinking about that sad time, I almost lost the motivation to continue writing.

The book review area was a horrible scene, and the only book review was my own. The rest were book reviews from other sites, all of which were unceremoniously deleted by Dian Niang. (Hey, don't delete it, keep it for decoration!)


These days of suffering are finally over. I got my first book review, and I found out later that this is also the author. Coincidentally, I also subscribe to the book he wrote! O__O"…

In the next few days, I received another book review that was a bit like a book review, the name of this reader. I still remember it until now, Yue Luo Jiang! But this guy seems to be missing...

After writing the second volume, the book review area gradually became lively. Do you understand how I felt at that time? The spicy chicken jelly... the spicy Kaisen... gave me endless motivation to continue making up stories, at least it means that someone reads my book.


Finally, when I wrote 30,000 words. My dear editor-in-charge Da Yuanzheng sent a short message, no need to ask, this is a contract short message. I logged into Penguin in an instant, obsessed with his QQ number, after adding friends, how should I flirt with the editor-in-chief?

However, I was shameless and said hello politely. Then the editor in charge told me the process of signing the contract, and asked me to add the contracted editor Yiyi (I still don't understand, the gender of my contracted editor...) Who knows, Yiyi didn't go to work! ! ! Not working! ! ! Not working! ! ! (Say important things three times!)

After waiting for a few days, the editor finally went to work!

Then various processes, let me fill in this and that. After completing the signing information, it will be mailed to the starting point in the afternoon of the same day! Then the next week, the status changed to A sign!

Just sign the contract, I finally ushered in my first recommendation! Woohoo! ! !

A book without recommendations is like a child without a mother. There are recommended books, which are good babies who are loved and asked by others.


Guess everyone, I have no time to recommend. How much is my collection? Tell you, I promise to scare you to tears... His meow is less than two hundred! ! ! Then, after Mosquito Push, I refreshed the background every day with big eyes and small eyes to see how the collection increased. More than a dozen, dozens of rises every day. Occasionally it can rise by more than a hundred! This fucking data makes me cry. Help the old drivers of our sci-fi writers group, I asked them if their mosquito tweets this week, can their favorites break through a thousand? However, many old drivers vowed: "It's not a big problem to break a thousand in a week!" Uh... it's not a big problem, can I understand that there are accidents? God bless! ! !

Facts have proved that the old driver is worthy of being an old driver, and what he said is correct. The seventh day has not yet arrived, and my collection has exceeded a thousand. The joy was ruined, but compared to the old drivers in the group... In an instant, he was shocked and ran to the corner to draw circles and curse these old drivers...


Next, the editor-in-charge Yuan Zhengda gave another recommendation that was slightly better than Mosquito Push. After a week, more than a thousand favorites have been added! Just when I was drooling at other people's points, he finally waited

Here comes my strong push.

Facts have proved that sub-forcing works well. After a week, the collection has increased by more than 4,000! I rely on!


Next, we welcome other recommendations! The collection breaks three thousand, breaks five thousand, breaks ten thousand. Click to break 10,000,

Break fifty thousand! Recommended votes exceeded 10,000! And then... there is no more...


To be honest, the data at the beginning of this book is a bit beyond my expectation. Well, how should I say it? I didn't expect it to be like this. When I wrote the book, I published it in a relatively hasty and urgent situation. It originated from chatting with friends who have known each other for several years to brag, chatting and chatting, and chatting about writing novels. Therefore, this book has no outline at the beginning! It is completely thought out in advance, where the waves will be in the first world, and where the waves will be in the second world. It wasn't until signing the contract that I wrote a simple plan. (Not even an outline!)

Therefore, there are many bugs in some places in this book. However, I've done my best to make it up. Although the writing is not good, but I am studying hard.

If I write according to the plan of the film world, I will be very relaxed. Just go with the plot, but I don't like that much. And to be honest, this kind of book has a lot of starting points. So, in the third volume, that is, the volume of mummy. I try to be creative and write different plots.

To add a new plot to the original story, I have considered a lot and tried not to make it too abrupt or blunt. As a result, I still overestimated myself. The consequence of this is that some plot turning points are obviously a little blunt.

Maybe the authorities are obsessed with the onlookers, but I don't think it, but you seem to be able to find the problem very well! Even so, I assure you, dear readers, that I have tried to take everything into consideration. If there is a bug, I can only say that I am too immature and need to continue learning!

Even so...but I enjoy it, although it takes a little trouble...but...what if I get angry? Ha ha ha ha! ! ! (An author who doesn’t want to become a master, what’s the difference with salted fish?)


Oops, before I knew it, I lost so many words again! (Hey~ why did I say again?)

So, let's get to the point?

cough cough...

It's on Thursday, April 27th! My editor, Yuanzheng, sent me a message from Penguin, telling me that it will be on shelves on May 1st! Let me prepare and update a few more chapters if I have the ability! To tell you the truth, if I hadn't lost my mind recently, I would have scared you to death!


I code and write at night, and take my daughter to play during the day. This little thing wakes up and eats enough. Just start working, go out to play, go to the street! ! ! Therefore, I put my codewords at night, and during the day, I don't know what's going on downstairs. Noisy and bluffing all day long. People who make trouble are upset, so I always pick quiet time to code at night. Sometimes, when the state comes, I can read more than five chapters in one go.


Oops, I didn't know it, and I lost so many words again. (God!!! Why say it again!!!)

So, without further ado.

After it's on the shelves, let's explode another fifteen chapters first!

Don't dislike it, I want to save some manuscripts to save my life! In case I get stuck, having a manuscript can help prevent one or two!

I hope that after it is put on the shelves, everyone can support and subscribe. In this way, it can also make me more motivated, you say yes! Hey hey hey hey...

Don't talk about it, let's go to the codeword!

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