Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 1276: The Imminent Invasion

The proposal of Meicanxiut and Demogogan naturally attracted the interest of the demon lords present.

However, what moved the demon lord the most was that Meikanxiet and Demogorgon discovered a weak spot in space that had not been discovered by the gods; nor had it been reinforced by the gods.

What the discovery of this place means, the demon lords naturally understand clearly.

From ancient times to the present, the number of times the abyss demons have invaded the world of the main material plane is countless. Every invasion has recorded a bloody and painful history in the history of the main material plane world.

It is also with the repeated invasions of the abyssal demons that the gods repel the abyssal demons again and again, and at the same time, the gods also begin to strengthen the weak points of the main material plane world time and time again.

It is precisely because of these that the world of the main material plane is what it is today.

It can be said that for countless years, all the loopholes in the world of the main material plane that may have weak spaces have been found and reinforced by the gods one by one. Fundamentally put an end to the re-invasion of the abyss demons, and also avoided the sinister intention of the abyss will to try to drag the world of the main material plane into the bottomless abyss for assimilation.

Since the space of the main material plane world has been continuously reinforced by the gods, the number of invasions by abyssal demons has also decreased time after time.

Today, tens of thousands of years have passed since the last invasion of the abyss demons.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the demon lords lurking in the bottomless abyss can only send their tokens to the world of the main material plane. I pray that one day I will meet a mortal who is both unlucky and full of greed. And the will stored in the token corrupts mortals bit by bit, making them become slaves of demons in the end.

Then, find the right opportunity, wait for the opportunity to open the door to the bottomless abyss, and welcome the abyss to come!

However, in the tens of thousands of years of history, the demons tried time and time again to reopen the main material plane world to the bottomless abyss. The only one not to be destroyed by the gods, or by the servants of the gods.

So much so that today, the demon race, in the eyes of most people, has been reduced to a legendary existence.

Only extraordinary professionals, such as mages, warlocks, druids and other special professionals with ancient inheritance, have records of demons. There are many, many unknown, and more relevant materials and records that have become legendary races in today's view.

The abyssal demon has not descended on the world of the main material plane for a long time.

Therefore, Melcanthot and Demogorgon discovered a weak point in space that was not discovered by the gods and was not reinforced by the gods. It immediately attracted the attention of every demon lord present.

Every demon lord, panting heavily, with red eyes, stared straight at Meicanxiet, the succubus queen.

But don't get me wrong.

This is not because they all entered the estrous state in an instant, but because of the world of the main material plane!

"Damn the gods again!"

"Ten thousand years have passed, today we finally have the hope of being able to enter the world of the main material plane again!"

"I miss it so much, miss it."

"And longing for the soul there,

flesh. Appreciating those mortals in front of me, weeping in fright, trembling, and running away in panic. Hahaha, I haven't seen this wonderful scene for tens of thousands of years. "

Seeing that the enthusiasm of the demon lords had been mobilized, Meicanxiet and Demogorgon looked at each other with a hint of a smile in their eyes. That is the joy that the task is about to be successfully completed, that he has completed the task assigned by the master, and is about to receive a reward.


Meicanxiute clapped her hands, and when all the demon lords looked at her, Meicanxiute nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Although Dimo ​​Gogan and I found a space that was not reinforced by the gods The weak point, but I want to open this channel. Demogorgon and I alone can't do it anyway. Although, the weak point of this space has not been discovered by the gods, nor has it been reinforced. However, the approaching Most of the space in this area has been reinforced by the gods."

"Therefore, it is much more difficult than in history to open up the weak point of this space! Only relying on the power of me and Demogorgon, there is no way to do it. Crossing the long distance between the abyss and the world of the main material plane, Thus opening the passage to the world of the main material plane. Therefore, if everyone wants to enter the world of the main material plane and participate in this feast, then they must unite together, gather the common strength of all of us, and open the passage. Only in this way can we enter the world of the main material plane and participate in the feast!"

"What do you think?"

In this bottomless abyss full of chaos, killing and betrayal, there is no such word as integrity and trust. Here, there are only endless killings and betrayals that are being staged all the time. Therefore, it is very common for demons to betray each other. Unless it is an oath to Styx, otherwise, any promise between demons is unbelievable.

However, facing this opportunity to participate in the world feast of the main material plane, the demon lords present were still very tempted.

They also know that this is a process that must be followed and a price that must be paid. Otherwise, if you don't want to pay anything, you just want to participate in the world of the main material plane and get a share of the pie, which is not so cheap.

This is the bottomless abyss, where killing and betrayal are staged at all times, not the prosperous, moral, and lawful world of the main material plane.

In the abyss, killing and betrayal are the eternal themes!

Therefore, after a short thought, the demon lords present immediately agreed. However, since everyone is a demon, they are also afraid that other lords will attack him when his power is greatly reduced. Therefore, the demon lords present still faced the Styx and solemnly swore. With the Styx remaining from ancient times, responding to this oath, then everyone will be a family from now on.

Therefore, Demo Gogan stood up and said: "Okay, since everyone has made the Styx oath, and Styx has responded to our oath. Now, I will lead everyone to the weak place of space, Gather everyone's strength and jointly open a passage to the world of the main material plane. Then, let us be crowned in the world of the main material plane, and share this grand bloody banquet!"

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and lead the way!"

"I can't wait to harvest human souls, and listen to their screams, which echo in my ears day and night."


It was really a group of demons dancing wildly. The abyss lords gathered together and flew to the next layer of abyss under the leadership of Mecanshute and Demogogan. Fly towards that place, where the space is weak, towards the 'nearest' place that can be opened to another world with the power of the demon lord present.

Next, there will be a bloody banquet for the world of the main material plane!

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