Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 1214: Medium Divine Power

Absorbing the power of faith sent by Yiningville, Eilistraee silently absorbed the extracted and purified power of faith. Whether it is the sequelae of stripping off the clergy, or the weakness of strength and breath. As she continued to absorb the power of faith, she gradually calmed down. Although the godhead level was lowered, it was only temporary.

Although the first four priesthoods are not powerful, they are also closely related to Eilistraee over the years. Now, it is expected that they will be separated suddenly, their godhead level will drop, and their aura and strength will weaken. If the latter two priesthoods are also stripped, then even if Eilistraee will not fall, she will definitely fall out of the ranks of true gods.

As the power of faith was continuously absorbed by her, Eilistrade, who was recovering, slowly opened her eyes. Just standing aside like that, looking at Yiningville who was starting to integrate the priesthood. Originally, she could do this by herself, but...for some reason, Eilistraee was more willing to let Yiningville do it, as for the meaning...

Not only Yiningville knew clearly about the recovery of Eilistraee's state. Even in the lower realm, the priests and devout believers of Eilistraee clearly felt the peace of Eilistraee's breath. Although, Eilistraee's current power is incomparable to that of before. However, when they knew that the god they believed in was safe and sound, every devout believer and pastor cheered from the bottom of their hearts and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. After that, he prayed more devoutly, but at this moment, there was no trace of selfishness.

And this phenomenon, Eilistraee can naturally perceive it, and she is delighted with the result in her heart. He happily received a pious power of faith, and almost without spending much effort, he easily refined the power of faith and turned it into his own divine power reserve. Afterwards, her eyes began to stare closely at Yiningville.

The four priesthoods were floating on Yiningville's left and right palms, and Yiningville's hands were shrouded in a hazy emerald-like light. The priesthood powers with different powers began a slow fusion process. As the fusion proceeded, a brand new power began to bloom where the priesthood was combined. Although the aura and brilliance are still not strong, compared with any single priesthood, it is undoubtedly a 'powerful' priesthood.

In the same way, Eilistraee's sights also began to shift to the priesthood, and she watched closely the priesthood power that was being integrated.

"Hey, it's really not easy to integrate two priesthoods with different attributes and powers." Looking at the four priesthood lights in his palm, he felt the different attributes and powers. If you want to integrate two different attributes and priesthoods with different powers into a whole, you really need to spend more thought.

Yiningville's fusion of priesthood did not combine attributes and powers, or fuse the same priesthood. Instead, he did the opposite, and he had his own reasons for doing so. Clericships with similar attributes can be fused quickly, but don't expect to be able to produce strong priesthoods. Don't expect a powerful existence to be born from the fusion of the weak and the weak. Conversely, although the fusion of the strong and the weak cannot produce the strongest thing, there is a great chance that it can neutralize the two and produce a relatively balanced product.

Therefore, the process of Yiningweier choosing to integrate the priesthood is also the same reason.

Although it is impossible to get rid of the law and give birth to something that is 'against the sky', if it can be a little stronger, it has already achieved its goal. Therefore, after his selection and fusion, the brand-new priesthood that was first born was called Sword Dance! A brand new priesthood was born from the fusion of dance priesthood and swordsmanship priesthood. And the birth of this new priesthood also means that Eilistraee finally has a decent battle priesthood.

In the past, although she had swordsmanship and hunting, two priesthoods that were biased toward combat, in the final analysis, these two priesthoods were still not considered combat priesthoods. Now, the fusion between dance and fencing priesthood produces the sword dance priesthood, although strictly speaking,

It is not considered the scope of the combat priesthood. However, compared to pure swordsmanship and hunting, the priesthood of sword dance can be called a combat priesthood. Among other things, the appearance of this priesthood can at least make Eilistraee's combat ability a little stronger.

At the same time, the emergence of the priesthood of sword dance can almost be said to be a priesthood 'tailor-made' for Eilistraee. It is an exaggeration to say that it is tailor-made. Yiningville does not have the ability to create a powerful priesthood by relying on his own subjective wishes. If he could, he might have already condensed the real natural priesthood at this moment.

It's not like it is now, with the name of a god of nature empty, except for life and natural punishment, there is no other branch power of natural rules. Not only him, whether it is human beings or gods of other races, among them, none of the gods with the title of God of Nature has mastered the priesthood of nature. What it represents is nothing more than natural rules and branch rules and forces in the field. Compared with them, Yiningville can really be called the God of Nature.

The smooth appearance of the sword dance priesthood seems to have made a good start.

Next, the fusion of the two priesthoods of singing and beauty unexpectedly gave birth to the priesthood of music. Not only was Eilistraee surprised, but Yiningville was also surprised. The fusion of the two priesthoods of singing and beauty actually gave birth to the priesthood of music. It cannot be said how strong this priesthood is, but it is definitely not weak. In fact, the appearance of this priesthood completely exceeded Yiningville's expectations. Before the fusion began, even Yiningville himself did not have any hope of what kind of priesthood these two extremely weak priesthoods could fuse.

In other words, the fusion of these two clergy can produce whatever it can, without too much consideration of whether it is stronger or weaker. This makes no sense at all, because it is the fusion of these two weakest priesthoods that can give birth to a powerful priesthood. However, the result of the integration not only does not disappoint, but surprises and surprises.

The priesthood of music can also be said to be a weak priesthood.

However, the strength of the priesthood of music is not absolute. If it was in the earth period, in the civilized world with highly developed music, Eilistraee could become a powerful god with her dance, beauty, and singing alone. However, it is not possible in this higher universe. Today, although singing and beauty are fused to form a music priesthood, although the music atmosphere of the whole world cannot be compared with that of the earth. However, this is only for the lower class. For the upper middle class, music is absolutely indispensable.

Although music has not yet produced a subversive revolution, music has been born since the emergence of civilization. No matter whether music is popular or not, it is really unimaginable that music covers a wide range of places. In the same way, if Eilistraee knows how to operate, then she will also gain extremely huge power from the priesthood of music in the future. In many cases, music is definitely a force that should not be underestimated, but sometimes, music is so small and insignificant.

However, in general, Eilistraee will not only not be disappointed, but will be ecstatic.

Send these two brand-new priesthoods born from the fusion to Eilistraee. The latter glanced at Yiningville very gratefully, and then began to accept these two brand new priestly powers. At the moment when the new priesthood enters the body, all the knowledge and secrets about music, sword dance, etc., are absorbed and fused by Eilistraee in an instant, and they learn everything in an instant, and understand the importance of these two priesthoods. Everything that stands for Symbol.

At the same time, brand new power also surged out from the two priesthoods and was absorbed by Eilistraee. At the same time, Eilistrana's godhead level, which was dropped due to the stripping of her priesthood, was also recovering rapidly, and began to improve. In a very short period of time, Eilistraee's godhead level returned to its original state, and now her godhead level has begun to increase, and finally passed a critical threshold.

Promoted from weak divine power to medium divine power in one fell swoop!

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