Island Fishery

Chapter 530 The Big Watermelon in the Cornfield

Chapter 530 The Big Watermelon in the Cornfield

The land of Li Xiaomin's house is adjacent to that of Li Shu's. He has already laid the water belt just now, but he is just patrolling along the direction of the water belt to see if there are any omissions.

Seeing Li Shu leading his sister, the big orange cat and the big yellow dog to his cornfield, Li Xiaomin also turned to his cornfield.

Because the cornfields of the two families were next to each other, he, Li Shu and others stopped by.

"Little tree, try smoking a cigarette. Although this Liqun costs 5 yuan a pack, it is not much different from those cigarettes that cost 20 yuan a pack." Li Xiaomin followed behind with a shovel on his shoulder.

The bright moonlight shone on him, casting shadows on the dirt road between the fields.

The flame of the cigarette was so obvious, it was like a small lamp.

In fact, he is quite timid, surrounded by cornfields that are taller than people, he is very afraid that A Piao will suddenly jump out of it, after all, there is no place in front of the village, and there is no shop behind, and his wife ran away with others again, and came out. I'm afraid no one will call the police for him.

"I don't smoke." Li Shu said with a smile: "Aren't you going to the river to turn on the machine?".

"No need, my eldest nephew is by the river, he can just come and start the machine.".

Li Shu nodded, he said to Jing Lao Dao: "Go, go to the river to start the machine.".

"Okay, boss.".

Jinglao Dalian ran away, and his figure quickly disappeared into the night.


Li Shu's cell phone buzzed and rang. It was Boss Jing calling. After he connected, he said to the face: "Boss, the diesel engine has started, and the river has already passed along the belt.".

huh huh~

There was a sound of noise in the distance, and the deflated strip-shaped plastic pipe was propped up by the water flow, and the water flow reached the ground at a very fast speed. Wow~ The turbulent river sprayed out from behind the pipe, and spread in the dry corn field in an instant .

For a while, there was a feeling of miniature water flooding the golden mountains.

"Wow woof~".

The big yellow dog was very happy to see the river flowing into the field. It jumped up and down and wanted to run into the field, but it was caught by the collar of the plum tree.

Li Shu pointed its black nose with his finger and warned: "Dasha dog, if you dare to play in the mud in the field, you will have nothing to eat tomorrow!".

"Wang~" The big yellow dog looked at Li Shu pitifully, thought for a while and still felt that eating was important, and then bounced to the side to pounce on the big orange cat.


swipe swipe~

The big orange cat pursed its ears, its furry little paws crazily pounding the air, although a set of cat and cat punches didn't hit the big yellow dog, but it scared the latter away.

At this time.

There was a sound of corn leaves being stirred in the field, and grandpa came out. The sweltering environment in the field made his short sleeves slightly wet.

He said with a smile: "There is a big watermelon in the field! Take a look and see if it is ripe!".

"Big watermelon!" The little girl yelled in surprise, her jewel-like eyes shining brightly.

"Walk around, go and have a look." Li Shu was also very curious, so he took the little girl into the cornfield and said: "There is no watermelon in the cornfield, how can watermelon grow?".


Li Shu, the little girl, the big yellow dog, and the big orange cat got into the cornfield. Grandpa and Li Xiaomin said a few words, and then followed.

Li Xiaomin also called his nephew by the river just now, and the river began to water his fields.

Several people walked tens of meters into the field, and almost reached the opposite road, and finally saw a watermelon seedling in the field under the beam of the flashlight.

The watermelon vines are 5 to 6 meters long, and the huge watermelon leaves are juicy, and a big watermelon grows on the vines.

"It's really a big watermelon!" The little girl yelled in surprise, she walked over quickly, but the big orange cat was faster, swiped~ ran over and patted the big watermelon with its little furry paws.

"Meow meow meow~".

Is this big watermelon ripe? And why there is a lonely watermelon seedling, it is strange.

"Wow woof~".

The big yellow dog also ran over quickly, smelling the big watermelon, there was a very light and unique fragrance. Let this rhubarb taste first, what if it is poisonous? It's time for me to dedicate myself to this home!

The big yellow dog opened its mouth wide, and was about to bite the big watermelon in one bite.

"Big silly dog, shut up!" Li Shu kicked up directly, and the big yellow dog nimbly avoided Li Shu's kick, then ran to the side and wagged its tail meanly.

"Hiss~ It's really strange!" With a cigarette in his mouth, Li Xiaomin took a puff and exhaled a smoke ring: "Pick it up and see if it's done! If it can be cooked again, that would be great!" .

Since the cornfield is very dry, it may take an hour for the water to reach the place where Li Shu and the others are standing, and they have plenty of time to move around in the cornfield.

"Brother, do you want to pick it?" The little girl squatted down and touched the watermelon with peeled skin, then turned to ask Li Shu.

"Pick it up.".


The little girl grabbed the stem of the watermelon with all her strength, and yanked the big watermelon off. The big round watermelon weighed 7 to 8 catties, and the little girl couldn't hold it, so Li Shu bent down and picked it up.

"Walk, let's go, this corn field is hotter than the woods, let's go out and talk about it." Li Shu laughed.

There are a lot of big watermelons in the Neverland Baicao Garden, and Li Shu naturally has no shortage of watermelons to eat, but picking up a big watermelon for nothing in the cornfield is like picking up money while walking, it still makes him feel happy.

A few people came outside the corn field, Boss Jing also came back, and said with a smile: "Hey, why is there a big watermelon?".

"It grows in cornfields." The little girl replied.

"Why do watermelons grow in the cornfield? Is it grown?" Boss Jing asked casually in doubt.

"It's not planted, maybe a passerby who ate watermelon just happened to want to go to the toilet when passing by the cornfield.".

"Open it quickly." Li Xiaomin urged.

"Don't worry." Li Shu clenched his fist with his right hand and slammed it lightly on the watermelon. A 2 cm wide crack appeared in the watermelon. Under the light of the flashlight, the red flesh came into view.

“Oh, it’s red flesh!!”.

"It seems to be quite familiar!".

"Although the sun is blocked by the stick, it is obvious that this watermelon is very sensible, and it is really good if it is cooked!" Li Xiaomin took another puff of his cigarette.

Ka Ka Ka ~

Li Shu broke the watermelon into pieces with his bare hands and distributed them to everyone. He left a piece of watermelon with a large watermelon "core" for himself, biting it down, the sweet and delicious taste exploded in his mouth.


"It's sweet!".

“It tastes so good!”.

Part of the process of watering the ground has been completed, just wait for the river to flow to the opposite field.

Everyone sat on the ground and looked at the moon and ate watermelon. The sound of crickets fluttering in the grass added some tranquility to this summer night.


after an hour.

The river was about to flow to the ground, and Mr. Jing ran to turn off the machine, while Li Xiaomin called his nephew by the river: "Small trick, you can turn off the machine!".

"Okay, Uncle." Li Zhao said on the opposite side, he yawned: "Uncle, clean it up yourself, I'll go back to sleep first.".

“Ah, well…………you can slow down on your way.”.

"Okay, uncle, be careful when you return to the village later, don't plant it in the ditch.".

Li Xiaomin: "......".

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