Island Fishery

Chapter 484 Grape seedlings are sick

Chapter 484 Grape seedlings are sick

The rented car was running on the road in the capital of Malaysia. The night was dark, the street lights were dim, and the colorful signboards on both sides of the street were emitting dazzling light, and all kinds of men and women were walking around.

"Ah~" The little girl is sitting on the right side of the plum tree. She played too crazy during the day and exhausted too much energy. She is a little sleepy now. She rubbed her eyes with her chubby hands and said while stroking the big orange cat in her arms. : "Brother, take these two conch back home, do you really want to keep them?".

What the little girl looked at was a small plastic blue bucket 30 centimeters high, in which two snails carrying the house were wriggling, and there was a little bit of seawater at the bottom of the bucket.

"Yes, if we keep them in sea water, we will have endless conch after spawning." Li Shu laughed.

The car was speeding, getting closer and closer to the airport.

Seeing some sadness on the little girl's face, Li Shu asked: "Sister, what's wrong with you? Do you have any troubles?".

"Oh, I'm a little worried that the vines I planted in the pots will die." There was a trace of worry on the little sister's face.

The little girl got a few vines growing from the watermelon field in Baicaoyuan before, which is very precious.

"Ahem, don't worry, you can't die in such a short period of time." Li Shulian said.

"Really?" The little girl's eyes lit up.

"Of course it's true!" Li Shu said with certainty, he didn't expect the little girl to value those grape seedlings so much, but he felt that it would be good if his sister could raise a few grape seedlings. Big, long grapes, that should also be considered a wonderful experience.

"Yeah." Hearing Li Shu's affirmative answer, the little girl was relieved. She felt that Li Shu was very powerful, and what he said must be right.

The car arrives at the airport, goes through security, boards the plane, and takes off.

buzz buzz~

When the plane landed at Danguan City Airport, it was already 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, not only the big orange cat, but even the big yellow dog was too sleepy.

"Danguan City at night, there are also night owls." Li Shu, the little girl and the pets got on the Rolls-Royce driven by Jing's second child. They were going to the helipad of Haishen Community, and then took a helicopter back to Neverland .

"Meow~" The big orange cat scratched the edge of the car window with its small paws, watching the night market scene with a pair of round eyes.

"Meow~"【What is the relationship between night owls and cats? 】

There are big doubts in the little head, but unfortunately no one answers its questions.

Soon, a few people and their pets returned to Neverland by helicopter. In the dark night, Uncle Hai was wearing a gray coat and came to welcome Li Shu and the others with a flashlight.

"Xiao Shu, are you back?" Uncle Hai smiled.

"Yeah, it's cool at night, Uncle Hai, let's go back and rest." Li Shulian said.

After all, Uncle Hai was old, and he looked like a little old man with his back slightly arched in a jacket, and his figure was a bit shabby.

For a moment, Li Shu couldn't help thinking of his grandfather and grandpa.

Uncle Hai went back to the villa in the south to rest, Li Shu and the little girl went back to the villa in the north, the big orange cat went directly to see its pet ants, and saw that the ants were still moving around agilely and strong, so it couldn't help feeling relieved.


The big orange cat thought for a while, jumped up to the apricot tree and took down a big golden apricot, then ran to the side of the ant nest stupidly, and put the apricot 15 centimeters to the left of the ant nest.

swipe swipe~

Soon some ants found Xingzi, went back to report the news, and led a large army over, bit open Xingzi and carried the apricot meat inside back to the cave, triumphantly.

"Meow meow~"【Little ants are too weak, I am like a god in front of them, I can easily pick an apricot for them, and an apricot can make them happy for a long time. 】


Li Shu and the little girl didn't care about the big orange cat. After returning to the villa, Li Shu went to sleep, and the little girl went to see her precious grape seedlings first. The green grape seedlings were watered a little, and the little girl compared them with her fingers. Height than grape seedlings:

"It seems to have grown a little bit taller...... Ah, I'm sleepy too, good night, little grape seedlings, see you tomorrow!".

The little girl greeted the grape seedlings in the corner of the living room on the first floor, and then ran upstairs.

The whole villa seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

The night wind slowly blows over the railing of the balcony on the third floor of the villa, making a whining sound. This sound is interwoven with the rustling and chirping of the little bugs in the grass on the first floor, composing a symphony of the night.

Early the next morning.

"Ah~" Li Shu yawned and got up from the bed. When he came downstairs, he found that the little girl was already squatting in the corner of the living room on the first floor, looking at a few grape seedlings growing in the flower pots.

The big orange cat squatted on the right side of the little girl, wagging its tail and looking at the grape seedlings with the little girl.

"What's wrong with the little girl? What are you doing staring at the grape seedlings early in the morning?" Li Shu asked curiously.

The little girl turned her head and frowned: "Brother, there is a small black spot on the leaf of the grape seedling on the right, it seems to be sick!".

"Meow~" The big orange cat raised its left front paw and pointed to the grape seedling leaves with black spots.

"Why are you joining in the fun?" Li Shu smiled and knelt down to pet the cat's head, but saw a black spot on a grape leaf that was as big as a seven-spotted ladybug.

Unfortunately, Li Shu didn't know what was going on.

"Let me check for you and see if anyone on the Internet has encountered a similar situation." Li Shu took out his phone and checked. The little girl and the big orange cat looked at Li Shu expectantly.

The surroundings fell silent for a moment.

clatter clatter~

The big yellow dog ran to Li Shu and squatted down beside Li Shu wagging its big tail. It waited for Li Shu to take it for a run.

"This situation is similar to downy mildew, but it is a little different from downy mildew in the pictures. I suspect that it is caused by the compact growth of several grape seedlings. How about pulling out the others and leaving only one grape seedling?" Li Shu said.

After thinking about it, the little girl firmly shook her head: "Don't pull it out!".

"Okay then." Li Shu spread his hands helplessly, then he patted his sister's head lightly, and said with a smile: "Be optimistic, silly sister, grape seedlings have the ability to heal themselves, maybe they will heal soon, yes Bar?".

"It makes sense." The little girl nodded, and she reacted instantly, and said: "No, I'm not stupid, brother, you are!".

"Hahaha~" Li Shu laughed.

After breakfast, Li Shu put the two conch snails into the shallow sea in the northwest corner, which was used as the habitat of the conch, and he fed the two conch a little chalcedony spirit water by the way.

The two conch snails moved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"A hundred meters to the east of the conch is the habitat of the dreamy lobster. This distance should be far enough." Li Shu swam to the east and shuttled across the colorful seabed.

"It's just you, I'll eat your big lobster for lunch! I haven't eaten a big lobster for a while!" Li Shu made a lightning strike, caught a big lobster and quickly floated up.

At noon, everyone ate delicious lobster meat.

Time is like the flowing water~

In a blink of an eye, it came to July 31, 2018, the last day of July, and the whole Neverland was covered in drizzle like a cow's hair, rustling~ there was a hint of chill in the sound of the rain.

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