Island Fishery

Chapter 152 Vegetable Dog and Braised Pork

Chapter 152 Vegetable Dog and Braised Pork

The night outside the window was thick, the big orange cat was lying on the bed and snoring~ asleep, and Li Shu was still video chatting with Huang Yun.

Li Shu and Huang Yun talked about their desire to study English hard, but they were worried that nothing would happen in the end, and the latter suddenly burst into great enthusiasm.

Huang Yun: "I can supervise your English learning! Every night, I can help you summarize the learning situation of the day! How about it? And you often send me videos of islands and cute pets. Those videos have helped me a lot, and I also I want to do something for you."

"Uh, this...that's fine too." Li Shu agreed slightly hesitantly, but soon a strange thought appeared in his mind, was he digging a hole for himself?

If that time comes, if she doesn't learn anything every day, Huang Yun will probably be disappointed too.

"Okay, then it's settled.".


After chatting for a while, seeing that Huang Yun was already yawning again and again, Li Shu ended the call.

Turn off the lights and go to bed, the moonlight shines on the quilt through the window, and the orange cat is covered with a peaceful atmosphere. The whining wind outside the window and the loud purring of the big orange cat are mixed together, as if they are played lullaby.

"Big orange cat, why don't you go to see your little ant nest today?" Li Shu touched the fat big orange cat under the moonlight. lie down.

snort snort~

Touching the big orange cat lying on his chest and snoring, Li Shu said helplessly: "Well, I know you want to crush me to death, but I can hold on.".

"Squeak~" There was a squeaking sound from the "Squirrel House" in the corner, maybe the little squirrel was dreaming.


Early the next morning.

Li Shu refreshedly led the big yellow dog to run around the cobblestone road of Neverland, the sea breeze was blowing, the leaves of the apricot trees, peach trees, coconut trees and cocoa trees on the island were rattling, and the sun was shining on the rippling sea water. The sparkling light is like countless broken diamonds scattered on the sea, and the gorgeous light refracted makes people squint their eyes.

Breakfast is the shrimp lean meat porridge made by Uncle Hai. It is delicious and nutritious. The rhubarb dog smells the alluring aroma and circles anxiously. Finally, he sits on the ground contentedly after drinking some shrimp lean meat porridge, his big tail wagging from side to side .

"I just received a text message from the courier company. The English learning materials I bought have arrived. Boss Jing, go and pick them up after dinner. Hmm... By the way, buy some high-quality black soil pork and some beer." Li Shu swallowed Dropping the delicious lean meat porridge in his mouth, his eyes fell on his cute younger sister: "Little girl, have you finished the ice cream in the refrigerator?".

"Yes, yes, the cat's claw ice cream has been eaten." The little girl's eyes lit up instantly, and she hesitated for a moment: "I also want some stickers, beautiful stickers.".

"Stickers? Boss Jing, let's buy some more stickers. Bigger supermarkets have them."

"Good boss.".

After eating, Boss Jing drove the helicopter to Danguan City, while Li Shu brought the big yellow dog to Baicao Garden.

"During the past two days in Singapore, Baicao Garden hasn't changed much." Walking along the criss-crossing stone roads, Li Shu picked a red tomato and ate it, biting it down. The sweet and sour taste of the tomato alone Explodes in the mouth and is delicious.

"The sand is hanging, the quality is good, huh? Rhubarb, do you want to eat tomatoes too?" Li Shu noticed a flash of longing in Rhubarb's eyes.

"Hmph, haw~" Rhubarb wagged his tail and rubbed against Li Shu's leg, then tilted his head and stared at the tomato in Li Shu's hand.


"Here's a piece for you." Li Shu broke off a piece of tomato and threw it to Rhubarb. The latter caught it instantly and ate it blissfully. .

"Hey~ I never found out that you are a "vegetable dog" Rhubarb!?" Li Shu was a little surprised.

There was a hint of confusion in Dahuang's eyes. It didn't know what "vegetable dog" meant, so it should be a good word.

"Not bad, not bad, very sensible, although I want to eat vegetables, but I don't take the initiative to pick the growing vegetables." Li Shu patted the dog's head, picked another cucumber, and fed two tomatoes to rhubarb, which ate super happy.

The carrots in the Baicao Garden were eaten up, so Li Shu planted another row of carrots with chalcedony spirit water, and then left the Baicao Garden with rhubarb.

Li Shu came to the beach, took off his shirt and jumped into the sea directly.

boom boom boom~

The dull sound of the water reverberates in the ears, the sun penetrates the sea water, and the colorful underwater world looks so charming. A dozen or so red clownfish with white stripes swim around among various corals, feeling relaxed and relaxed; Big crabs are rummaging for algae to eat, raising their pincers from time to time to warn the passing sea fish.

Seashells are gently opening and closing to spit bubbles, and the hard shell flashes a cold and hard color; a silly grouper crashes into the seaweed too fast, swims out shaking its head, looks around, and finds that there seems to be no other rocks. Spotted fish saw his embarrassment and swam away quickly.

"There are quite a lot of yellow bearded prawns. You can consider catching them. I will contact the transport ship in the afternoon." Li Shu swims in the sea like a big fish. , there are more small shrimps of 1~3 cm.


A small ball of chalcedony spirit water emerges from the ring, and then under the control of consciousness, it turns into countless small water droplets, falls into the group of small shrimps, and is swallowed up by the latter, and a large number of small shrimps start to eat at an instant. grow.

3 cm, 4 cm... 8 cm, 10 cm...

"A drop of chalcedony spiritual water can breed hundreds of prawns, which is very efficient." Li Shu smiled, and after watching the prawns eating for a while, he floated up.

not for a while.

Buzz buzz~ Boss Jing drove the helicopter back to Neverland, crates of beer were brought down, and the little girl happily took her own stickers, with a happy face: "Xun Wukong, Tang Sanzang... This is " The stickers of Journey to the West, as well as the stickers of "Snow White", and the stickers of "Peppa Pig", I really like them! Thrush, look at how beautiful the stickers are!".

Thrush blinked smartly: "Chirp Chirp~ Chirp Chirp~" [I don't understand, I don't understand~]

"The pigs in this cartoon don't look like pigs at all. The person who made this cartoon has never seen a real pig." Uncle Hai, who is old but physically strong, also helped carry the beer. When he saw the sticker of Peppa Pig, he frowned and muttered with.

Li Shu's hearing was very good, and he burst into laughter instantly, but Uncle Hai was slightly embarrassed.

There is relatively little pork in Malaysia, but there is a domesticated short-haired black pig with excellent meat quality.


Recalling the introduction in the teacher's recipe, Li Shu began to make braised pork. When the star anise, garlic and ginger slices in the pot were fried, he poured in pieces of meat that were as long as a finger. When the pieces become ripe, a strong aroma overflows.

"Wow, woof, woof~" the big yellow dog barked softly.

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