Is He Really The Protagonist?

Chapter 79 Disagreement

Xiao Bosheng discovered the situation there earlier and could see it more clearly. He saw the argument between the man and the woman, saw that the man was holding a knife, and saw another man in the room who was also disheveled. man.

The situation was very clear, and he could guess the cause of the incident. The man was holding the knife, and he could also roughly guess the direction of the incident.

So he left the library. He knew that going there could only solve the current situation and not solve the problem, but he couldn't just watch the show.

He quickly walked downstairs, rushed across the street, and looked up again, seeing what Tang Yubing had just seen.

Someone from the theater crowd downstairs had already called the Public Security Bureau. Xiao Bosheng shook his head, put on the sunglasses he took out of his bag, and walked into the hotel.

Judging from the progress of the situation, by the time the security officer arrives, this poor man will be transformed from a victim to a criminal suspect because of a moment of excitement.

There was no one at the front desk of the hotel. From downstairs, it appeared that the incident took place on the sixth floor, and the room number was unknown.

Xiao Bosheng quickly climbed the stairs. As soon as he came out of the corridor, he saw four or five people gathered in front of a room. He could faintly hear hoarse roars. Xiao Bosheng didn't pay attention to what the people inside were saying. He was just being fucked. Are you unwilling to do so?

I took a closer look at the room number, 6102, and pulled out the front desk girl wearing business attire and a work badge from the crowd.

"Who are you?" The little girl looked at the man who pulled her out of the crowd with a puzzled look. The man was wearing huge sunglasses that almost covered half of his face.

"I'm just an ordinary person passing by." Xiao Bosheng said quickly without any thought of explanation: "Is anyone staying in 5102? Open the door to that room for me. You don't want anyone to die in the hotel while you are on duty."

Hearing his words, the little girl became nervous. She thought Xiao Bosheng was the security guard who came over, so she hurriedly said: "I have to go down and check if anyone is staying, and the spare room card is also at the front desk."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the door."

Xiao Bosheng walked to the door of 5102 and knocked on the door. No one responded. It seemed that no one was there.

After thinking for a moment, he took off his coat and put it on inside out.

The girl at the front desk came upstairs with the room card in her hand: "No one lives here, I can open the door, but are you a security guard?"

"There seems to be no movement upstairs. Usually in this case, the murderer is either about to attack or is subdued. The security guard hasn't come yet, do you think it is possible that he has been subdued?" Xiao Posheng did not answer directly.

The little girl became even more nervous when she heard this. She didn't bother to think about Xiao Bosheng's words. She swiped her card and opened the door of 5102. Xiao Bosheng ran directly to the balcony.

"What are you going to do? Hey, it's dangerous." Before the younger sister could finish her words, Xiao Posheng rolled over from the guardrail of the balcony.

From this angle, the woman's back can already be seen. At this time, her upper body has been pinned outside the guardrail by the man holding a knife, and the man's face can also be clearly seen.

Just as Xiao Bosheng said, the man no longer shouted at the top of his lungs, but stared at the woman with a fierce look on his face.

But then he saw Xiao Bosheng lying outside the guardrail downstairs and was stunned.

Seizing the opportunity when the man was in a daze, Xiao Bosheng jumped up and grabbed the edge of the balcony upstairs. Using his feet on the railing on the fifth floor, he used the strength of his hands to pull his body up.

Grab the edge of the sixth floor railing, lift your waist, and perform a variant of the Thomas maneuver. Kicked the man in the chest, kicked him in the hand holding the knife, and fell to the balcony.

The man was kicked to the corner of the balcony and fell to the ground. Xiao Bosheng quickly pulled the woman back, and then kicked the kitchen knife to the other side.

As soon as the girl at the front desk shouted out the danger, she saw Xiao Bosheng jump up and disappear on the balcony.

He rushed forward and leaned on the balcony railing to look up, but he couldn't see what was going on upstairs.

He quickly went upstairs and ran to the door of the room. He saw a man wearing sunglasses standing in the room. The man holding a knife was pinned to the bed by him and kept struggling.

The woman huddled aside and shivered, and the man who shared the room with her was holding her to comfort her.

Xiao Bosheng looked at the two idiots speechlessly, not knowing how to help him. When he saw the girl at the front desk peeking out from the crowd of people watching at the door, she shouted: "Come in and help me find a rope to tie up. Is it possible for me to be tied up?" Hold him down and wait for the security officer?”

The little girl hurried in and finally tied the knife-wielding man tightly with the sheets on the bed.

Xiao Posheng clapped his hands: "Okay, just wait until the security guard comes. I'll wash my hands."

Then he walked through the crowd of people watching at the door and walked calmly towards the stairwell.

As he passed the hotel lobby, he passed by several uniformed security guards, but no one paid attention to him.

He crossed the street quietly and returned to the library. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ji Guang's smiling face: "I went out to watch the fun."

"Ah, yes." Xiao Posheng felt a little guilty.

Ji Guang was still smiling, but didn't speak any more. After saying goodbye to Ji Guang, he hurried back to the library on the fourth floor. After all, he left on the pretext of going to the bathroom in order not to worry Tang Yubing.

The library was no longer as quiet as it was when he just left. People were discussing the scene they just saw in small groups in low voices. Seeing Xiao Bosheng coming back, Tang Yubing asked, "Why have you been gone for so long?"

Xiao Posheng used the excuse he had already thought of: "A little constipated."

"It's a pity that you missed it." Tang Yubing shook his head.

"What did you miss?" Xiao Bosheng pretended not to know.

"In the hotel opposite, someone just committed an attack with a knife. A guy jumped up from downstairs and subdued him. I took a video and showed it to you." Tang Yubing handed over the phone.

The video begins with a man strangling the woman's neck and waving something with his right hand. Then the screen zooms in and you can see clearly that the man is holding a kitchen knife. As the man pushed the woman away from the railing.

The screen suddenly moved down, and a man wearing oversized sunglasses appeared under the camera. He jumped from the railing on the fifth floor to the sixth floor and subdued the knife-wielding man twice.

"Tsk, the pixels of your mobile phone are not very good." Xiao Bosheng tutted. He could only see the dark sunglasses on his face and the color of his jacket. He couldn't tell who it was at all.

"Is this the point?" Tang Yubing said angrily: "I'm going to show you the whole incident."

"Show me what this is for. Do you want me to have the same skills as that brave little brother?"

Tang Yubing shook his head: "No, even if you do, I don't want you to do such a dangerous thing. What if you accidentally fall down without being rescued?"

"If I have the ability and don't do it when I encounter it, then the consequences of this matter will be due to my inaction."

"But you will be in danger yourself."

Xiao Bosheng explained: "Even if there is danger, someone needs to do it. If you have the ability, why should you stand by and watch the disaster come? I can't do it."

"Anyway, you don't have the ability to get involved in those things. You can think whatever you want."

Tang Yubing turned away, obviously unhappy. Xiao Bosheng was silent for a moment and said nothing more. He picked up the paper she had just judged for him and read it.

The library has returned to calm, and everyone has their own things to do. This small thing will only stir up waves in the hearts of a limited number of people.

Xiao Bosheng stopped doing the questions and instead listened to the lectures and read books to make up for the knowledge points that he got wrong.

The golden crow enters the nest and the jade hook hangs in the air.

"I'm hungry." Tang Yubing poked Xiao Bosheng's arm and said softly.

"Then let's go."

The two packed up their things and left the library. Xiao Bosheng took Tang Yubing to eat a casserole, and then the two took a walk on the street to eat. Xiao Bosheng was talking about the scenery in the Tibetan area. After all, the people he met were spiritualists, so he couldn't talk about it.

Tang Yubing seemed to be preoccupied and a little absent-minded. He was not as active as when he was on the phone and would take the initiative to extend the topic.

"It's almost time, let's go to the theater."


Not long after the movie started, Xiao Posheng knew that he had stepped into a trap. The introduction was that it was a youth romance movie, but the plot turned out to be a domineering president who took over the whole city's fish ponds while studying in an aristocratic school, and then found out that he fell in love with his half-father. The story of the mother's biological sister and the eventual bankruptcy of the family.

The entire incident is almost described halfway through the movie, and it should logically be over. However, the director arbitrarily filmed the story of the male protagonist's family going bankrupt due to a failed business war for an extra hour. During this period, he inserted multiple memories of the male and female protagonists, as well as multiple shots of unknown meaning: the male protagonist's expressionless face.

Tang Yubing watched it with great interest, but Xiao Bosheng was a little restless.

Just watch the screen, you can't stand it anymore; just close your eyes and sleep, I'm not sleepy, and coupled with the flash caused by the flashing camera, I can't fall asleep; watch Tang Yubing, it feels awkward, and there is nothing to watch.

When he finally walked out of the theater, Xiao Posheng felt like he was alive again.

"Master, don't you think it's interesting?"

"I don't think so. I just think it's ridiculous."

"This kind of movie is like this. It's called dramatic conflict, and it also has a strong cast. The male protagonist is handsome and the female protagonist is good-looking."

"..." Xiao Posheng couldn't complain, and finally sighed: "I can't appreciate it."

Seeing Xiao Bosheng's state, Tang Yubing gave up the idea of ​​discussing the plot: "It's past ten o'clock, it's time to go back."

"Yeah, let me take you back. We will meet at my school tomorrow morning. I didn't show you a complete tour last time. Then we will find an empty classroom to read and then go to the city museum in the afternoon."

Tang Yubing nodded: "Yeah, when will we meet?"

Xiao Bosheng thought for a moment and said, "It takes an hour from you to my school. Let's meet at nine o'clock. You can sleep a little longer."


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