Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 863: The scar is forgotten to hurt

   The Wanbao River is extremely huge, boundless and vast.

   And there are too many treasures here. Looking at it, there are treasures everywhere, depending on your ability to seize them.

   But within the Wanbao River, there are so many dangers. The turbulent torrent of time and space has turned the time and space upside down. With layers of erosion, suddenly burst out, even the universe gods can drown you in.

  Moreover, too many ancient Jedi swept here and evolved into various restricted areas.


   When the Shenwu army arrived at the Wanbao River, they started their sweep mode.

   Mana is united by the Zhushen Great Formation, and it seems that a giant net has appeared, which is directly like fishing in the water, taking away many treasures whether useful or not.

   It is meaningless to distinguish treasures in the Wanbao Long River.

   Regardless of how good it is, put it in your own pocket first.

   "Haha, there are too many treasures here, take it away, take it all away, and enrich it in the treasury!"

   "Yes, this is a great opportunity for the empire. So many magical ore drugs are a big supplement to the development of the empire."

   "Joint sweep!"

  The Shenwu Empire is all excited. When will they see so many treasures gathered together, their eyes are shining, but they have no idea of ​​private possession, but all contributed to the treasury, waiting for the empire to contribute.

   "Emperor Shenwu, this time I cooperate with the imperial action, and after the end, I will also allocate it according to my own contribution!"

   The Bone God was shocked, and he also used his power to cooperate with the Shenwu Empire. He clearly knew that although he was very strong, he had to rely on the Shenwu Empire.

  The sweeping sweep of the Shenwu Empire with such a large area and large movement naturally attracted the attention of some people, but the terrifying power that radiated out made many people shook their heads, unwilling to offend the power of an empire.

   This is the benefit of bringing an empire to sweep.

   Two immortals with similar strengths, one leading a large number of strong men and one lonely family, can be multiplied by a large number of people, united in strength, forming a large array, providing energy to immortality, and able to target the immortality of that single person to the dead.


   The void suddenly split, and a torrent swept over it. This is the time and space torrent of the Wanbao Long River. The vast power is almost unstoppable. Pushing from a distance, some of the strong people who are grabbing the treasure are discolored and then flooded by the torrent.

   "This is the space-time power of Wanbao Chang Hanoi!"

   Bone God was shocked.

   But Chu Yuan waved his hand, and there was a torrent of void spewing out from the gate of the void, collided with the torrent of the sky at that time, and the wave of the sky and the earth cracked, turning the time and space of the Wanbao River upside down, and countless treasures fell like raindrops.

   "Broken immortal artifact!"

   The Book of Martial Arts slammed into his hand, and a blade shattered into dozens of pieces appeared in his hand. It was an immortal artifact, and the immortal power in it had been wiped out.

   "Although it is a broken, immortal artifact, the material is extraordinary, and the materials can be smelted." The Purple Blood Demon said.

   "Not bad."

  Book of Budo nodded.

   The army continued to sweep, and a huge ancient beast bone was captured by them. There was an immortal light flashing, and it was not immortal, but some immortal power had been condensed in the body, which was of extraordinary value.


   When they swept through the Wanbao Long River, they suddenly stepped into a Jedi, and countless murderous intents surged in madly, but the army united and the God of Death was bombarded and then appeared from the Jedi.

   A **** of death grabbed it with a big hand, and there was a starry brilliance in that Jedi. It was so bright, all treasures in the Jedi were all swept away.

"too crazy!"

  Bone is frightened.

   It is absolutely impossible for him to sweep like this by himself, the danger of Wanbao Longhe alone will make him very troublesome.

   And Emperor Shenwu mastered a portal that could use the power of the void, and continuously destroyed too many dangers.

   "Take advantage of the Wanbao Long River has not disappeared, during this time the empire has to grab more resources." Chu Yuan issued the imperial decree.

   The army swept across.

   "Holy Spirit Impact!"

   Murderous intent was overwhelming. When the Shenwu Empire seized the treasures, a large number of powerful men appeared in the distance, stepping on the torrent, and their mana was condensed on a spiritual map, which was also an immortal artifact, directly targeting the Shenwu Empire.

   Zhushen Great Formation!

   The Shenwu Empire roared, someone took the initiative to attack them, and they would naturally fight back, causing the two forces to explode together in terror.


   One after another bombardment, these powerful men took the initiative to target the Shenwu Empire and came prepared.

   "The army of the spirit realm, you really don't give up."

  The Book of Martial Arts swept away with a spear in his hand to dissolve a large amount of power. There was also a cloud of anger in his heart, which suddenly turned into a shocking glow, which was killed in an instant, and then caused a shocking wave in the spirit domain army.

   "If you want to fight, I will fight with you!"

   The book of martial arts roared, and the fighting spirit was boiling.

   "Unparalleled Gun!"

   There was an angry voice in the Spirit Realm army.

   A strong man with a stiff body slammed out, with a sword in his hand, the sword swept away, and directly bombarded the book of martial arts.

   "Chunyu knife, the body is an immortal knife."

  The Book of Budo recognizes this person.

   "Spiritual domain, do you want to go to war here?"

   Bone God also made a voice to the opposite side.

   "War, why not fight!"

   Spirit Realm suffered a big loss in the Shenwu Empire last time, but they have an ancient immortal power and are well-known in the universe, but they can be killed again and again in the fourth step. How can such a failure be willing to bear.

  Fighting in the Shenwu Empire suffered too much, they put the battlefield in Wanbao Long Hanoi.

   "If you want to fight, fight, Shenwu Empire is not afraid of everything!"

The book of martial arts is brave, striding forward, and he broke through to the fourth It is when he wants to sharpen himself, and his Majesty is here, fear is impossible, just afraid It's not enough to play.

   "Move the bell!"

  The strong man of the book universe is responsible for urging the bell of ten thousand dharma to condense a spiritual body of ten thousand dharma.

   "I will fight with you today!"

  Bone God is indifferent, he is now an alliance of the Shenwu Empire, and the spiritual realm prevents the empire from hunting for treasure, which is destroying his treasure hunt.

   Preventing people from proving, like killing a parent.

   "It's fighting!"

   The impact of the Shenwu Empire and the Spirit Realm army was too violent, attracting the eyes of some people, and watching the excitement one by one was not too big a problem.

   "That is the spiritual realm. It is rumored that the spiritual **** opened up, and the strength is extremely strong, and they are strong against them. Such a big fanfare, obviously the strength is not weak!"


"The universe is chaotic. There are killings everywhere. Killing in the immortal time and space. Killing in Wanbaochang Hanoi. There is almost no peaceful fight. Who cares about his spiritual realm and who is fighting with him? it is good."

   Someone spoke.

   Killing this kind of big power is good for many people, and letting their power kill together will give many people a chance to win treasures.

   "It makes sense."

   These people nodded.

   When these people are killed, the Wanbao River will be shaken even more severely, and many treasures will appear. .

   "Shi Tianjun, when the scar is healed, forget the pain, have you forgotten my methods?"

   Chu Yuan was indifferent, with a breathtaking voice, his eyes looked at a place, the huge mana evaporating the torrent of dimension.

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