The Lord of the Book Universe is silent.

   His heart is thinking quickly.

   Yes, if others can find you once, they can find you a second time, and what if it is immortal next time?

   Ordinary immortality may not be found, but if it is the Feathering God Emperor, the Misty Ancient Emperor, the owner of the Sea of ​​Death, this immortality can still be found if he really wants to clean him up.

"As your Majesty said, I have no choice. In fact, I cannot achieve immortality. In addition to external factors, there is another reason, that is, I have taken a wrong path. I was wrong. I knew it was wrong, but External factors make me unable to correct."

The master of the book universe said: "Books are countless knowledge. Books are never fixed in a certain form. Every plant, one tree, one brick and one stone, are the carriers of books. Books are never cherished by themselves, so they have no roots. A pool of stagnant water."

   Chu Yuan did not answer, just looked at him.

   "Achieving immortality requires countless knowledge and wisdom to strengthen oneself and draw on outside power. Your Majesty's civilization history requires countless legends to promote. I am old and talented. I am willing to dedicate my wisdom and become a part of the history of empire civilization."

   The Lord of the Book Universe laughed and said: "The world is going all the way, the wind is surging, watching countless heroes compete in the starry sky, I have to record these countless evocative battles for countless people to extol it."

   "Is this a decision to join the Shenwu Empire?"

   The Book of Budo Fighting was shocked, and he had already understood the intention of the Lord of the Book Universe.

  He is not stupid. He knows why the Lord of the Book Universe made such a decision. The history of empire civilization is an open history of civilization, and it compiles a civilization history of countless creatures in the empire with great magical power.

   Moreover, the lord of the book universe wants to be immortal.

   It is the civilization history of Shenwu Empire that really made the Lord of the Book Universe make up his mind.

   This civilization history is magnificent. He knows this civilization history. If he joins the Shenwu Empire, he will never become a slave. Instead, he will become a part of the imperial epic and become a legend.

   Although the Emerging God Dynasty is the most powerful force in the universe today, he does not want to go.

   What to do in the Yuhua Shenchao? The strength of his fourth step is nothing in that sacred dynasty, and will be crushed by immortality, and the Emerging Ascension Sutra of the Feathering Gods dynasty is actually an alternative book of enlightenment.

   He won't have any status when he goes, and he will even be absorbed by the Feathering Ascension Sutra.

   This Shenwu Great Emperor wants to create a great Shenwu era. Thinking about it, the waves are magnificent and the vastness is long, making him excited.

   "I welcome you to join."

   Chu Yuan smiled.

   "The old man has no choice. The arrival of your majesty today is actually an opportunity for the old man."

   Book the main way of the universe.

   There is a glorious ancient book in his hand. This is his body, a book of divine light and spiritual enlightenment.

  He is the book of enlightenment, which inspires the wisdom in the book.

   "The Lord of the Book Universe has joined the Shenwu Empire!"

The Purple Blood Demon Book admired Chu Yuan’s supreme majesty and said excitedly: "Haha, Lord of the Book Universe, speaking of you are my predecessors, thinking that we are working together in the same empire. The stronger the empire develops, the stronger we will be. Your Majesty is generous and never treats loyal ministers badly."

   "From your body, the old man sees it."

   In fact, the Lord of the Book Universe also wants to fight once. The recent situation of the starry sky in the universe has given him a deep crisis, and the emergence of the civilization history of the Chu Yuan Empire has given him an opportunity to make up his mind.

   "You have all come out to meet Emperor Shenwu."

   Book the main way of the universe.

   "I have seen Emperor Shenwu."

   There are many strong people in the book universe, and they have appeared at this time, including the book of swordsmanship, the book of swordsmanship, the book of nature, and so on.

   However, the closure of the book universe not only protected them, but also fettered them. The long-term closure prevented them from receiving new knowledge, and it was extremely difficult to improve their cultivation.

   "From now on I will be the book of enlightenment." The master of the book universe.

   "Well, the book of enlightenment, you will all be part of the history of the empire's civilization. All of our courtiers and people will enjoy the same treatment as the empire!"

Chu Yuan smiled and said: "An ancient book, the people of our empire will comprehend your knowledge, and they will also imprint their own perceptions, and they will also compile their own experiences into a book of magical powers. This is For a win-win situation, the stronger the power of the empire sweeps, everyone benefits."

   "We believe in the Great!"

At this moment, Chu Yuan’s supreme aura made the Book of Spirit Enlightenment, the owner of the Book Universe, feel in a trance. He looked at the book of martial arts fighting: “In fact, the book of martial arts fighting is in a certain degree. Shang is in line with Your Majesty’s Shenwu Empire."

  The book of martial arts battle has been sealed in the book universe for too long, unable to absorb the martial arts battle from the outside world, so that he has been unable to break through to the fourth step.

   Moreover, the Shenwu Empire is currently in a stage of rapid development, and it is of great help to the Book of Martial Arts.

   boom! In this era, with the statement of the book of enlightenment, countless legends have been poured into the history of empire civilization, and an ancient book has become an epic in the history of civilization, connecting the book universe and the empire.

  The national fortune of the empire has grown again!

  The Book of Spiritual Enlightenment also knows that once a choice is made, one can't half-hearted, otherwise he will die miserably.

   He also wants to be immortal.

   "I am now tied to the Shenwu Empire."

The Book of Enlightenment: "Although the book universe I created is not, I have collected too many ancient books. I understand all kinds of ancient secrets, all kinds of magical powers, and many times records. Your Majesty needs to understand I know everything."

   He is not strong in strength, but in the knowledge of various ancient secrets.

   "I do need the knowledge of the book universe." Chu Yuan said, "Do you know where there are life stones?"

"The life stone, this is a very precious thing, it contains the power of life, but I do know that there are several places where the life stone is recorded. These are all ancient secrets and have been recorded by the ancient strong. "

  The Book of Spiritual Enlightenment: "Book of Battle, you leave the book universe to find the life stone for your majesty. This is your first mission after joining the empire."


  The Book of Budo Fighting takes orders.

   Chu Yuan looked at them.

The addition of   Book Universe is an improvement of the soft power of the empire. There are countless knowledge and ancient records in it that can enhance the foundation of the empire and perfectly resolve the embarrassment of the insufficient foundation of the Shenwu Empire.

   He has built the imperial library himself for countless inheritance.

The addition of   Book Universe has greatly expanded.

   Just like this time, if there is no information about the Book of Spirit Enlightenment, the Bone God would not know where the life essence stone is, so he asked him to find it himself, without knowing how much trouble it would have to pay.

   "The last aurora."

   At this time, Chu Yuan suddenly grasped his palm severely, and a strange time and space was opened, and a dazzling white light swept out from it, and the last white aurora finally fell into his hand.

   The nine divine lights condensed and gathered into a mysterious light.

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