The three swords of the Tushen shook the world, and the power of the Holy God of Nie Hai broke out!

Niehai Saint God came strong, but in the end he died miserably. He was beheaded by the power of three swords, and the whole body fell weakly. The mysterious aura that enveloped him revealed the true face of Niehai Saint God.

This is a man who looks a little pale, his eyes are staring wide, his mouth is open, his face is unbelievable.

As if to say, how could he die so fast with his strength.

"Really kill him!"

After Yang Teng and Yang Hong saw them, they were also shocked and soon returned to normal.

Thinking that this was given to them by your majesty, and that your majesty is often able to do things that others cannot do, it is not so shocked.

"Nie.... Niehai Holy God, he is dead!"

This scene was too shocking.

The brothers Qian Yuan, Gu Kang, and Mu Xin and Mu Heng were also shocked.

Unexpectedly, Niehai Saint God killed him as soon as he came out, and the other party didn't know what method he used, and directly cut a Saint God fourfold.

Niehai Saint God obviously became a tragedy in the eyes of everyone.

"No, it's impossible!"

Mu Xin, Mu Heng shouted in horror.

The entire Niehai Lair is in chaos, and the dragons have no heads, and there is no arrogance before.

"Your Majesty's methods are beyond your imagination, and those who resist will kill you without mercy!"

Yang Teng stepped on the dead body of Niehai Saint God.

He searched out all the treasures of Niehai Saint God, and found a lifeless token on his waist. The palm of his hand touched it. It was extremely cold and contained the power of death, which was actually depriving him of his vitality.

"This token is weird."

Yang Teng saw the word death written on the token, and when he looked at it, it seemed that the soul was about to fall. He shuddered and quickly put it away: "Give this token to your majesty."

"Mu Xin, Mu Heng, do you still want to resist to the end?"

Qian Yuan suddenly shouted and flew forward, "The Holy God Niehai is dead, and you are not the slaves of the Holy God Niehai. He is dead, and you don’t have to resist anymore. Quickly surrender and go to see our great majesty. , Maybe you can forgive your sins!"

"Damn it, this yuan is really cunning, bah!"

Gu Kang drank.

Of course he knows the purpose of Qian Yuan to drink.

Now that the battle is set, the majesty handed over a means at will to kill a master like Niehai Saint God. The horror is self-evident. This Qian Yuan wants to show more.

He can't fall behind either.

"Yes, Mu Xin Mu Heng, there is still a way to survive if you put down resistance. As wanderers, there is no need to fight for the Nie Hai Sheng God. You two have the strength to redeem your sins. I think your majesty will let you go!"

Gu Kang said fiercely: "If you fight to the end, then we can only kill the two of your brothers. It is not easy to cultivate to the realm of the Holy Spirit."

Each of these wanderers are human spirits, and finished Yang Teng and Yang Hong's words.

"Do we have a choice?"

Mu Xin Mu hung his head down in despair, decadence and frustration.

Not even a single Yang Teng could be beaten, let alone the four men who launched an attack fiercely.

"This time the task is too simple." Yang Teng said.

"That is your majesty who gave us a treasure, otherwise Nie Hai Sheng Shen can't deal with it."

Yang Hong attacked Yang Teng and made him sober. It was not their strength to complete the task this time, but his majesty's powerful means.

"Haha, anyway, the task is complete." Yang Teng laughed, "You take all the resources out, and all the wanderers return to Dawu with us!"

Mu Xin Mu Heng remained silent, but he did it honestly, and all the treasures in the wanderer's lair were taken away.

"Go, return to the eternal world, and make a deal with your majesty!"

Yang Hong ordered.

Yang Teng also learned from Qian Yuan about the outer starry sky and the place where other wanderers gathered, but it would take several years to come after a while, and the time was too long, and he had to give up his ideas.

Transport the resources in your hand back first, and you can't delay your majesty's major events.

Returning full load, shuttle in the starry sky.

Qian Yuan also looked forward to it in his heart, what kind of person is that majesty?

"Everyone, the eternal world is here, come with us to meet your Majesty!"

Yang Hongdao.

"Can you finally see your Majesty?"

They entered the eternal world and saw Dawu's national fortune at first sight!

The Great Wu Kingdom was like a frenzy of anger and terror. After Qian Yuan and the others saw it, they were shocked in their hearts. This kind of weather was simply terrifying.

"The other wanderers are waiting for orders, Qian Yuan, Gu Kang, Mu Xin, Mu Heng, let me see your majesty, and after seeing your majesty, don't anger your majesty, otherwise you can't bear his anger."

Yang Hong said this to Mu Xin Mu horizontally.

"we know."

Mu Xin Mu hung his head in frustration.

They are losers.

"Your Majesty is already waiting for news of your triumph in the Shenwu Temple."

Father Wei appeared.

This is Dawu's old eunuch, who has served two emperors.

Although he didn't have much talent for cultivation, he was able to ascend to heaven alone, and he was directly promoted to the realm of Profound God in Dawu's resources.

"Okay, Grandpa Wei, let's see your majesty now."

Yang Hong said politely.

This father-in-law's cultivation base is nothing, but his qualifications are very old.

Shenwu Temple.

Chu Yuan sat on the Slaughter God's Seat, looking at the people who walked in, his eyes swept away, a supreme majesty suppressed him, and smiled: "This time you did a good job, expedition to the outside world, you have worked hard."

"For Dawu, no hard work!"

Yang Teng, Yang Hong did not dare to take credit.

"I saw your Majesty Qian Yuan!"

"I Gu Kang has seen your Majesty!"

Qian Yuan, Gu Kang's most talented person, met Chu Yuan and saluted immediately.

"Mu Xin, Mu Heng has seen your Majesty."

The two of them were a little sick.

"Your Majesty, Mu Xin Mu Heng is in Nie Hai's lair, but it is also considered wise. After Nie Hai's holy **** was beheaded, he returned to Dawu and was willing to atone for his sins."

Yang Hong said: "And Qian Yuangukang took the initiative to seek refuge, took the initiative to hand over all resources, and is willing to work for your majesty."

"I have a clear distinction between rewards and punishments. Those who have done meritorious deeds will reward, and those who have gone wrong will be punished." Chu Yuan said.

"Your Majesty, I dare not claim credit. Although my Qian Yuan is not very strong, I am well informed and know the coordinates of many worlds. I have opened business chambers for millions of years and know too much information."

Qian Yuan immediately stated his greatest ability: "Moreover, I am very familiar with the surrounding world."

Chu Yuan nodded slightly.

This money is indeed a talent.

After the Chamber of Commerce was destroyed in a big world, a Wanderer Chamber of Commerce ran into the starry sky.

His Shenwu Chamber of Commerce also intends to spread all over the outer starry so that Ji Fuling is in charge of the country, and Qian Yuan can manage the outer starry sky.

"My Gu Kang news is not as proficient as Qian Yuan, but I can live and die for your Majesty!"

Your Majesty on the seat of God, the coercion is too strong.

He is very smart, knows how to judge the situation and how to position himself.

"All flatters." Yang Teng said with disdain.

"Our two brothers are also willing to live and die for your majesty, and only ask your majesty to give us a way of life."

Mu Xin Mu Heng just wanted to survive.

"Ding! The prestige of the current national power has been satisfied to be promoted to the imperial dynasty, will you be promoted?"

[Option 1: Promote to the imperial dynasty and get three thousand fate points. 】

[Option 2: Don't be promoted to the imperial dynasty for now, and get three thousand fate points. 】

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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