Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 654: Main **** realm, dream realm

The Empress Jiuyou is extremely domineering, and she wants to directly trade two holy gods and holy soldiers with Chu Yuan.

Fighting with the Dutian Great World also gave her a large amount of resources, which she needed to exchange for what she urgently needed from the Shenwu Chamber of Commerce.

This is a win-win transaction for both parties.

Empress Jiuyou got the holy pill she needed. Not only did she use the holy **** body, but Chu Yuan could also get what she could use for breakthrough. He also had no shortage of holy pill.

"It seems that I can maintain this business with you for a long time."

In the end, Chu Yuan and Jiuyou Empress finalized the two artifacts of the holy **** body and the three holy artifacts, first handed in a deposit of the **** body, and then adopted the method of batch trading, and gradually completed them all.

"It will take some time for the female emperor's orders, and I will continue to send them over here."

Chu Yuan's will dissipated and he was ready to go.

"Your Majesty, this emperor is very mysterious. He seems to have some means to provide a large amount of divine pill, including holy grade divine weapons, which makes people feel incredible."

After Empress Jiuyou returned to the imperial palace, a holy **** appeared beside her, surprised.

"He is indeed mysterious. The divine body of the Holy God is not very useful to this emperor, and it will not be able to improve the emperor's too much strength after refining. The most useful for this emperor is the Taishi Holy Soul Pill. ."

Nine You Empress slowly said.

"If there is the Taishi Holy Soul Pill, your majesty will control the Nine Nether World to an extremely terrifying level, becoming the real master of the world, becoming the world god, but the Taishi Holy Soul Pill is too difficult to refine. The big world cannot be refined."

This holy **** said: "Become a **** of the world, and the master of the nine holy cities cannot resist the will of your majesty."

"This is the case, this emperor will trade with him." Jiuyou female emperor said: "Other sacred pill, can be used to win people's hearts, cultivate more powerhouses for the empire, and enhance the empire's heritage."

"Your Majesty, do you want a minister to check the origin of the emperor?" The Holy Spirit said.

"Jingyue, don’t check his history. This emperor doesn’t care about his history, he only cares whether he can produce enough pills to refine the Taishi Holy Soul Pill. It’s best not to check this kind of character, you should know. I will know when I am."

Jiuyou female emperor said.

At this moment.

"This time, the resources obtained from the 33rd Heavenly Pagoda are too many, and they can be used to refine the divine pill that the Nine You Empress needs."

Chu Yuan smiled.

The body of the guardian of the prison appeared in front of him.

Chu Yuan traded the resources in the opponent's hand with the holy grade **** pill, and only he could refine the **** pill needed by the Nine You Empress in large quantities using the Taiyi Pill Furnace.

The difficulty of Taishi Holy Soul Pill lies in its refining.

The more he observed the Taiyi Pill Furnace, the more a terrifying fact Chu Yuan got. He suspected that the so-called superior magic weapon was like making an ancient world into a terrifying artifact.

The 33rd Heavenly Tower seems to be this kind of treasure.

But now, he can break through to the realm of the Lord God.

The divine bodies of the two holy gods were in front of him, refined by him with terrifying mana, and the turbulent laws of the holy way were all impacted into Chu Yuan's body like violent winds and waves, causing his power to undergo earth-shattering changes.

The lord god, the **** who rules the world.

He is immortal, and his divine power has been promoted to the realm of the main god.

"Lord God, breakthrough!"

He raised his hands, and at a glance, he saw that the heaven and the earth were to be ruled in front of him. The heaven and the earth of this eternal world were transformed into layers of laws, as if to revolve in his hand, possessing a dominating power.

In a single thought, the world changes!

"Ding! Overlord breaks through the main divine realm, gains 90,000 fate points, Divine Artifact Advanced Card x1, Supreme Pill x2, Supernatural Fruit x128, Saint God-level Slaughter God Three Swords x1, Fantasy Realm x1, Frozen Gate x1, The supreme power of heaven and earth’s catastrophe, random lottery chance x1, Nine Extremes Divine Light Treasure Map x1, the progress of building the God of Slaughter Figure is 10%, and the current progress is 80%."

"The current Fate Point has a surplus of 259,050."

"Ding! The current branch has been released, breaking through the Holy Spirit Realm!"

Richer rewards have been distributed to the system space!

Chu Yuan began to check.

"Nine Extremes Divine Light Treasure Map."

Chu Yuan looked at the newly released treasure map, which was in gray color, and after opening it, he found a place where ten thousand monsters gathered.

The eternal world!

Demon domain!

"In the territory of the monster race!"

Chu Yuan knew that although the power of the monster race was not as good as the power of the human race, it was huge, and he had expectations in his heart. He didn't know what was stored in this newly released treasure map.

Next, he raised one hundred and twenty-eight supernatural powers to increase the devouring technique to level 9.

The previous two branches gave Chu Yuan a total of 128.

The Great Combat Technique has been upgraded to level 8.

The major cutting technique has been upgraded to level 8.

"It takes 90,000 fate points to exchange for each level of the main **** realm." The system reminded.

"In exchange for the dual realm."

After deducting 180,000 fate points, Chu Yuan's power instantly rushed to the realm of the Holy Spirit!

The Three Swords of the Holy God-level Slaughter God: Slaying the Immortal Slaughter God, contains the power of horror, and can kill the five sacred gods.

Killing the five-fold holy three swords does not have a huge effect for Chu Yuan now, but it is still a hole card, placed on an important person, it can be difficult to use suddenly, and the Jedi will fight back.

It is a pity that although his realm is now elevated to the main god.

The War God Army and the Prison Guard Army will not find a qualitative change, and the commander is still the tenth main god.

This was because the two artifacts did not evolve, and Chu Yuan wanted to raise the level of the country to the imperial dynasty if he wanted to release the advanced card for the sacred artifact.

However, his strength at this moment is comparable to that of the Holy God, and he is not far from being promoted to the Empire.

But this time rewarded a fantasy world.

Fantasy Realm: The world of illusion, the controller consumes a large amount of the original sacred stone, and can freely transform into a illusion world as he wants. The area changes with the injection of the original power. The more the original power is injected, the more real the illusion is, and it can even be transformed into a real object. .

It turned out to be a treasure that can create illusions.

The so-called Dream World is a transparent in Chu Yuan's hands, like a transparent mask.

After he injected some original sacred stones, his mind moved, and a small city several miles in size appeared in front of him.


Chu Yuan walked into the dream city.

Due to the small scale of the city, everything inside is very real. What he touched should be a phantom, but he put his hand on some objects in the city and didn't go through it at all. Instead, it seemed to be a real thing.

Yes, it feels like a real thing.

His heart moved!

Bustling, there are still a lot of pedestrians in the city.

These pedestrians are just like in the ordinary city, some are doing business, some are chatting in groups, you seem to be one of them, and you are integrated into their world.

It's too There is nothing false.

After he expanded this fantasy world with the same original **** stone and increased the number of people in the city, he saw that these people gradually became illusory, and the city lost its previous real appearance.

If you want to maintain it, you must increase the investment in the Origin God Stone.

Not only can it become a city, it can become anything you want according to your mind.

As long as there is enough origin, there is no problem in creating a world.

This is the ability of the dream world.

With a wave of his hand, all the sights turned into dreams and the light and shadow disappeared and ceased to exist.

"True and false, true and false, both true and illusion, the dream world creates a false world, which makes you think you have seen the true reality, but in fact it is just a phantom."

Chu Yuandao.

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