Ice and Fire World! Ice and Fire Holy God! Holy artifact! "

Chu Yuan uttered three key words one after another, and his eyes flickered.

Jiao Feng was also frightened when he saw such a scene, lying on the ground, thinking that he had offended this majesty somewhere.

"When did you get the news?" Chu Yuan said.

Jiao Feng replied: "Great Majesty, I got this news two years ago, and I was caught before I rushed over."

"Two years ago, not too long."

Chu Yuan nodded slightly.

This time period was exactly the time when the Dutian Empire and the Jiuyou Great World were at war. Jiao Feng happened to hit the muzzle unluckily, and it was a very short time for the transmission of news in the outer starry sky.

"Ding! The current branch line has been released. Obtain the opportunity in the ice and fire world to obtain the sacred artifact as the branch completion. If the sacred artifact is not obtained, the branch will fail."

The system sounds, and the new mission is released.

"Yang Teng!"

Chu Yuan called.

"I'm here!"

Yang Teng appeared.

It hasn't been long since he came to Dawu, but his strength has greatly increased. With a slight movement, his breath woven into a prehistoric scene.

His strength is getting stronger and stronger, only one foot away from the Holy Spirit, one leg has already stepped in.

This is attributed to Dawu’s human spirit for developing his prehistoric combat body.

Now, when he completes the task for Dawu, he will be able to get the benefits, which is not much faster than when he was practicing himself, as if he had come to heaven.

This kind of perfect environment for cultivation, let him go, he is not willing to go.

He also secretly thought that if he had seen the situation clearly earlier, he would not be beaten by the soul whip, and shudder when he thought of it.

"Do you know where the Ice and Fire Realm is?" Chu Yuan said.

"I...I know."

Jiao Feng lay on the ground.

"Very well, Yang Teng, you and Jiao Feng are going to the Ice and Fire Realm, and I have received news that there is a sacred artifact there. Bring that sacred artifact back. I am here waiting for your good news."

Chu Yuan ordered: "If you can bring back to complete the task, you will have more spiritual energy to supply you, and perhaps you can also break through to the realm of the Holy Spirit."

"Sacred artifact?"

Yang Teng nodded: "I must bring it back for your majesty and complete this mission perfectly!"

He knew that although this majesty acted harshly, he was very generous to his own people.

"Even Jiao Feng knows that there may be a lot of people going to the ice and fire world this time, and it will obviously attract a lot of strong people." Chu Yuan said.

"No matter how strong there are, I will bring the treasure back!"

Yang Teng was confident.

His current strength is much stronger than before, and if he fights with the previous holy god, he will definitely not be seriously injured.

"Just in case, you bring these two things."

Chu Yuan gave two things to Yang Teng, "One thing is a phantom rune, which can replicate your aura to confuse you, and the other is a sacred rune, containing the five-fold power of the two holy gods."

"The five-fold power of the Holy Spirit!"

Yang Teng was secretly surprised.

The sacred five layers are also absolute masters in the cosmic starry sky. Although there are only two tricks, they can exert unexpected effects when used well.

"Jiao Feng, if you can take Yang Teng to complete the task this time, you will be a man of our great martial arts in the future, enjoy luck, and end your identity as a wanderer."

Chu Yuan waved his hand: "Go, don't let me down."

"Go, time can't be wasted!" 59 Library

Yang Teng was anxious, and when he mentioned Jiao Feng, he immediately left Dawu and went from the teleportation formation to destroy the world.

Dawu's teleportation array has also spread out to the surrounding area. Although this is extremely resource-intensive, people have foresight and are not sure when it will be used.

This time Yang Teng saved a lot of time with the teleportation array.

"I hope I can bring back the holy artifacts of the Ice and Fire world this time. I need too many holy artifacts now."

Chu Yuan carried both sides and watched Yang Teng's departure.

Renhuangjian unblocked it.

Taiyi Dan furnace also needs to be repaired.

He couldn't let it go even if it was a news that didn't know the truth.

At this time, in the extraterrestrial sky, Yang Teng traveled through the universe after several days with Jiao Feng.

"Ice and Fire Holy God? How much do you know about this Holy God?"

Yang Teng asked Xiang Jiao Feng.

He also knew that this task was not easy, but it also had great benefits to complete it. Regardless of his five skills, he would not be a fool if he cultivated to this level, knowing the importance of intelligence.

"I know something. The Holy God of Ice and Fire is an ancient Holy God, extremely powerful, with a high level of cultivation, and the power of the Holy Way of cultivating the Law of Ice and Fire. The power of opposition is very terrifying, but it is also sitting down."

Jiao Feng was just a **** when he became a wanderer.

Relying on his own cautious knowledge and interest, he took refuge in a wanderer's lair, and gradually cultivated to the main god.

This time, he had done enough intelligence on the ice and fire world, which was too unlucky and was caught on the way.

"The Holy Spirit also has a life limit. Only by integrating and controlling a super-large world and controlling the power of the world, will Shou Yuan get the life that exists with the world, but this step is too difficult."

Yang Teng sighed that the holy gods who ran across the starry sky also had a sitting day.

He shook his head abruptly, what did he think, even the Holy Spirit didn't break through, he wanted the power of the realm, and grinned: "What else?"

He tried to make himself friendly, but the five-and-three rough guy beside him smiled incredibly hideously, and also frightened Jiao Feng.

Jiao Feng trembled: "The news that there are sacred artifacts in the ice and fire world has been spread for several years. A group of people have entered, and many of them died in it. It is said that it is the place where the ice and fire holy **** sits and is extremely dangerous. ."

"There is indeed a danger where a holy **** has fallen."

Yang Teng nodded in approval.

"Although the news spreads in the wanderer's lair, the ones who dare to go are only part of it. After all, without the strength of the main god, going there is to die."

Jiao Fengdao.

"Haha, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't know the news."

Yang Teng slapped Jiao Feng's body again, and then mentioned him: "Your speed is too slow. You can't go on like this. If the treasure is obtained by others, you will not be able to complete the task your Majesty ordered me, let alone reward."

He was thinking of a humanoid tyrannosaurus, suddenly speeding up, rampaging in the void.

Different from Chu Yuan's large-scale shift of the void, Yang Teng was completely tearing the void with his own flesh and rushing.

"Quick, too fast, your speed is too fast!"

Jiao Feng’s face is full of This storm of flesh tearing the universe fiercely bombarded him, even if he is the main god, it is difficult to withstand the storm created by Yang Teng's strength.

"How can I get to the ice and fire world soon? If the mission fails, I can't imagine your majesty's ugly face."

Yang Teng continued to raise the speed.

This time Chu Yuan gave him a large number of imperial artifacts, healing, replenishing blood, and auxiliary.

He also consumed unscrupulously, knowing that his majesty was far from imagined.

Jiao Feng could only bear it through gritted teeth.

After more than a month, it finally arrived.

Yang Teng stopped and looked into the distance. There was a strange world in the starry sky, which was the ice and fire world Jiao Feng said!

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