The world has never been peaceful, it has always been fighting, and the law of the jungle has been staged.

The peaceful life experienced by Dawu's ordinary citizens is because there are more powerful beings that shelter them from wind and rain.

Within a few months after the end of the imperial banquet, Dawu was calm in his country, and he did not continue to mobilize troops outside, but instead tried his best to digest internal forces.

The Rainbow Realm took the initiative to take refuge and digested quickly.

The Yuanling Realm is dominated by the sect, has no concept of a country, and has little resistance to becoming a Dawu citizen.

In Demon Abyss, the people were still very resistant to Dawu, but because of the imperial banquet, the people knew that Dawu had the power to resist the Profound God, and the speed of surrender was also accelerating.

For a few months, Ning Xiuchen was still trying his best to break through the Profound God.

However, Zhu Fengfeng was the first to leave the barrier. She absorbed the phoenix eggs that could not be hatched, and had already broken through to the heavenly gods. The Phoenix blood in her body was more noble, laying the foundation for her to become the profound gods in the future.

Since she has become a **** and possesses extremely strong power, Chu Yuan intends to let her alone control her army.

The gods of the Rainbow Sect were incorporated into the Shenwu Army and the five standing draft regiments.

Chu Yuan planned to build another army called the Fengjun, with Zhu Fengfeng as the commander, recruiting troops across the country.

At present, there are many powerful Dawu fighters, and it is impossible to recruit all of them into the existing corps, otherwise it will be troublesome to mobilize, but to continue to expand the corps.

Like those seven-eight-star dynasties, there are not many corps in that country.

The Fengjun was established. Zhu Fengfeng has been in the military for so many years. She knows how to do it herself. She reports the list to the Ministry of War, and the country allocates resources to them.

Chu Yuan only controls the overall situation, and he will be annoyed by small things.

"Vulcan Cave Sky Treasure Map One."

It took a few months for Chu Yuan to look at this treasure map after the domestic affairs were basically stable.

"Also, take advantage of this relatively peaceful period to find the treasure in the treasure map."

Chu Yuan looked at the map, first reached the Demon Abyss Realm, and entered the abyss there.

Inside the Demon God Abyss is an extremely terrifying world. The eruption of demon energy makes it gloomy, dull, and smells of corrosion everywhere. Staying here for a long time will cause the whole person to decay and the soul will be dusted.

The deeper the depth, the stronger the demon-like power.

After reaching a certain depth, even the gods did not want to tear apart the void and could only fly honestly.

This is not a world in which creatures can exist. Even if it is the magic cultivation of the magic way, if you practice here for a long time, it will be in danger of being affected by the environment.

"I don't know what treasure I will find this time."

Chu Yuan was in the Demon God Abyss, raising his eyes and looking around, the thick demon aura was in darkness, and boundless magic power crowded him.

Great Devouring Technique!

Any power can be swallowed by Chu Yuan and transformed into his power.

"The Demon God Abyss seen by the outside world is only a part. The real Demon God Abyss is not known how long and how deep. It is rumored that this abyss existed in an extremely ancient period, as if it was not created by man, even the existence of the Five Ancient Emperors. I can't find out, the secrets in Demon God Abyss, I only know that it is extremely dangerous."

Chu Yuan knew.

Moshenyuan is dangerous!

If it weren't for the many divine objects in the abyss that magic cultivation could use, no one would come in and explore.

"According to the treasure map, the treasure location is not very deep."

Chu Yuan stepped in, he was like a moving beacon, the glazed sacred fire on the emperor robe emitted crystal light and burned demonic energy.

He was cautious and walked according to the instructions of the treasure map.

"That is?"

He saw that in front of him, there was a bright red and strange flower, extremely beautiful, with an alluring fragrance coming into his nose.

"This is a blood demon flower, it can grow by absorbing a lot of blood."

Chu Yuan broke through the Demon Abyss Dynasty and got a lot of introductions to Demon Abyss from them.

He waved his hand, and the blood demon flower was taken off by him. When observing it in his hand, the flower actually seemed to be alive, its face suddenly became like a human face, and a thorn appeared, and it was about to plunge into Chu Yuan. Within the skin.

"I will swallow blood myself."

Chu Yuan smiled.


After the blood demon flower was taken off, a terrifying and fierce aura enveloped.

Something seemed to be walking in the dark environment, mixing with the magic energy.

A deadly murderous intent swept across, a dry and sharp devil's claw appeared from behind Chu Yuan and tore it fiercely at him.

"This is the monster in the record, a ferocious creature bred by the boundless demon energy, with great strength!"

Chu Yuan's breath shook, the darkness turned into light, and the divine light poured in. He immediately saw a weird monster that was one head shorter than an ordinary person, squatting on its back, and its skin was also black, like black scales.

Suddenly illuminated by the light, the monster covered its eyes and made a restless sound.

"It actually has the strength of a god."

Chu Yuan was slightly surprised, "However, although he has the power of the gods, his wisdom is too bad. It is not as good as the fierce beast. It is just some instinct. It is a special creature formed in the evil environment in the devilish energy. "

He could see that this monster had no wisdom, only instinct.


This monster hated Guangming extremely, and after a sigh, it came to Chu Yuan's side, tearing its dry claws.

Chu Yuan blasted it casually, and this cruel monster exploded directly, but after it exploded, there was no flesh and blood material, but the body spread out, only a black bead rotating.

This black bead is the core of that monster.

However, compared to the power of a god, this monster is full of poison. The devilish energy in this orb is a god-level demon cultivator and dare not swallow it. Otherwise, if you swallow this kind of devilish energy, it will be enormous. May get confused.

"I don't have much value on my body, but I know that there are many such monsters in Demon God Abyss. I wonder if it can be enslaved into a demon army?"

As an emperor, Chu Yuan thought more about the army.

But he also knew that these monsters said it was easy to control or control, and that it was difficult to control and difficult to control.

Mainly they don't have much wisdom. To manipulate them, they must have tyrannical mental power to suppress them. Without mental power, they will immediately collapse and kill everywhere.

Without thinking about this monster army, Chu Yuan continued to go deeper.

In Demon God Abyss, like another world, there are too many such monsters.

Rumor has it that there are extremely deep existence there are the most gods and monsters, and even the level of monsters comparable to the five ancient emperors.

Fortunately, monsters like the decaying dark and evil environment of Demon God Abyss, and don't like the bright light of the outside world, otherwise it will be a disaster to let them raging out.

"These monsters are best captured for my use."

Chu Yuan said to himself.

He was very curious about this monster, and he thought a lot about them.

But now is not the time for implementation.

After several days of exploring and searching, Chu Yuan found the treasure location of the Vulcan Cave Treasure Map One.

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