Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 434: Sound Thunder Sword Array, Wan Jiangui 1

This Thunder Fire Long Sword is an imperial artifact refined by this dead profound god, and its power far exceeds other imperial artifacts.

You must know that even a profound **** and one heavy existence can crush ten heavenly gods ten times, not to mention that this one can impact the supreme existence.

His hand grabbed the long knife at once, and the thunder fire long knife suddenly bounced, bursting into the sky, smashing the sky with one knife, and cutting it directly at Chu Yuan.


With a cold snort, Chu Yuan exuded a supreme power, sweeping with supreme majesty. Although it was refined by the Profound God, but the Profound God was dead, and just a divine tool, how could it be possible to find a big wave.

The knife fell into his hand and rattled.

He doesn't need this knife.

But Dawu has a powerful sword.

Especially Fang Lei, the leader of the Scourge Army, he was already good at the magical powers of the thunder system, and this thunder fire sword was just right for him.

After going back this time, he would mobilize the resources of the dynasty to allow Fang Lei to break through to the Heavenly God Realm as soon as possible and give him this Profound God.

He has no fate point to exchange for the Celestial Pill, but he has a large number of corpses, and he must pile up a Celestial God by using these Celestial Laws.

"This Profound God is called Xiang Hong. It's a pity that a Profound God went crazy and died."

Chu Yuan let Kong Mi Dao Kun eat the spatial origin of this secret world, took away all the resources, and then left here.

On the way to Yinlei Dongtian, he checked his income.

In this mysterious realm, he has obtained countless precious materials, many of which are special products that are only available in other great worlds outside the territory, and even a large number of sky-sky warships need to be used.

About a day or so, Chu Yuan looked towards the boundless front.

There is nothing ahead except the boundless storm of chaos.

But Chu Yuan knew it had arrived, and this was where Yinlei Cave Heaven was.

"Open the sound thunder cave sky."

Chu Yuan let the treasure map fly out of his hand.

Suddenly a vortex that could accommodate one person appeared in the void in front of him, and Chu Yuan immediately walked in.

This is a special space that can only be opened by the treasure map.

After Chu Yuan entered, his eyes suddenly changed. There was a huge cavernous sky, where there was a French net of lightning intertwined, and there was a sound of thunder roaring constantly.

"Yinlei Dongtian."

Chu Yuan walked all the way.

Soon, in front of him, a purple-cyan long sword appeared, both of which were king-grade artifacts, and the more you walked inside, the more.

"These swords are all the same!"

There were thousands of Wangpin artifacts that Chu Yuan came along this way, and they all exuded the same breath, belonging to the same style.

"Sword formation?" Chu Yuan asked curiously.

"Imperial artifact!"

After he walked into the depths of Yinlei Dongtian, he suddenly saw a hundred long swords in front of him, all of which looked the same, but the power radiated out had reached the category of the imperial artifact.

He didn't move one or two royal artifacts, but a hundred of them appeared at once.

And it's not that simple.

"Nine thousand nine hundred king-grade artifacts, plus one hundred royal-grade artifacts, is a million swords!"

Chu Yuan moved his hand, and the sound of the sound of the sound of the sword rang out. These ten thousand swords exuded ten thousand swords, and they arrived in front of him at the same time, lined up in mid-air, extremely spectacular.

"Ten thousand swords return to one!"

These ten thousand swords suddenly seemed to have turned into a sword, thousands of thunder, condensed into a ten thousand zhang sword light, and slashed forward in anger.

Analyzing the power of these ten thousand swords, Chu Yuan was surprised to find that after the ten thousand swords were unified, they would be able to display the power of the imperial grade artifact.

Emperor-grade divine tool, a deity's ten-fold manipulation can already threaten the existence of Profound God.

He has an emperor sword, and he can explode very powerful power, but he can't always be in the imperial capital. If he stays in the imperial capital and cooperates with the national defense formation, he is a profound **** and he dare not be too presumptuous.

"The discovery of these ten thousand sound thunder swords is excellent news for me."

Chu Yuan laughed.

Yinlei Dongtian didn't let him down, he had the power of imperial grade artifacts.

It's a pity that the imperial rank won't be available until after Wan Jian is back together, otherwise Chu Yuan really wanted to use it to unlock the five attributes of the Emperor Sword.

"Ding! Do you spend 10,000 Fate Points to unblock the Vulcan Cave Sky Treasure Map Figure 1?"

Suddenly, the system prompts.

"Vulcan Cave Sky?" Chu Yuan thought. Just after Yinlei Cave Sky was over, another Vulcan Cave Sky came.

"Turn on." Chu Yuan said.

"Deduct 10,000 Fate Points and get the Treasure Map of Vulcan Cave Sky Figure 1."

When Chu Yuan's fate point was deducted, a treasure map that looked like magma appeared in his system space.

Vulcan Cave Sky Treasure Map Figure 1: Collect seven treasure maps to open the Vulcan Cave Sky. The treasure map can be randomly obtained from system selection and various tasks.

[Remarks: If you get Treasure Map 1, you can open Treasure Map 1. 】

"Treasure Cave Sky that requires seven treasure maps to open!"

Yinlei Cave Sky only needs five cards, but this Vulcan Cave Sky needs seven cards. This shows from another aspect that there are more treasured treasures in this Vulcan Cave Sky.

But as soon as the treasure map, you can open a treasure.

After he opened it, a map appeared on the treasure with a few large characters.

Eternal World, Demon Abyss.

"The treasure location of this picture 1 is in the Demon God Abyss!"

Chu Yuan's eyes flashed. He liked the treasure the most. "But now is not the best time to find the treasure. I should also return to the imperial city to deal with the affairs in the imperial city, and wait until the imperial banquet is over. Treasure Map."

He left the confused sky.

Dawu Imperial City.

The long river of humanity still suppresses the Meng River here.

Ning Xiuchen was extremely annoyed. During this time, he bombarded Meng River day and night, but this person was guarded by Magneto-Magnetic Peak, which would not hurt him at all, and he had to guard here to prevent him from leaving.


Meng He laughed arrogantly: "Don't waste your effort, there is the magnetic element peak, you can't hurt me, and I have not delivered the news for a long time, and soon the people of the empire will notice and send the strong Investigate, if you are acquainted, you'd better let me go, and the entire Dawu will return to the empire. This is the right way!"

"Would it be worse if you let you go?" Ning Xiuchen sneered: "When you are a fool, you continue to be hard-talking. It will be your death date when your majesty returns!"

He had no choice but to wait for Chu Yuan to return.

"Even if your emperor is here, why can't it be me?" Meng He didn't worry at all, and he wouldn't want to break Kaiyuan's magnetic peak without Emperor Pin artifact.

He was waiting for the powerhouse of the empire to rescue him.

Time passed by every minute.

But didn't wait too long

A majestic voice rang in Ning Xiuchen's ears, and said indifferently: "It's just a magnetic element peak, so I want to save my life? Ning Xiuchen, I'm back."

"His Majesty!"

Ning Xiuchen saw Chu Yuan stepping in the void, and quickly saluted: "Your Majesty's return is when this person died!"

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