Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 421: The disillusionment of myths

   At this moment, the battle between the two has reached the fiercest, and it is possible to tell the difference between life and death at any time.

   Chu Yuan was expressionless, his hands intertwined with the rules of sealing.

   The seal chains of countless flashing runes are like dragons running across the sky, one after another, controlling the audience, sealing the Lord of Demon Abyss, and letting him fall into the realm of eternal seal.

   "Seal mana with the Great Seal Technique!"

   Chu Yuan banged his palm, and countless chains swept away with seal runes.

   "Great Seal Art!"

The face of the Emperor Demon Abyss suddenly changed, and these seal chains swept over him, causing his mana to instantly fall into an extremely difficult situation to operate, suddenly a stronger force burst out of his body, and a dark magic sword appeared in his hand. .

   The magic sword tore open the heavy chains, but in an instant there was more condensed.

   "Moyuan Qiyun!"

   This sword strike killed the majestic luck of the Moyuan Dynasty, and then a monstrous explosion occurred.

   The Lord of Demon Abyss is also fighting at this time, knowing that the most important time has come.

   Chu Yuan was extremely calm, and other power emerged in his palm again, and he blasted with a punch, as if opening up the world, in the blink of an eye, he went to the front of Emperor Demon Abyss and hit him with a magnificent blow.

   With this step, Chu Yuan became extremely tall in the eyes of Emperor Demon Abyss, his aura even overwhelmed him, to the point where he was afraid of humans and gods.

   He is the Supreme, what is the emperor of the Lord of Demon Abyss?

But he was not afraid, but at the moment Chu Yuan killed him, a cold light flashed across his left hand, and he was hooked up with a pair of black claws, not like a beast claw, but more like a demon god’s advantage. Claws can tear everything.

   This is the claw of the devil he created, the emperor artifact!

  As the lord of a country, with the existence of the five gods, he can mobilize many resources to create many imperial artifacts for himself.

   This claw broke through Chu Yuan's offensive, carrying an indomitable force, and was about to catch Chu Yuan's face, but Chu Yuan suddenly slapped it.


   There was a sound of gold and iron fighting, and the Lord of Demon Abyss retreated fiercely, seeing the faint traces of breaking on his paws.

   "Imperial artifact!"

   The Lord of Demon Abyss shocked: "And it is not an ordinary imperial artifact!"

  The Grip of the God of War, although it is also an imperial artifact, its quality is infinitely close to that of an emperor.

   "Devil Abyss, the battle between you and me should come to an end!"

At this moment, the power of an ancient myth is transmitted from Chu Yuan, just like in the eternal world, countless people extoll the myth and legend, but suddenly there is an extremely powerful existence that kills and shatters across time and space. The myth and legend.

   Myth is shattered!

   A beam of light didn't know which time and space it came from, and it directly slammed the Lord of Demon Abyss.

   The Lord of Demon Abyss seemed to be frozen in the void, and without any evasion, he was hit by this beam of light.

   It's not that he doesn't want to hide, but that he can't hide at all!


  The life aura of the Lord of Demon Abyss is declining rapidly. This beam of light that extinguishes the myth is too fierce. I don't know what magical powers are that make his face extremely pale, and his magic power is difficult to operate in an instant.


   Chu Yuan grabbed the rupture void, and countless magical powers were displayed.

   "The lord!"

  The Demon Abyss Dynasty army saw a world-famous figure suppressing the Demon Abyss imperial family, with a sad and anxious expression on his face. The strongest existence in the dynasty was not the opponent of his Majesty. How could they have the morale to fight.

   "Do you dare to be distracted by doing something with me?"

   Ning Xiuchen sneered again and again, and when he saw the five gods besieging him, he even dared to distract and pay attention to the Lord of the Demon Abyss. He immediately caught the opportunity and directly injured one of the gods with a palm.

   "Damn it!"

   The five gods roared.

   But at this time, they no longer have the courage they had just now, and the deadlocked situation made them a bit dilemma.

   "Emperor Dawu, you want to kill me is not so easy!"

  The Lord of Demon Abyss also knew that when he was in the most critical moment, he also started the most fierce outbreak, in this way, it was like angering a beast, and he began to do whatever it takes.

   "It must be cut!"

   Chu Yuan was cold, and shot a blow at the void.

   The heaven and the earth were suddenly broken, the endless origin of Chu Yuan, the fragmentation of mythology, and all kinds of magical powers were being displayed. Countless sacred lights were shining in all directions, forming a storm-like offensive, and it turned out that the Lord of Demon Abyss was struggling.

   "Abyss Demon God!"

   He used his mana to create a huge **** of the abyss.

   "Humanity supreme, supreme power!"

   Seeing the Demon God of the Abyss, a huge divine mansion appeared behind Chu Yuan. It was the power of national destiny condensed by faith and created with the power of the Human Emperor.

  The Emperor's Scriptures cultivate the power of humanity and use the power of the people of the empire to mobilize infinite belief in the national destiny.

   As soon as this huge divine mansion appeared, pressing the palm of his hand, the boundless size made the void appear irreparably broken. As soon as the abyss demon **** collided with the divine mansion, it made a sound of disintegration and collapse, and it began to shatter.

   flicked away, across the sky!

   The emperor of Demon Abyss exploded again and again, it was not the power of this god's residence at all.


   The huge divine mansion attacked again. This power was too terrifying. The gods looked very weak in front of him, and they were about to be completely broken.

   "I will not lose!"

  The Lord of Demon Abyss is also struggling, burning various sources at any cost.

Seeing such a scene, the army of the Demon Abyss Dynasty will be collapsed, and Emperor Wu is like the Guangming Divine Residence, sweeping the darkness of the Demon Lord, if it weren't for the Demon Lord still fighting, they are about to be defeated~ How could Emperor Dawu's strength be so powerful? "

   They couldn't figure out that Chu Yuan's strength could actually overwhelm the Lord Demon Abyss.

   "Do you think this is my last strength? I have even more terrifying killer moves!"

   Demon Abyss Emperor's face was determined, and a roar burst into the sky. A magic light rushed out of his head and roared: "Feed the devil with the body, and survive in desperation!"

   He seems to be the most powerful magic way that sacrifices all of himself, which is even more terrifying than simply burning mana.

Burning mana will only weaken himself in a short period of time, but what he sacrificed is his own life essence, which could have lived for a million years, but after the sacrifice, I am afraid that he will be cut in half, or even only a few are left. Ten thousand years.

   This disappeared, it will never be refilled.

   His power was almost exponentially rising, and he struck the most terrifying blow against Chu Yuan.

   "The Sword of the Emperor!"

   Chu Yuan stood firmly in the void, unwavering.

The human emperor sword flew directly from the scabbard, an unparalleled sword light, gathering the power of all the people of the dynasty, the rolling river of humanity burned out the hottest power, and immediately enveloped the emperor of Demon Abyss. Within range.

   "Sword Slash!"

   This sword slashed, invincible, unstoppable, and instantly broke the aura of the emperor of Demon Abyss.

   The Lord of Demon Abyss flew across the sky, and a hideous wound appeared on his chest, and he could hardly organize a counterattack anymore. .


   Chu Yuan held a sword and carried out the final lore on the Lord of Demon Abyss.

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