The Great Martial Army, the most elite legion of the dynasty, directly entered the Yangquan Palace.

   Yangquan Palace, there are also strong rush to stop.

   But how can the **** army be an ordinary army?

   is a special corps specially built by Chu Yuan with a special physique and at a great cost. He immediately saw a strong man from the Yangquan Dynasty beheaded and his blood stained the palace.

   In the imperial city, the Great Armed Corps was also strangling, gathering in the imperial palace.

  The Yangquan Emperor's hands trembled. The foundation of his Yangquan Dynasty was being quickly harvested by the Great Martial Army Corps. The true gods had already been wiped out.

   "Your Majesty, let's leave, leaving the green hills, not afraid that there will be no firewood!"

A minister was persuading Emperor Yangquan to leave the imperial city, and he heard loudly: "Please do not stay here, here is left for us to fight Dawu, as long as your majesty does not die, the dynasty will not be over, and there will be a chance to rise again! "

   Even if the Dawu Dynasty only provided a part of its troops, it was not something that the Yangquan Dynasty could stop.

   Annihilation of the country is here!

   "I won't leave!"

  The Emperor Yangquan did not want to be the king of subjugation, and said grimly: "Where are you from the Rainbow Sect? You didn't say that if Dawu dealt with us, there would be gods dealing with them, what about your people?"

   The Rainbow Sect knew that Dawu had the power of the gods.

   But Ning Xiuchen didn't make a move, nor was he in the Sea Demon Realm, and the Sky Rainbow Sect God did not dare to make a move at will.

   "Your Majesty, it will be too late if you don't leave!"

   The minister is anxious.

   The imperial city was full of flames, and in just a short time, all the soldiers and horses were forced into the small place of the imperial palace. Dawu had already formed an encirclement to the imperial palace, and the country was destroyed in this day and night.

   "I understand, Dawu Tianshen's power is not daring to shoot at will, we still have a chance!"

  The Emperor Yangquan said fiercely: "So we still have a chance, please tell us the last details of the dynasty!"

   He roared and snarled, took out an object in his hand and crushed it fiercely. Suddenly, there were rainbows intertwined in the sky. Under the imperial city, a rumbling sound exploded, and then three terrifying peerless powers rushed out.

  The last secret!

  The Yangquan emperor has a long history and naturally has their background. At this moment, he was forced to use it beforehand by the military.


   suddenly saw three extremely old figures appear in the palace, their faces were wrinkled, their hair was withered, and there was a smell of decay, but their breath was extremely powerful.

   "Two true gods and tenfold!"

   Qin Lei looked at the two, and then at the tallest old antique among the three, coldly said: "There is also a true **** limit, this is the final heritage of your Yangquan Dynasty!"

   "Three ancestors, the dynasty suffered a national disaster. If the imperial city is broken today, Yangquan will destroy the country, and the foundation will be destroyed!"

  The Emperor Yangquan looked at these three people.

   They are all old antiques that existed when the Yangquan Dynasty was first established. The years have reached the limit, and they usually put themselves underground to delay their death.

After    appeared this time, it would definitely not live long.

   "When I proclaimed myself, I already thought that there might be a day when I would be awakened, but I really don't want to be awakened."

   The old antique who is the limit of the true **** shook his head, looked at the **** imperial city, and also made a voice: "For the sake of the imperial dynasty, even if you sacrifice yourself, you will not hesitate."

   "The tenfolds of the two true gods are handed over to both of us to deal with. If the true gods are limited, it will be troublesome for the Lord Kun!"

   Yao Tao, Liu Lian came out, and took the lead in dealing with two old antiques who were tenfold of true gods.

  Kong Mi Dao Kun made a sound, its mouth opened, and a torrent of void suddenly sent out the chaotic **** thunder to the limit of the true god.


   Qin Lei raised his sword to tell everyone not to stop the offensive, and he himself killed the Emperor Yangquan.

   Fighting battle of the true gods broke out in the entire imperial city, the aftermath of horror spread out, and the imperial city was being crazily destroyed.

   "Evil animal, even if he fights his life today, I will let you die!"

   The true **** screamed at the limit, his whole person was almost feathered and burned!

   He also knew that he would decay and die soon after this battle, so he was not afraid of death at all when he got up. Suddenly his big hand carried a huge force, raging like a tide, and bombarded it down.

   Sora Yadao Kun didn't care.

   Its body crystallized in an instant, like a huge mountain of gems, it was directly hit by this old antique.

boom! The power of that big hand fell on it, but it didn't even shake it.

   "So hard!"

   This old antique was shocked.

The   Kong Mi Dao Kun clan is the overlord of the void, and it is difficult to grow up, but as it grows, it can swallow the dragon and the phoenix, especially Chu Yuan, which is even more serious, swallowing the body of the sky-splitting god.

   It jittered slightly, tearing through the void, and directly hit the old antique.

   He backed frantically, trying to avoid him, but he seemed to be locked around him, and a huge tail was slammed on him.


   This old antique was blown out immediately, vomiting blood, if it weren't for his strong realm, his whole body would be blown up.

   "If this animal is not eliminated, our Yangquan dynasty will certainly go to extinction. Today, my body is a lingering life. For the dynasty, I am willing to dedicate everything, even my life!"

   He deeply knew that the Yangquan Dynasty was on the verge of extinction, and he could also see that Kong Mi Dao Kun was extremely strong. If he could fight tens of thousands of years ago, he would not be as brave as he was.

   sacrifice secret technique!

   "Sky Splitting Sword!"

   His whole body was burning, and the beam of blood and blood rose up like wolf smoke.

   He doesn't look like a human anymore at this moment, he looks like a crazy sword!

   "Old ancestors!"

  The people of the Yangquan Dynasty are sad and angry.

   Everyone knows that this old antique will be messed up if he doesn't live for a few days after using the Sky-Splitting Mad Sword, his body can no longer allow him to withstand this secret technique.

   "Even if I can't kill you today, I will make you hit hard so that I can survive this crisis in Yangquan Dynasty!"

   This old antique is cruel, his body is feathering.

The horrible breath was suppressed, and Yao Tao Liu Lian’s face changed drastically. If this blow were to kill them, he would definitely die without新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~ ⒏~1zщ.còм


   This is to cut off his body as a sword artifact. The terrifying power is comparable to the imperial artifact. The mana burned at the limit of his true god, at this time actually reached the full blow of the god.

   Kora Yadokun made a cooing sound, dismissively, it crystallized itself and stood still.


   Boom! This sword hit Kong Mi Dao Kun's body, suddenly there were countless crystal brilliance splashing, but Kong Mi Dao Kun just shook his body, there was only a trace of a crack, and he did not suffer any serious injuries.

   Of course, unless it's a god, you can't catch this path at all.

   "Is it over like this? I'm not willing!".

   This old antique roars in grief and anger, and wants to borrow his life to do it again!

   But Kong Mi Dao Kun opened his mouth, and a torrent of void swept out, condensed and split into ten thousand chaotic gods of thunder, and directly smashed his body under the unwilling gaze of the old antique.

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