Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 411: 1 See as before

Chapter 411

At night, Qi Xiaosheng and Xiao Xue practice in the house.

Qi Xiaosheng is the master of the formation. He arranged a hidden array of five elements in the house, and then released the five elements refining pool.

Both Qi Xiaosheng and Xiaoxue entered the five-element refining pool and began to temper their bodies.

After a long time, Qi Xiaosheng felt a movement outside the five elements.

He opened his eyes and found that the spores were back.

"Coming back so soon? Is there anything to discover."

Qi Xiaosheng immediately put in spores.

The spore doppelganger does not need to answer, but the body is integrated into the body of Qi Xiaosheng, and Qi Xiaosheng immediately obtains the memory of the spore doppelganger and knows everything he has seen and heard.

"The grandfather of the Rong family, the grandson of the three elders."

Qi Xiaosheng's eyes flashed.

According to the spore doppelganger, this matter should have nothing to do with the ancestor of the Rong family.

Of course, he is still not sure.

"Let Rong Sa come to trouble me and catch him alive.

Exactly, I'll wait for you to come, just grab you, and ask this matter clearly. "

Qi Xiaosheng muttered to himself, and three spore avatars came out of his body.

"One is to monitor the three lords of the Rong family, one is to monitor the Rong Sa, and the last one is to monitor the Rong family ancestor.

Report any major events to me in time. "

Qi Xiaosheng ordered.


The three spores immediately left the Wuxing stealth array, and then the body sank into the surrounding trees and disappeared.

After the spore avatar left, Qi Xiaosheng continued to practice in the five-element refining pool, tempering the blood of the gods and beasts in his body.

The blood of the pseudo-beast is very difficult to temper, and the speed is slow, but Qi Xiaosheng is not in a hurry. He is ready to open a reincarnation world. As long as he enters the reincarnation world, he will have a lot of time to temper the bloodline.

Of course, now encountering Rong Sa, he suppressed the idea of ​​entering the world of reincarnation.

Soon, in the early morning of the next day, there was a knock on the door outside.

"I came home so soon."

Qi Xiaosheng's eyes flashed, and the powerful Shennian saw the people outside the door.

That man was Rong Sa that the spore avatar had seen.

"Xiaoxue, don't practice anymore, some guests come to your door."

Qi Xiaosheng awakened Xiaoxue, then waved his hand and put the five-element refining pool into the Jiulongjian.

After taking away the five-element refining pool and dispersing the five-element hidden array, Qi Xiaosheng walked out of the room.

He opened the door and saw Rong Sa.

"This Xiongtai is?"

Qi Xiaosheng asked knowingly, because they had not actually seen it.

"Under Rongsa, are the two Qi Qisheng and Xiaoxue?"

Rong Sa showed a warm smile on his face, and looked like a very friendly person.

"I am Xiaoxue, this is Qi Xiaosheng."

Xiaoxue replied immediately.

"Dare to ask Xiongtai what we are looking for?" Qi Xiaosheng also asked.

"Rong Sa took the liberty to come, just to hear the two strong performances in the entry test, and wanted to make two great heroes."

Rong Sa's face appropriately admired.

"Hey, I wanted to meet us."

Hearing Rong Sa's compliments, Xiao Xue immediately showed triumph.

Qi Xiaosheng also smiled slightly, looking very happy.

"Brother Rong Sa is polite, we only had good luck, and this passed the assessment."

"Brother Qi and Xiaoxue brother are too humble.

But I heard that the tester was Rong Tian's deputy host, and the deputy host was my Rong family's heir. The strength is still very strong.

The two can beat Rong Tian's deputy host at the beginning of the test. The potential is extraordinary, and Rong Sa must make friends. "

Rong Sa complimented again, and said at the same time: "Rong Mou wants the two to have a chat and confirm the truth of the martial arts with each other, can you go in and have a seat?"

"Brother Rong Sa, please?"

Qi Xiaosheng greeted warmly.

Immediately, Qi Xiaosheng and Xiaoxue invited Rong Sa to the house.

Rong Sa seemed to enter the house empty-handed, but after entering the house, his palms were wiped around his waist, but he took out a few red bottles and placed them directly on the table.

"I took the liberty to visit, and brought only some Emperor Wuhuangdan and Wanmu Xidandan, and invited the two brothers."

Rong Sa is very polite.

"Brother Rong Sa is an inner disciple. To make two of our disciples outside has already spoiled us and brought us gifts. How can we accept this."

Qi Xiaosheng said while picking up the Dan Ping.

When Rong Sa thought that Qi Xiaosheng would return the Elixir, he did not want Qi Xiaosheng to put away the Elixir directly.

Rong Sa raised her eyebrows and twitched the corners of her mouth. Her heart sullenly said: You are polite, but you are honest, and you just close it.

"Brother Rong Sa gave us Wuhuang Dan and Wan Mu Xidan Pill, and we can't accept it in vain."

Qi Xiaosheng said, turning to his pocket.

Rong Sa could not help but reveal the look of expectation.

Although he didn't think the two would hand over Tian-level exercises, he also expected an a.-level exercise and even a b-level exercise to barely make up.

But Qi Xiaosheng turned over for a while, spread his hands, sighed, and said, "Brother Rong Sa, the two of us came here from outside the realm, and there was really nothing to do with it.

In this way, the two of us will be developed in the future~ will definitely give back one or two treasures of Brother Rong Sa. "

Rong Sa took a quick gasp in her chest, and wanted to tune her.

"What can I do if I can't get something?"

Rongsa scolded in his heart, still smiling on his face, and showed a very graceful manner.

"Brother Qi is too polite, I came to visit the two, just want to make friends with the two, the two can recognize my friend, that's worth it."

"Since today, Brother Rong Sa is our confidant and friend."

Qi Xiaosheng laughed.

Xiao Xue also smiled.

The three of them had a great conversation, as if they were friends.

They talked about it, and Rong Sa started to discuss some martial arts issues with Qi Xiaosheng and Xiaoxue, and confirmed each other's martial arts.

Time passed quickly, and Rong Sa seemed to have come to discuss the Tao with Qi Xiaosheng and Xiao Xue. He only talked about martial arts experience and cultivation experience, not to mention anything else.

After a long time, Rong Sa looked up and said, "It turns out that the sky is so dark."

He said here, he paused and said, "In this way, the two have just arrived in Rongcheng and are not very familiar with it. I will do my best as a landlord and invite 2 people to eat out."

"Thank you Brother Rongsa."

Qi Xiaosheng was also polite and stood up immediately.

After leaving the house, Qi Xiaosheng looked around and said, "Is this Rong Sa planning to ambush in the street? Or, is it going to be poisoned when eating?"

Qi Xiaosheng thought about it, and his follower Rong Sa came to a restaurant in Rongcheng.

"Can't think of Rong's family even having a restaurant?"

Qi Xiaosheng exclaimed.

Even restaurants have restaurants, Rong family is completely a city.

"This is a restaurant opened by the disciples of the Rong family. The restaurant provides medicinal meals, which can provide a constant flow of martial arts, which is very good for our martial arts.

The only drawback is that it is expensive. "

Rong Sa introduced.

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