Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 177: Monthly salary

Chapter 177:

For three consecutive days, Danny helped Colin to teach the students to go to the "touch door" while Colin was sleeping at night.

These three days Danny worked even harder, practicing 3 to 4 hours every night.

For three consecutive days, his strength has increased tremendously, and he is a hundred times stronger than before.

Now, he is finally free to release Wu Di Lei Gang.

According to the Holy Emperor, he was only a warrior before, but now he is already a warrior.

Although he has no idea about this level, he can also feel that he has become stronger.

At noon on the fourth day, Colin walked into the martial hall with a black face, and she still held a notice in her hand.

"Danny, Danny."

Colin shouted as he went upstairs.

"What's wrong?" Danny asked strangely.

"Give me Lawyer Matt's phone number and I'll sue the power company." Colin said, slamming the notice on the table.

"Sue the power company?"

Danny walked to the table suspiciously, picked up the notice and looked at it, suddenly showing embarrassment.

"Look at it, electricity costs 30,000 a month?

How can this be.

I am just a martial arts museum, not a factory. I only need a few lamps and a few fans. How could I spend 30,000 yuan a month on electricity? "

Colin almost roared out.

Her martial arts has been difficult to maintain, and now the electricity bill of 30,000 dollars can't afford it.

Danny looked at the electricity bill and glanced at Colin again.

"Only three days of practice is 30,000 electricity bills. The Holy Emperor, this method of practice is good, but it costs too much electricity."

Danny said bitterly.

"What are you afraid of? The entire RAND Group is yours, with a 30,000 electricity bill.

Otherwise, you can practice outside in the future. "

Qi Xiaosheng laughed.

"It seems that I can only go to Ward to get the money." Danny sighed in his heart, but he didn't dare to tell Colin the truth, so he said, "Colin, don't be angry, let me take this matter to me. I will go to the power company. Ask."

As he said, Danny had rushed out of the martial arts hall and went straight to the RAND Group.

"I don't know if Ward's things are done."

Danny murmured to himself, but the phone rang, and when he saw it, it was Ward's phone.

Danny answered the phone and immediately said, "Ward, am I looking for you?"

"Then you just came to the company, there are several procedures in the company that you need to handle."

Ward said immediately.

"Okay, see you at the company."

Danny hung up the phone.

Soon after, Danny came downstairs to Landhaus.

"I want to see Ward."

Danny said.

The company's front desk was still the black girl. This time he saw Danny immediately stood up and showed a flattering smile. "Mr. Danny was really sorry last time, I don't know your identity."

"That's nothing. This time, I can go in." Danny asked.

"Of course, you can certainly go in. Mr. Ward is waiting for you upstairs."

As the black girl said, she came out of the front desk and led Danny personally to the elevator.

"Keep off, this is Mr. Ward's guest."

The black girl let the staff spread out and then pressed the elevator button.

The employees on the side of the company all showed doubts, whispering to each other, guessing Danny's identity.


Soon after, the elevator door opened and Danny stepped up.

Danny walked into the elevator, but found that everyone was standing outside the door, and didn't go in, so he said, "Why don't everyone come in?"

"You are a distinguished guest of Mr. Ward, please go up first."

The black girl pressed the elevator button, the elevator started directly, and closed the elevator doors.

"Hey, who was that man just now?"

"What is his identity, he treats the bosses one by one, and rides an elevator alone?"


When Danny left, the crowd asked.

"That was Danny Rand, the son of the founder of the Rand Group, and the true successor of the group."

The black girl introduced.

"Danny Rand? Isn't he dead?"

"Yes, it seems that the plane crashed."

The black girl shook her head and said, "I used to think that he was dead. Even before he found the group, I thought he was a lunatic.

But now it proves that he is really Danny Rand, the survivor of the plane crash. "

"Survivor of the plane crash, he is really lucky."

"It's more than luck. It will inherit the entire RAND Group upon return. It is simply God's darling."

"Mr. Danny doesn't look too big, he shouldn't have a girlfriend yet."

"As far as your Mr. Danny looks at you, find me and find me."

"Bah, stinky shameless."

There was a lot of discussion, and they all showed envy, and some women even fought for jealousy.


In the lobby, Danny couldn't hear him. He sat in the elevator and kept going all the way to the 45th floor.

"Mr. Danny, Mr. Ward is inside."

The secretary saw Danny and immediately greeted him with a big smile, ushering Danny in, which was completely different from the last time.

Soon, Danny came to Ward's office, there were many people in the office.

Ward and Joey are there, in addition to some company employees.

"Danny, I didn't expect that you really came back."

Joey walked over with a smile and hugged Danny.

"I was really sorry last time. We didn't believe you, but because there have been many scammers posing as your identity over the years.

But this time my brother sent someone to investigate, it was indeed you, Danny. "

Joey explained.

Obviously, Ward did not tell Joy the truth.

"Yes, I know."

Danny nodded slightly and looked at Ward again.

"Ward, how are you?" Danny said with concern.

"I'm okay." Ward smiled slightly and went straight to the point. "The Rand Group is your father. Now you come back and transfer it to your name."

I have prepared the contract and formalities. Come over and have a look, and sign if there is no problem. "

Danny immediately walked up and checked them one by one.

The company belonged to his father and now falls under his name in a legacy way.

After reading Danny, he signed his name and became the largest shareholder of the RAND Group.

Of course, Danny doesn't understand management, so it's a shopkeeper.

After Danny signed, the staff around left.

Ward asked Danny to sit down and asked, "By Danny, what are you doing with me?"

"It's like Danny showed embarrassment, said, "I owed a lawyer a lawyer's fee before I went to jail, and I broke some boss's things before. I need to compensate some money, about Looks like tens of thousands. "

"Tens of tens of thousands?" Ward and Joey glanced at each other and smiled. "With your current company's shares, even if you don't work, tens of millions are credited every month."

"But I want it now." Danny smiled bitterly.

Wuguan owed 30,000 electricity bills and was cut off.

"Then pay you some salary first."

Ward wrote a cheque with his hand, which was 30 million.

"I heard that you don't have a place to live. You can use this money to buy a house and a car.

By the way, I heard that you work in the martial arts hall. The martial arts house is actually owned by the RAND Group. "Joey said.

"That house belongs to the RAND Group?" Danny blinked, feeling all the problems solved.

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