Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 174: 3 views to be positive

   Chapter 174

   "You don't know, it must be Harold using your name to find the killer." After Danny guessed the answer, he said angrily: "Take me to see Harold."

   "Harold? Harold is dead." Ward said quickly.

   "Still lie to me, Harold is on the 46th floor."

  Danny punched **** the back of the seat. With a click, the powerful force directly penetrated the back of the seat.

   " know." Ward was terrified and quickly said: "Okay, okay, I'll take you to find it."

"get off."

   Under Danny's order, Ward could only get off the car.

  Danny put his gun in his arms, followed Ward to the elevator, first went to the 45th floor, then got off the elevator, came to the office, pushed open the bookshelf, and a hidden elevator appeared in the back.

   There are only two buttons in the elevator, one is up and the other is down.

   Ward pressed the upward elevator, and the elevator immediately started and went to the 46th floor.

   "There is a camera in the elevator, you have been found, but I have installed Xuanjia, which should be no problem."

  Qi Xiaosheng reminded.

  Danny looked up and found that there was a camera flashing a red light in the corner.

   "Harold is very careful."

  Danny said in a deep voice, the elevator also stopped, and with a ding, the elevator doors opened. Starting

   entered the scene, is a middle-aged man holding a gun, the man's muzzle is facing Danny.


  Danny saw Harold, his fists clenched, and his face was twisted.

   "Ward, come here."

  Harold ordered.

   Ward quickly came out and questioned angrily: "You really sent someone to kill Danny? You also used my name? Do you know that the police will know and will arrest your son."

   "Relax, the police also have me. Your accusation is erased. The gangster entered the cell and someone will deal with him naturally." Harold said it was natural to kill.

   "It's really you who did it. You've gone too far for so many years. It's no longer the father I know." Ward shouted.

  He had always been a puppet of Harold. After so many years, he had been fed up. At this moment, he was stimulated and a move broke out.

   "It's all hand cooperation that will let me do it, otherwise we will all die, and I am also protecting everyone." Harold explained, then ignored the collapsed Ward, but looked at Danny.

   He tapped the room slightly with a gun and motioned for Danny to come out.

   "Why did you kill my parents? When you guys are the best partners."

  Danny slowly walked out of the elevator and questioned.

   "This can't blame me, only your father is too stubborn to blame.

   At that time, your father was too stubborn and refused to cooperate with the hand meeting, which would be removed by the hand meeting.

   To be precise, I didn’t kill your parents, things were done by the hands together.

  Hands together is the real murderer. "

  Harold explained seriously.

   "Really you did it." Although Danny had already heard the Holy Emperor said, but after all, there was no formal confirmation. After Harold himself admitted at this moment, he finally believed completely.

   "This can't blame me. At that time, I was terminally ill, and all doctors declared death to me. The newest 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile phone terminal: https:/

  However, the hand meeting can save me.

   I do all this just to save my life. "

  Harold played an emotional card,

   "You know, I have a very good relationship with your father, and I just betrayed his itinerary. I mistakenly thought that the hand club would only catch them and let it go and threatened and let it go. I didn't expect the hand club to kill.

   Actually, I paid the price.

   For more than ten years, I can't leave here one step, completely a prisoner.

  Now, the hand meeting is even more excessive. He wants to completely swallow your father's company.

   Therefore, what you have to do now is not to kill me, but to help me fight the hand together, otherwise the RAND Group that your father started with one hand will be annexed by the hand together. "

  Harold finished, even put down the pistol, revealing a sincere look.

   "Danny, I will announce later that Danny Land is back alive. This is a miracle. I believe many of your father's old friends will be very happy."

  Harold spread his arms and made a new hug gesture.

   After listening to these words, Danny really showed his intolerance and sympathy.

   "Too foolish."

   Qi Xiaosheng stayed in Danny's mind, and the virtual body formed by Jing Yuan Qi couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

  Harold's whitewashed remarks seemed very reasonable and miserable, but if you think about it carefully, the three views are very crooked.

   In order to survive, one person can kill another person. What is the twisted three views?

   However, Danny was really fooled and wanted to give up the appearance of revenge.

   "Hey, Danny! What's wrong with your three views?"

  Harold's remarks, what is the difference from killing another person who has no need to change his heart and take another heart?

   Also, he said so much, the ultimate goal is to use you, use your father's previous contacts against the hand meeting, and protect his current property and status only. "

  Qi Xiaosheng reminded.

  Qi Xiaosheng awakened the dreamer with a sentence, and Danny immediately woke up.

   "Hmm, you almost got fooled." Danny's eyes reappeared, and he walked directly to Harold. "I'm going to kill you and avenge my father."

  Harold's expression dimmed, and he continued to aim at Danny with his gun.

   "I said so much, if you don't understand, then don't blame me."

   The kind color of Harold's pretense completely disappeared, and a cold color appeared on his face.


   Ward wanted to stop him. He still has a conscience and humanity. He doesn't want to see his childhood playmates being shot.

   However, his block was obviously had already shot.

  Harold's finger moved slightly and pulled the trigger.

   For many years, he has been worried that the hand meeting will cross the river to dismantle the bridge, so he has been practicing self-reported marksmanship, so the marksmanship is accurate.


   popped out of the hall and shot Dani's forehead with great precision.


   The bullet was bounced off Danny's forehead, but he did not shoot through Danny's head.

   "God, what is the situation?"

  Harold was shocked and fired a few more shots in a hurry.

   Bang Bang.

  The bullets fired continuously, but none of them penetrated Danny's head, but flew out.

   This is the power of Xuanjia, blocking seven or eight rounds of bullets in a row, but the consumption of Xuanjia is not much, and its internal energy is still sufficient.

  The effect of Xuanjia is amazing, and the stored energy is also very sufficient. Even if you reach the battlefield, Danny can survive in the rain of bullets.

   "Oh my god, I am not afraid of bullets, just like Hulk and Thor."

  Harold was stunned.


   At this time, Danny had rushed over, grabbed Harold's neck with his right hand, and pressed him against the wall.

  Although Danny is kind-hearted, he also wants to kill people under anger and hatred.

   "Don't kill my father." Ward dissuaded again, but Danny directly pushed away.

  As he continued to do so, Qi Xiaosheng also stopped him.

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