Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 172: Xuanjia

   Chapter 172

   "Because you are the heir of the RAND Group, your return will affect Ward's position in the company.

  At the same time, you also questioned the death of your parents. Once the police investigate, Ward and his father may be in trouble. First launch https://https://

   So, they sent someone to kill you. "

   Qi Xiaosheng analyzed.

   "They are so ruthless, it's not enough to kill my parents. They still have to kill me."

  Danny's worldview collapsed.


   At this time, the sound of the siren sounded, but the sound of the shot alarmed the neighbors nearby, who chose to call the police.

  The police came to the scene, heard the two explain, and immediately took Danny away.

  Colin was also taken away as a witness.

  Because there were witnesses, the gangster also admitted the crime, and the incident was very clear.

   However, the police officer did not let Danny leave.

   "Why can't I go? Isn't the matter clear? I'm just defending." Danny asked.

   "Even so, it is necessary to go through the process, and you do not have identity documents, the origin is unknown, we think you are an illegal immigrant."

   "Did I say that? My name is Danny Lander, I am really Danny Lander."

  Danny said helplessly.

   "According to the information, Danny Lander died in a plane crash."

   police officer said.

   "I am not dead, I am still alive, just living abroad for more than ten years?"

   "Exile overseas? Are you saying that, like Robinson, can you show up on a desert island and come back?" the police officer smiled.

   "Although it is not a desert island, it is similar." Danny is very honest.

   As a result of honesty, he was temporarily detained by the police officer to investigate his identity.

   "Danny, don't worry, I will find a lawyer to help you."

  Colin finished his confession, comforted Danny before leaving, and also bought some bread for Danny's belly.

   "Well, it's really trouble you. I didn't expect that I have caused you a lot of trouble before I went to work." Danny smiled bitterly.

   "This is not to blame you." Colin shook his head, said goodbye to Danny, and was then put into the cell where the police station temporarily held the prisoner.

   The public security nearby is very chaotic, and there are already a few people in the cell.

   One of them was tall, lying alone on a bench, apparently the elder brother in the cell. There were a few others sitting on the other one, and instead of having a seat, two others were pinching legs for the elder brother.

   "Yo, a new kid? What did you do?"

  The elder brother of the cell immediately saw Danny and asked.

   "Kill." Danny told the truth.


   This time, Brother's smile disappeared, revealing awe.

   are criminals, but murderers are much more fierce and dreadful.

   "Murder? What a joke, the murderer is a repeat offender, how could he be kept here." The elder brother of the cell quickly recovered calm, and the atmosphere said: "Fuck, elder brother asked you, but you fooled me."

  The eldest brother in the cell immediately approached Danny and raised his hand to fight.


   Danny squeezed the arm of the big hand of the cell, the two looked at the upper and lower body disparity, but Danny exerted his strength, the big brother of the cell screamed suddenly.

   "Hey, what are you doing? This is the police station, be honest."

   police officer came with a baton, knocked on the prison door, and warned.

  Danny put aside the arm of the cell boss and walked to the bench made by the cell brother, nibbling the bread.

  When Danny finished eating the bread, Qi Xiaosheng said: "Danny, you were shot without me today."

   "Thank you for your help," said Danny.

   "I'm not asking you to thank me, but to help you prepare some means to block the bullet."

   "Oh? What can block the bullet?"

   "It's not something, it's formation.

  Forget it, you don’t understand it. You will endure for a while, don’t resist. "

  Qi Xiaosheng said while releasing his spiritual power, and began to form his body on Danny.

  He used the texture of the tortoise on the immortal gold body, combined with the Qiankun fighting power of the Daqian dynasty, to create a set of formations.

   This set of formation defense is very good, not to mention ordinary pistols, even sniper rifles can defend.

   So, Qi Xiaosheng began to describe the formation on Danny.

  He only has mental strength, which is not enough. It needs to mobilize Danny's true energy, which requires Danny's cooperation.

   However, Danny's true energy is very small. After it is cleaned, he can only wait for Danny to run into the sky and absorb energy from the heavens and earth.

   It was like this, it took a full night, when the sun rose, Qi Xiaosheng finished the portrayal.

   "It's over."

   Qi Xiaosheng breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although using Danny's true energy, it takes a lot of energy to describe the formation.

   Therefore, when the formation of this array was completed, Qi Xiaosheng's spirit strength was fully consumed by 20%.

  The 20% of the mental energy consumed cannot be recovered, and can only be recovered after the physical body is recovered.

   "Although it consumes 20% of the power, it is once and for all, and I don’t need any general attacks in the future."

   Qi Xiaosheng was very satisfied.

   "Is it ready?"

  Danny sensed it carefully, and found that there was an extra layer on the back, as if it were a layer of barrier.

  He reached out and touched it, but found that he could not touch it at all, only that he felt some weird texture on the back.

"I gave you a layer of black armor. It won’t turn on on weekdays. The energy shrinks on your back. Once attacked, black armor will automatically turn on, covering the whole body. It has strong defense, even if the sniper rifles are all Can block it.

At the same time, this layer of black armor can continuously absorb the power between heaven and earth without consuming your own true Of course, if the energy is exhausted, you need your own true energy support, otherwise the black armor will be Will dissipate and need to re-accumulate energy.

   Although it is a layer of barrier, it is very peculiar and belongs to space energy. Even if it is turned on, you can still feel everything from the outside world, and it will not close your perception and affect your battle. "

   Qi Xiaosheng introduced.

   "Can even the sniper rifle be blocked? So strong? And it can automatically sense the attack and defend." Danny showed his excitement and couldn't wait to prepare for the experiment.

   "Who is that, come here."

  Danny looked at the cell boss.

  After being ousted yesterday, he could only hide aside.

"What do you want to do."

  The boss of the prison cell said in a deep voice.

   "Come here and punch me."

   Danny said immediately.

   "Punch you?"

  The boss of the cell was slightly surprised, and he heard the request for the first time.

   "What do you want to do? Do you want to frame me?" The boss of the cell looked at the policemen around him.

   "Why? You don't have the guts to punch me? Rest assured, I won't fight back." Danny said in a deep voice.

   "Hum, fight for yourself, then don't blame me."

  The boss of the cell looked dark and walked over directly.

   "This is what you asked me to fight, don't blame me afterwards."

   "Relax, you are done."


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