Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 147: Magic Sword 9 Dragon

Chapter 147:

  The border between Dagan Dynasty and Yaoguo, Qi Xiaosheng took Zhao Yuanping, Xiaoxue and a group of troops back from Yaoguo.

   As soon as they arrived here, they directly came to the base camp of the demon country's troops. They were immediately attacked by the seven princes of the demon country and dozens of demon kings.

In anger, Qi Xiaosheng not only escaped, but instead urged the dominance, strengthened his commanding power, and rushed directly to kill the demon kingdom prince.

   Qi Xiaosheng returned from Fengyun World, showing his fierce skills for the first time.

Wu Wang Liuzhong's strength was fully demonstrated. He alone led Zhao Yuanping, Xiaoxue and others to kill a seven-in and seven-out in the demon base camp. The killed prince of the demon kingdom was frightened, led the team to flee, and was anxious to branch People from all over returned to escort.

  The prince of the demon kingdom fled, but Qi Xiaosheng refused to be spared. He wanted to avenge more than twenty brothers who died.

   So, he chased down the demon kingdom prince all the way and killed the demon kingdom.

  When the big emperor used Qiankun's mirror image to look at Qi Xiaosheng, Qi Xiaosheng was chasing and killing the demon king of the demon kingdom at the border of the demon kingdom, and was not in the territory of the emperor, so the Qiankun mirror image could not be seen at all.

   Eventually, the Seventh Prince of the Demon Kingdom died under his sword, and then he returned with a guard.

   Of course, he humiliated the territory of the demon from the border of Dagan, too deep, and fell into the encirclement.

   At this moment, the demon kings who came back from all over the world heard that the demon king was cut off, and they were all angry. More than 100 demon kings killed Qi Xiaosheng.

   Killed a few in and out, even if Qi Xiaosheng is powerful, at this moment, he feels that Dan Tian Qihai is lacking, and his true energy is unsustainable.

   "Yuan Ping, Xiao Xue, you be careful, I want to take a break."

   Qi Xiaosheng urged the bronze sword to attack, guarding the formation and avoiding too much consumption.

  At the same time, the sword lily in his body works, engulfing the energy of the surrounding world and restoring the true qi in the body.

  Most people can't recover their vitality in battle, but Qi Xiaosheng is different.

He used the engulfing power of the Holy Lotus Sword Sutra, and the energy of the world was madly captured; at the same time, after he scanned the code, he had a powerful aura absorption ability, just like a large gathering aura in the body, absorbing the aura Ability has been improved several times.

   Therefore, Qi Xiaosheng urged the bronze sword to attack, a part of the true Qi was lost in the body, but the true Qi recovered more, which is more exaggerated than the perpetual motion machine.

   Grand Palace.

  Daganhuang and others just saw the scene of Qi Xiaosheng being besieged.

"The Great Han Saint Emperor actually entered the territory of the Demon Kingdom. At a young age, he was so brave." The disciples of the Rong family raved. "Look at the head of the Great Han Saint Emperor's waist. The head wears the demon crown, but it is the demon prince. The symbol, he actually slammed into the territory of the demon country, and he killed the demon prince from the Wanjun, which is awesome."

"Although he is brave, he is also impulsive. Now he is surrounded by more than one hundred kings of martial arts, and it is difficult to survive. Unfortunately, such a hero, if he comes to the military, the military will definitely focus on training, and he will become a disciple of the inner door. Known as a general of thousands of enemies." The military disciple sighed and deeply regretted.

   "Not only the Holy Emperor of Han Dynasty, but also the performance of the two beside him.

   and his subordinate soldiers, I have seen it before, but the martial artists are eighth and ninth, but now they are all brave and warlike, just like Wuzong, and they don’t know how to improve so much. "

   "My soldiers have some battle formations, which can enhance the combat power. Compared with the Holy Emperor, this method is also used.

  However, I haven't mastered the art yet, and I haven't seen how the Chinese emperor of the Han Dynasty used the Chinese battle array. "

   disciple of the soldiers curious.

   "It turned out to be the effect of battle formations. No wonder the soldiers of the Han Dynasty are so brave and their fighting power has increased several times." Everyone suddenly realized.

  However, they were misled by the military disciples.

  Qi Xiaosheng didn't use battles at all, but used dominance.

   After extracting Mujia Tieqi, Dagan Yulin Army, Yaozu Army, etc., Qi Xiaosheng's dominance once again climbed to 97 points, and everyone's combat power increased by nearly ten times.

   "If this group of soldiers can come back, it is worth cultivating."

   One of the disciples of the Zhongzhou family said suddenly, but everyone did not refute.

   This is because under the leadership of the Holy Emperor, the Han soldiers were too eye-catching.

  The more people praise and the more discussion, the more gloomy the emperor looks.

  Because in his opinion, these praises, these glory should have belonged to the Dagan emperor.

   "Kill, kill him, the prince is dead, you must kill him, otherwise we will go back and the sovereign will surely kill us and bury the prince."

   "Kill it, or not only die yourself, the whole family will be buried together."

  The demon soldiers shouted, completely crazy.

  The demon kingdom is more cruel than the human kingdom, and its rank is strict, and half of the demon clan will also feed on the weak demon clan.

  The seven princes of the demon kingdom died in battle, but it was under their guardianship. If they could not kill the enemies to avenge the prince, these people would become food for powerful monsters, and even the clan would be implicated. It was very cruel.

   So now it is not just more than a hundred demon kings, even the weak demon soldiers are rushing to kill.

For a short time, Qi Xiaosheng and others could not escape.

   "The Holy Emperor of Han Dynasty must not stay, otherwise it will become a problem.

   Simply, he couldn't survive. "

   The big emperor felt a little better when he saw this.

  However, among the pictures in Qiankun's mirror picture, the Han emperor suddenly took out the ordinary sword.

   This sword has a strange shape, the body of the sword is dark, there is blood surging in the blood grooves on both sides, and there is a cobweb-like snow on the body of the sword.

   This sword has just appeared, and everyone has not fully seen it. The picture of Qian Kun's mirror image suddenly blurs, and the clouds are misty above it, and there is a picture of collapse.

"what's going on"

   "Don't be distracted by the emperor, seriously promote Qiankun's mirror image."

   Everyone complained that the big emperor was distracted, which made the picture of Qian Kun's mirror picture blurred.

  However, the emperor knew that it was not for this reason, but that there was a powerful force, a power higher than Qiankun's mirror image interfered with the picture.

"What exactly is it"

  The emperor tried his best to urge Qiankun to look at the mirror image, but found that the picture was still

Among the blurry pictures, only the sound of screaming, in the chaotic killing.

   "Brother, why did you kill me."

   "The Mori Pig Demon King has betrayed, everyone be careful."

   "It is the magic sword, it is his magic sword that can control the soul, he controls everyone."

   "Damn mouse, dare to bite me."

   "Snake, a lot of poisonous snakes."

   disciples of Rong family and soldiers listened carefully. Although they could not see the picture, they could imagine a picture of killing each other.

  After a long time, the picture of Qian Kun's mirror image was restored.

A shocking scene appeared in the picture.

   I saw the dead bodies around the Han emperor of Han Dynasty, and the bodies of the demon clan fell to the ground, piled up on the ground, and piled up into mountains. According to preliminary estimates, there were tens of thousands of demon clan corpses.

  The demon army, the whole army was destroyed, and none of them survived, even the few powerful demon kings died in it.

   "Look, there are many snakes, worms, and ants on the corpse of the demon, and even these snakes, worms, and ants are controlled and attacking the demon."

   "Magic Sword, what kind of magic sword can make the demon clan kill each other, and can control the snake, insect, rat and ant"

   "Killed ten thousand people, everyone else was pale, squatted on the ground and vomited, but the Han emperor turned a blind eye, was born cold-blooded, or was used to life and death"

   A lot of visitors from Zhongzhou were discussing, and they all felt a chill.

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