Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 133: I am the Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 133:

   "Call Yuan Ping, Li Mu, and my nine sisters, yes, succubus, mad devil, etc. also come together."


  Xiaoxue immediately left, and soon after, he brought the crowd over.

   "There is a blood bodhi here, you can improve your skill if you take it. There is also dragon scale armor, which is given to you as an armor."

   Qi Xiaosheng took out the blood bodhi and gave each one to Zhao Yuanping, Xiaoxue, Li Mu, Qi Yun'er, succubus, mad demon, child demon, and force demon.

  He has a lot of blood bodhi, but everyone can only take one Cabernet Sauvignon.

   Everyone took the blood bodhi and immediately sat down cross-legged and began to refine the power.

  The blood bodhi contains the skill of Yijiazi, which is very good.

  After the people were sober, their skills had skyrocketed, and the level of blood was raised by one weight, reaching the realm of Wuwang 2nd. Zhao Yuanping also broke through in one breath and was able to step into the realm of Wuwang.

   Succubus, Mad Demon and others are also the great consummation of Wuzong.

  Li Mu and Qi Yun'er have the lowest strength, but they have reached the level of Wuzong.

   "Crazy Demon, I promised you to help you resolve mental problems, and I will help you now."

   Qi Xiaosheng injected the blood of the two-headed black emperor python into the mad demon according to the agreement.

   Suddenly, the mad demon's body changed, and a part of his body grew out of scales, and a head grew on his shoulder.

  Crazy demons have two personalities, one is evil and brutal, and the other is a normal person. They have been in conflict before, fighting for dominance. At this moment, the two spiritual forces are living in two heads.

   "Yes, I can speak at any time, I am me."

   A demon head is overjoyed, and his voice is mad.

   "Thank you Master." Another head of the mad demon was polite and thanked immediately.

   "The bloodline has just merged and has not yet stabilized and adapted. You go down first and go to retreat."


   The demon also knew the situation, and immediately took a set of dragon scale armor and retreated.

   "Yuanping, there are general swords here, it's not bad, for you to use."

   Qi Xiaosheng took out the sword of defeat.

   "Thank you Master."

   Zhao Yuanping is overjoyed, but this is a Class B weapon, which is very good and can be used as the seventh sword heart.

After   , Qi Xiaosheng took out the remaining dragon scale armor and let Li Mu distribute it to the trusted generals for their use.

  Dragonscale armor is a C-level defense, and the effect is good, but Qi Xiaosheng has an immortal golden body, and the defensive strength has reached the C level. The dragonscale armor is completely useless to him.

   After sending away the demon and others one by one, only Qi Yun'er was left in the secret room.

   "Yun'er, then my brother will send you to a peculiar place to practice, where is the year, the outside is also a day."

   "There is such a magical place"

   Qi Yun'er was surprised.

   "You will know when you go."

   Qi Xiaosheng nodded seriously, then took out the Tiger Soul Sword, and said, "This knife is a Class B weapon, you can use it."

   "This knife is too ugly."

  Qi Yun'er doesn't like it.

   This knife is not really ugly, but it is too big and too fierce to match her personality.

   "Reluctantly use it, and replace it when there is a better one later."

  Qi Xiaosheng put the Tiger Soul Sword into Qi Yun'er's hands.

   Subsequently, he taught Qi Yun'er a set of swordsmanship, but it was the evil king ten robbery. The evil king ten robbers combined the magic knife seven robbers, seven shock changes, and other knife methods, and is also a set of s-class martial arts.

   He also taught Qi Yuner a set of self-defense method, which was created based on the immortal golden body, also called the immortal golden body. In addition, there are also improved versions of Hundred Heavens, which were also taught to Qi Yun'er, allowing him to quickly improve his strength.

   "This is what you are about to travel to the world, you record in your heart."

  Qi Shengsheng's palms pressed against Qi Yun'er's head, injecting Fengyun's plot into her mind.

   While Qi Yun'er was watching the plot, Qi Xiaosheng pondered, and then extracted his own two thousand years of Shou Yuan and injected it into Qi Yun'er's body.

  He was worried that Qi Yun'er would die for too long in the Fengyun world, so he injected Qi Yuner with a lot of life.

   lapsed two thousand years of life, Qi Xiaosheng still has three thousand years, still very sufficient.

   "After Qi Yuner opened his eyes and digested all the plots, Qi Xiaosheng urged the power of reincarnation and opened the reincarnation channel."

   "Ding, consume a force of reincarnation, and open the world of Fengyun.

   The host can enter on its own or send the samsara under its control to enter. "

  Qi Xiaosheng let Qi Yuner step into the reincarnation channel.

   "Ding, it is detected that the reincarnation has entered the world without a record, please choose the time point and identity of the host."

   "When entering the beginning of the situation, the identity is a free identity."

   "Ding, start from the beginning of the situation.

  The reincarnation Qi Yun'er entered the Fengyun World, the time point is the starting time, and his status is an ordinary martial artist in the Fengyun World. "

   "Ding, ask the host to choose the task to be performed by the reincarnation."

   "Become the strongest in the world."

  Qi Xiaosheng set a goal for Qi Yun'er.

   Almost Qi Xiaosheng finished, Qi Yun'er was reminded in the Fengyun World.

   "Become the strongest to leave. According to the information of the seventh brother, the strongest here is a guy named Xiao Sanxiao. He is an old monster that has lived for 4,000 years."

  Qi Yun'er swallowed a sip of water and felt the task was difficult.

   "Defeat an old monster that has lived for four thousand years. I won't be trapped in this world all my life."

  Qi Yun'er held her fist and thought hard. After a long time, she chose a direction and walked quickly.

  The outside world, Qi Xiaosheng can observe all the changes in Fengyun World.

  He saw Qi Yun'er heading to a mountain village and got a fate knife.

   Destiny Sword is a treasure sword of Wu Wudi's family. It is a pair of hostile weapons with Great Evil King, carrying its own destiny.

   "Obtaining the Destiny can get the inheritance of the Destiny Sword, but in this way, it is destined to be the enemy of the great evil king.

  However, Jiumei herself possesses the evil king Ten Tribulation, which may be different. "

   Qi Xiaosheng continued to observe.

  Obtained the Destiny Sword, Qi Yun'er began to retreat, and practiced the Four Wonders of Heaven and the Ten Kings of Evil King.

  It was one year after the great achievement, and Qi Yun'er went out and started walking.

   At this time, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun had been born, and the two hosts of the world would be famous.

  Qi Yuner defeated Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun as soon as he was born, and instantly became famous.

   paid attention, Qi Xiaosheng withdrew his gaze.

  Qi Yun'er doesn't have a barcode scanning system. Although he has the horror martial arts such as Hun Tian Si Ju, which can improve his skills by swallowing heaven and earth and wonders, Xiao San Xiao also has Hyun Tian Si Ju.

   "It is estimated that Jiumei will not be able to come out in a year and a half."

   Qi Xiaosheng estimated.

  The Xuanwu continent is a year and a half old, and the Fengyun World is a hundred years old. This is still his conservative estimate.

   However, Qi Xiaosheng sent Qi Yuan's life for 2,000 years, but he didn't care about it.

   "In the future to win more power of reincarnation, I am equivalent to a reincarnation master.

   However, depending on the seizure, it won't last for a long time, but we still have to find a way to cultivate the power of reincarnation by ourselves. "

   Qi Xiaosheng set a long-term goal.

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